"So if the only standard for success is WoW type numbers, then WoW is the only "successful" mmo ever made. Give me a break. "
Ermm, looks like you are perfectly right. In my mmorpg experience only WoW was "successful", "has content from start".
WoW it is still WoW , but WoW is playable and gives fun (till you are sick about WoW :P ) .
AoC, Warhammer, Aion, Spellborn etc. (FTP not icluded). Are you going call it Games? No it was just lame due engines, lack of content, tarded publishers and so on.
People wanna Game not some sad joke. Another thing. We are humans not insects. Lets say "asian" way of gaming stinks.
Aion's not failing as a game, it's stabilizing. As others have already commented, the people who left the game are those who were lured by the new, shiny thing only to realize it wasn't their cup of tea. I've downloaded, installed and uninstalled more games than some will play in a lifetime; that doesn't mean they were bad, it just means they weren't for me. Guild Wars for instance, was not a game I enjoyed very much. The success of the game speaks for itself, but after beating a campaign I ignored the game until a new campaign came out.
Aion is not for everyone. It's a pretty casual, easy game until level 30, and that's when it gets difficult. Level 30 is when crafting becomes serious and complex, when teams are necessary for many quests, when the PvP becomes merciless, etc. It's a ~hard~ game and most gamers don't like that level of challenge. That is NOT an insult, that's just the way it is. Most players don't like losing, and a game that humbles you can be a bit much for them to take.
I'm trying not to be condescending when I say this, but it's not a game you'll breeze through. You can reach level cap within a couple of months (many, many people have) but leveling is just a small part of the game. Crafting and perfecting your gear can take many months on top of that, possibly the better part of your whole year depending on your luck. That's what the game was made to be, and that system appeals to players who want to stick to a game for a long time and have something to constantly work toward.
An issue I will concede to however, is the PvP. PvP is extremely unbalanced (Clerics/Spiritmasters are the top of the food chain, Clerics being first) flying combat is rather weak due to flight timers, and just one level difference between you and your target can mean they'll dodge/resist everything you throw at them (once again unless you're a Cleric, at which time you'll probably still outlast them). I however, don't really care about PvP, so how bad it is is irrelevant to me. I only PvP if I am attacked first, otherwise I go about my gaming experience.
That being said, Party PvP is some of the most fun I've had in any game, ever. The downfalls of a class' solo PvP abilities are rendered pretty moot when you're in a team, and then the terrain is much more even. Large scale PvP is a laggy mess, but man is it fun.
EDIT: just to address the above poster, saying WoW is the only successful MMO is pure trash that completely discredits your opinions. There were MMOs before WoW and there will be MMOs after it. Claiming games like Ultima, Everquest, etc., were not successful is naive, and a purely blind notion.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
Originally posted by Alders . Don't even get me started on the ridiculous Fenris/Miragents quest line at 50 that has had more people quit over than anything. It should have never been introduced into the game to begin with.
Honestly, it's a single step in the entire line that's anything worthy enough to complain about. If you get lucky on that, you can end up doing the entire line in 1-2 weeks of relatively casual play, for a very nice full gold set of armor + a weapon. Yeah, easy solo questing your way to gear progression past 50... such a damn grind this game is, and they make you do it right after straight questing up to 50!
That's the problem right there. It's an easily questable set that makes instance gear and craftable gear obsolete. Giving away the second best armor set in the game purely based on your luck of crafting an item needed is poor design. I've been 50 for months now and still cannot get lucky on my HHOM.
If you're going to implement a set of this nature, purely based on quests, then make it difficult while eliminating the luck factor. Again, i'm used to having to wait years for gear of this nature in my previous game, so i'm not used to instant gratification. I just feel that this quest was not thought out very well.
Many people left the game because of the spammers and bots (me included). It was so bad on the server I was on that you would have to go for hours just to finish 1 quest because you had to fight for mobs from the bots (who were usually glads and could out dps my templar).
Aion in general is an "ok" game, not great, not even "good", just ok. Most of the developers in Korea and most of the people here in Seattle at NCSoft west left the company due to politics of the developers not listening. They now are working at a company called Bluehole making Terra, another MMO game. This might explain why the customer service has been non-existent and why the patches/new stuff is so few and far between.
I'm not sure what's happening but the latest MMOs have been failures (contiuing with STO right now) because companies are rushing their games to market.
Anyone saying WoW didn't bring new things is just wrong. The biggest thing they brought to the market on day 1 was ease of use/accessibility. No other MMO at the time was as easy for newbies to play. Sure it still has it's flaws (I quit playing almost a year ago due to boredom) but it's level of polish is very high, exactly what you'd expect from a Blizzard game.
It is not exaggerated. AION economy is similar to Zibabwe with serious inflation. If you want to do crafting from lv1 up to lv30 or up to crafting level over 399 to craft some green or blue items. You need a few millions of Kinah. If you want to do all crafting, prepare for 12 millions Kinah. It is not including your armors ...etc. You will be heavily relied on Auction House and then buying gold.
If you think you could grinding all of your own crafting materials, Kinah, I'd tell you don't even think about it. You need too many of them to craft one item because failure rate is very high. You may lucky to craft one character but you wont get all for all characters.
I could make some Kinah from crafting but it takes too much time in such boring crafting all day.
There are too many reasons about why I quit. Economy was just only one reason that you will never overcome except if you want to buy gold.
And don't forget. AION is a game integrated with BOTs and Goldsellers. They are part of the contents.
I still haven't canceled my account, but I haven't been playing. My main gripe is that it can take forever to find PvP. I don't enjoy flying around for 15 minutes to find PvP. I also don't enjoy rifting and killing bots (mostly). It was fun at first, but it's annoying now. I feel as if I'm wasting time searching for PvP.
I also didn't like Dregion. I was excited when I could first enter it. I soon found out the assassins role was to stealth to these Surkana things and break them. People would yell if I stayed with the rest of the group. I'm sorry but I don't find stealthing to these things and breaking them to be fun at all. Sure I could get a lot of AP this way, but that's pretty boring.
Another thing that really pissed me off was the fact that I actually maxed out a profession, but can't crit an orange piece of gear. I spent many millions of kinah leveling it up. I also spent many millions trying to crit an orange piece. You would thing it was fine because I crafted blue items. The problem is they won't sell for what they're worth, and they won't sell at a low price. The only way to get rid of them is to sell them at extremely low prices.... meaning 0 profit, also meaning setting the price under what you paid for the mats. I've tried to make this thing 6 times and not one of them crit, nor will they sell.
I would agree Aion is a good game but not a great game for the various reasons stated on this topic. Now, while I did play Aion I found it fun as not everything was handed to me easily. I could handle the level grind, the luck bullsh*t for crafting, the constant loss of money, and even the PvP ganking. While these issues were annoying I found I could adapt to them with little trouble and still enjoy the game. Also, I found that while my character could fly, the fact that he couldnt swim was just a little retarded. Now we get to the reason why I left Aion and went back to WoW. It wasn't the game play, it was the sloppy transitioning from play to cutscene. The bugged quests, including the one they apparently forgot to translate into english SO I COULD ACTUALLY READ IT!!! And finally the minor static repeat of sound whenever a movie plays, you'll notice this when you watch the opening cutscene after making a new character. Really, chances are most of you dont find this bothersome or even worth complaining about but things like this happen to annoy me a lot. As it indicates a shoddy lack-luster attention to detail and workmanship, from my point of view. That and the customer service, just terrible...... I played this game from its release up to about a week ago January 23, and didnt bother renewing my sub as I find that if they cannot fix bugged quests, minor transitioning and sound issues, they sure as hell arent fixing anything else. Thus I refuse to give them my money. Now don't get me wrong, I'd love to come back and play Aion just as soon as NC gets there head out their a** and fix these problems that should have never been an issue in the first place. I'm certain many of you are wondering why I stayed to play as long as I did if the said problems bothered me so much. The answer is actually very simple, I thought they were release date bugs and would be fixed with the first couple of patches....I was wrong. Instead they're working on new content instead of fixing the current issues plaguing the game, which I find just flat careless on their part. Also, they dont actually give any useful new's in their periodic address, which I subsequently stuff in an envelope and title "sh*t I already know". From what I read, those of you who have been around the block few times in terms of playing MMO's this kinda thing isn't really new. I hear WoW was much the same way back in the vanilla days and they would of gotten a harsh review from me as well if that was indeed the case. My point is if people are going to pay hard earned money to play a game every month it should be as flawless as possible, with bugs and other issues taken care of as quickly and as humanly possible, then work on new content. Also, yes the game player base is in decline here in the west dont have to go far to see that. Try looking in the lowbie zones, wont see many new characters running around. For those of you who are going to jump at the chance to defend what you believe to be a near perfect game, your stuck in denial. But in all honesty, I do hope they improve Aions current situation as I'd hate to see such a potentially awsome game fall to the wayside. When it came right down to it I could not accept its flaws, even though I found it a fun game. To those of you who can still accept the game and all the issues it has, more power to you, in the end the point is to have fun right?
lvl 47 and haven't come across any buggy quests or translation problems. I play Elyos, were you asmodian ?
Can you elaborate on the "release bugs" and "issues plaguing the game" ?
As a 50 Asmodian I do know of three bugged quests that are missing English files. A high level spy quest starting in Pandaemonium, a single quest in Beluslan, and the 5 scale turn in for DP access in the core. I did know of several other instances of that occuring, like some other Beluslan quests and a Brusthonin manastone turn in, but those were actually fixed months ago. It's not really major since you can easily flip into Korean to do them, and seeing as I've done 723 quests, well, it's a very rare thing you need to do. It's stupid you have to, granted.
And I flat out don't have static during movies playing. I also don't have the faintest idea what a sloppy transitioning to cutscene is. Is that how it's not instantaneous because it has to load the files associated with it, which sometimes are of a different zone altogether, and it tries to go as fast as possible so things kind of fade in after the geometry loads? Eh, whatever.
Hilariously, they have actually fixed plenty of bugs that they don't always mention in patch notes though. At launch the game only supported positional audio in XP, now it works on Vista and 7. If one of my Templar skills procced with my one hander and I swapped to my two hander to use it, the hotkey would be broken and force me to click on it -- now the hotkey works. They added some invisible walls in upper forts so you can't kisk inside the boss room outside of its AOE range. I used to crash almost every fortress siege, well, now I've crashed once in the past few months. Aside from the untranslated quests, these were all much bigger issues than stuff I've never even heard people complain about let alone witness firsthand.
Also, to the guy who said their group yells at them if they don't ninja surkanas... really? My experience is the complete opposite unless the other group is absolutely dominating us. Killing surkanas alone gives all the AP for yourself, screwing the rest of the group out of it. It's incredibly annoying being grouped with a PUG sin that does it, because it's griefing your own team as much as it is the other team! Really wish they'd require the bosses to be dead so you could kill surkanas, or something.
Aion's not failing as a game, it's stabilizing. As others have already commented, the people who left the game are those who were lured by the new, shiny thing only to realize it wasn't their cup of tea. I've downloaded, installed and uninstalled more games than some will play in a lifetime; that doesn't mean they were bad, it just means they weren't for me. Guild Wars for instance, was not a game I enjoyed very much. The success of the game speaks for itself, but after beating a campaign I ignored the game until a new campaign came out.
Aion is not for everyone. It's a pretty casual, easy game until level 30, and that's when it gets difficult. Level 30 is when crafting becomes serious and complex, when teams are necessary for many quests, when the PvP becomes merciless, etc. It's a ~hard~ game and most gamers don't like that level of challenge. That is NOT an insult, that's just the way it is. Most players don't like losing, and a game that humbles you can be a bit much for them to take.
I'm trying not to be condescending when I say this, but it's not a game you'll breeze through. You can reach level cap within a couple of months (many, many people have) but leveling is just a small part of the game. Crafting and perfecting your gear can take many months on top of that, possibly the better part of your whole year depending on your luck. That's what the game was made to be, and that system appeals to players who want to stick to a game for a long time and have something to constantly work toward.
An issue I will concede to however, is the PvP. PvP is extremely unbalanced (Clerics/Spiritmasters are the top of the food chain, Clerics being first) flying combat is rather weak due to flight timers, and just one level difference between you and your target can mean they'll dodge/resist everything you throw at them (once again unless you're a Cleric, at which time you'll probably still outlast them). I however, don't really care about PvP, so how bad it is is irrelevant to me. I only PvP if I am attacked first, otherwise I go about my gaming experience.
That being said, Party PvP is some of the most fun I've had in any game, ever. The downfalls of a class' solo PvP abilities are rendered pretty moot when you're in a team, and then the terrain is much more even. Large scale PvP is a laggy mess, but man is it fun.
EDIT: just to address the above poster, saying WoW is the only successful MMO is pure trash that completely discredits your opinions. There were MMOs before WoW and there will be MMOs after it. Claiming games like Ultima, Everquest, etc., were not successful is naive, and a purely blind notion.
I wish this site had an "I like this" button. This post is a win and you won't get a response back because you make too much sense.
Aion is trimming the fat so to speak. Soon there will be other games to complain about and all the people who don't want to play will be gone. Thats pretty much how most MMO's work. People need to get off the WOW bandwagon and see the truth.
Havent read everything, but a big reason is the overload of bot NCSoft allows, the had it Lineage 1, 2 now in aion, the grinding like you told its either hate or love/like, service ... NCSoft is scared off support lol, maybee they will setup an US or EU office later like they did with L2, maybee a merge of some low populated servers but it wont die. L2 still runs aswell and its bout the same quality so they will keep the pvp fans ^^
All MMO has there 3 months of critical time , if there is going to be a steady flow of subscribers and so on. Aion dident make there 3 months , people are fleeing the game. Me and my uncle,and 5 of my friends have stoped playing the game, and more will come. I personaly think that Aion has about 1 year left before they shutdown there server in they not do somethig dramaticly.
yeah... if not NC then who else know how to unplug MMOs (damn %6##"!&##) yet i dont believe it.. Aion still has alot players...
but - IMO in close future we will see server merge.
Aion's not failing as a game, it's stabilizing. As others have already commented, the people who left the game are those who were lured by the new, shiny thing only to realize it wasn't their cup of tea. I've downloaded, installed and uninstalled more games than some will play in a lifetime; that doesn't mean they were bad, it just means they weren't for me. Guild Wars for instance, was not a game I enjoyed very much. The success of the game speaks for itself, but after beating a campaign I ignored the game until a new campaign came out.
Aion is not for everyone. It's a pretty casual, easy game until level 30, and that's when it gets difficult. Level 30 is when crafting becomes serious and complex, when teams are necessary for many quests, when the PvP becomes merciless, etc. It's a ~hard~ game and most gamers don't like that level of challenge. That is NOT an insult, that's just the way it is. Most players don't like losing, and a game that humbles you can be a bit much for them to take.
I'm trying not to be condescending when I say this, but it's not a game you'll breeze through. You can reach level cap within a couple of months (many, many people have) but leveling is just a small part of the game. Crafting and perfecting your gear can take many months on top of that, possibly the better part of your whole year depending on your luck. That's what the game was made to be, and that system appeals to players who want to stick to a game for a long time and have something to constantly work toward.
An issue I will concede to however, is the PvP. PvP is extremely unbalanced (Clerics/Spiritmasters are the top of the food chain, Clerics being first) flying combat is rather weak due to flight timers, and just one level difference between you and your target can mean they'll dodge/resist everything you throw at them (once again unless you're a Cleric, at which time you'll probably still outlast them). I however, don't really care about PvP, so how bad it is is irrelevant to me. I only PvP if I am attacked first, otherwise I go about my gaming experience.
That being said, Party PvP is some of the most fun I've had in any game, ever. The downfalls of a class' solo PvP abilities are rendered pretty moot when you're in a team, and then the terrain is much more even. Large scale PvP is a laggy mess, but man is it fun.
EDIT: just to address the above poster, saying WoW is the only successful MMO is pure trash that completely discredits your opinions. There were MMOs before WoW and there will be MMOs after it. Claiming games like Ultima, Everquest, etc., were not successful is naive, and a purely blind notion.
I wish this site had an "I like this" button. This post is a win and you won't get a response back because you make too much sense.
Aion is trimming the fat so to speak. Soon there will be other games to complain about and all the people who don't want to play will be gone. Thats pretty much how most MMO's work. People need to get off the WOW bandwagon and see the truth.
There are also people (like me!) who wait until a games been out for a few months before trying it - by then any launch problems are usually sorted and the game will have settled down.. but yes, after 2 - 3 months the floaters have usually moved onto the next thing.. probably STO or GA, they dont tend to stick with games so personally i dont really count them...
There will not be another WoW success for a long time. Devs dreaming about 10+ million subs is just that dreaming. So Aion fell short, instead of growing like WoW did, it's losing subs very rapidly. Aion will be another Lineage, were it's big in Asia, but will be lackluster in NA and Europe. There they like the grindy anime style fighting cutesy mobs.
Really hoping the new FF will not be as grindy as it's original and Aion. Hope they go the route of LOTRO where, you have so much quests it never feels like your mind-numbingly grinding 1000s of mobs to get a level like in Aion.
Really hoping the new FF will not be as grindy as it's original and Aion. Hope they go the route of LOTRO where, you have so much quests it never feels like your mind-numbingly grinding 1000s of mobs to get a level like in Aion.
Oh, so you hope it's like what Aion actually is, not what you guys claim on the forums? Yeah, that'd be pretty cool.
Actually Aions not really dying now, sure people leave, but I still see plenty of non alt newbies in the game and staying, its stabilized and will prolly keep about 200-300k subs
No fly limits. I think a lot of people got angry over that. All the hype with wings etc. Can it be fixed? No, don't think so. Less grind. Better system against farmers and other cheating people. Other games can stop it, so why not the asian games?
One word.. Gameguard. Aion uses and its not even a road block for a hacker. In other words.. No it will not ever be fixed unless they develope their own tools for it.
The game is fine, flying is perfect as is, especially when the PVP is considered. Cheaters farmers will always be present in a game, it took Blizzard years to stop the spammers. Either way farmers don't bother me and I have yet to have them in any way effect my individual game play. Grinding rules, really! I like that it is slow and time consuming its the reason I play the game or for that mater any game.
Originally posted by SlyLoK Originally posted by Binko The secret to keep people in this game are: No fly limits. I think a lot of people got angry over that. All the hype with wings etc. Can it be fixed? No, don't think so. Less grind. Better system against farmers and other cheating people. Other games can stop it, so why not the asian games?
One word.. Gameguard. Aion uses and its not even a road block for a hacker. In other words.. No it will not ever be fixed unless they develope their own tools for it.
When did they bring gameguard back ? To my knowledge they removed it before launch, until they fix all the problems with it.
No fly limits. I think a lot of people got angry over that. All the hype with wings etc. Can it be fixed? No, don't think so. Less grind. Better system against farmers and other cheating people. Other games can stop it, so why not the asian games?
One word.. Gameguard. Aion uses and its not even a road block for a hacker. In other words.. No it will not ever be fixed unless they develope their own tools for it.
Oh dear, didnt you know, NCWest dropped Gameguard a week before release
"So if the only standard for success is WoW type numbers, then WoW is the only "successful" mmo ever made. Give me a break. "
Ermm, looks like you are perfectly right. In my mmorpg experience only WoW was "successful", "has content from start".
WoW it is still WoW , but WoW is playable and gives fun (till you are sick about WoW :P ) .
AoC, Warhammer, Aion, Spellborn etc. (FTP not icluded). Are you going call it Games? No it was just lame due engines, lack of content, tarded publishers and so on.
People wanna Game not some sad joke. Another thing. We are humans not insects. Lets say "asian" way of gaming stinks.
Aion's not failing as a game, it's stabilizing. As others have already commented, the people who left the game are those who were lured by the new, shiny thing only to realize it wasn't their cup of tea. I've downloaded, installed and uninstalled more games than some will play in a lifetime; that doesn't mean they were bad, it just means they weren't for me. Guild Wars for instance, was not a game I enjoyed very much. The success of the game speaks for itself, but after beating a campaign I ignored the game until a new campaign came out.
Aion is not for everyone. It's a pretty casual, easy game until level 30, and that's when it gets difficult. Level 30 is when crafting becomes serious and complex, when teams are necessary for many quests, when the PvP becomes merciless, etc. It's a ~hard~ game and most gamers don't like that level of challenge. That is NOT an insult, that's just the way it is. Most players don't like losing, and a game that humbles you can be a bit much for them to take.
I'm trying not to be condescending when I say this, but it's not a game you'll breeze through. You can reach level cap within a couple of months (many, many people have) but leveling is just a small part of the game. Crafting and perfecting your gear can take many months on top of that, possibly the better part of your whole year depending on your luck. That's what the game was made to be, and that system appeals to players who want to stick to a game for a long time and have something to constantly work toward.
An issue I will concede to however, is the PvP. PvP is extremely unbalanced (Clerics/Spiritmasters are the top of the food chain, Clerics being first) flying combat is rather weak due to flight timers, and just one level difference between you and your target can mean they'll dodge/resist everything you throw at them (once again unless you're a Cleric, at which time you'll probably still outlast them). I however, don't really care about PvP, so how bad it is is irrelevant to me. I only PvP if I am attacked first, otherwise I go about my gaming experience.
That being said, Party PvP is some of the most fun I've had in any game, ever. The downfalls of a class' solo PvP abilities are rendered pretty moot when you're in a team, and then the terrain is much more even. Large scale PvP is a laggy mess, but man is it fun.
EDIT: just to address the above poster, saying WoW is the only successful MMO is pure trash that completely discredits your opinions. There were MMOs before WoW and there will be MMOs after it. Claiming games like Ultima, Everquest, etc., were not successful is naive, and a purely blind notion.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
Honestly, it's a single step in the entire line that's anything worthy enough to complain about. If you get lucky on that, you can end up doing the entire line in 1-2 weeks of relatively casual play, for a very nice full gold set of armor + a weapon. Yeah, easy solo questing your way to gear progression past 50... such a damn grind this game is, and they make you do it right after straight questing up to 50!
That's the problem right there. It's an easily questable set that makes instance gear and craftable gear obsolete. Giving away the second best armor set in the game purely based on your luck of crafting an item needed is poor design. I've been 50 for months now and still cannot get lucky on my HHOM.
If you're going to implement a set of this nature, purely based on quests, then make it difficult while eliminating the luck factor. Again, i'm used to having to wait years for gear of this nature in my previous game, so i'm not used to instant gratification. I just feel that this quest was not thought out very well.
i just read in another thread that a lot of accounts get banned/stolen. so that's proly another realy why the population is dropping.
Many people left the game because of the spammers and bots (me included). It was so bad on the server I was on that you would have to go for hours just to finish 1 quest because you had to fight for mobs from the bots (who were usually glads and could out dps my templar).
Aion in general is an "ok" game, not great, not even "good", just ok. Most of the developers in Korea and most of the people here in Seattle at NCSoft west left the company due to politics of the developers not listening. They now are working at a company called Bluehole making Terra, another MMO game. This might explain why the customer service has been non-existent and why the patches/new stuff is so few and far between.
I'm not sure what's happening but the latest MMOs have been failures (contiuing with STO right now) because companies are rushing their games to market.
Anyone saying WoW didn't bring new things is just wrong. The biggest thing they brought to the market on day 1 was ease of use/accessibility. No other MMO at the time was as easy for newbies to play. Sure it still has it's flaws (I quit playing almost a year ago due to boredom) but it's level of polish is very high, exactly what you'd expect from a Blizzard game.
It is not exaggerated. AION economy is similar to Zibabwe with serious inflation. If you want to do crafting from lv1 up to lv30 or up to crafting level over 399 to craft some green or blue items. You need a few millions of Kinah. If you want to do all crafting, prepare for 12 millions Kinah. It is not including your armors ...etc. You will be heavily relied on Auction House and then buying gold.
If you think you could grinding all of your own crafting materials, Kinah, I'd tell you don't even think about it. You need too many of them to craft one item because failure rate is very high. You may lucky to craft one character but you wont get all for all characters.
I could make some Kinah from crafting but it takes too much time in such boring crafting all day.
There are too many reasons about why I quit. Economy was just only one reason that you will never overcome except if you want to buy gold.
And don't forget. AION is a game integrated with BOTs and Goldsellers. They are part of the contents.
I still haven't canceled my account, but I haven't been playing. My main gripe is that it can take forever to find PvP. I don't enjoy flying around for 15 minutes to find PvP. I also don't enjoy rifting and killing bots (mostly). It was fun at first, but it's annoying now. I feel as if I'm wasting time searching for PvP.
I also didn't like Dregion. I was excited when I could first enter it. I soon found out the assassins role was to stealth to these Surkana things and break them. People would yell if I stayed with the rest of the group. I'm sorry but I don't find stealthing to these things and breaking them to be fun at all. Sure I could get a lot of AP this way, but that's pretty boring.
Another thing that really pissed me off was the fact that I actually maxed out a profession, but can't crit an orange piece of gear. I spent many millions of kinah leveling it up. I also spent many millions trying to crit an orange piece. You would thing it was fine because I crafted blue items. The problem is they won't sell for what they're worth, and they won't sell at a low price. The only way to get rid of them is to sell them at extremely low prices.... meaning 0 profit, also meaning setting the price under what you paid for the mats. I've tried to make this thing 6 times and not one of them crit, nor will they sell.
lvl 47 and haven't come across any buggy quests or translation problems. I play Elyos, were you asmodian ?
Can you elaborate on the "release bugs" and "issues plaguing the game" ?
As a 50 Asmodian I do know of three bugged quests that are missing English files. A high level spy quest starting in Pandaemonium, a single quest in Beluslan, and the 5 scale turn in for DP access in the core. I did know of several other instances of that occuring, like some other Beluslan quests and a Brusthonin manastone turn in, but those were actually fixed months ago. It's not really major since you can easily flip into Korean to do them, and seeing as I've done 723 quests, well, it's a very rare thing you need to do. It's stupid you have to, granted.
And I flat out don't have static during movies playing. I also don't have the faintest idea what a sloppy transitioning to cutscene is. Is that how it's not instantaneous because it has to load the files associated with it, which sometimes are of a different zone altogether, and it tries to go as fast as possible so things kind of fade in after the geometry loads? Eh, whatever.
Hilariously, they have actually fixed plenty of bugs that they don't always mention in patch notes though. At launch the game only supported positional audio in XP, now it works on Vista and 7. If one of my Templar skills procced with my one hander and I swapped to my two hander to use it, the hotkey would be broken and force me to click on it -- now the hotkey works. They added some invisible walls in upper forts so you can't kisk inside the boss room outside of its AOE range. I used to crash almost every fortress siege, well, now I've crashed once in the past few months. Aside from the untranslated quests, these were all much bigger issues than stuff I've never even heard people complain about let alone witness firsthand.
Also, to the guy who said their group yells at them if they don't ninja surkanas... really? My experience is the complete opposite unless the other group is absolutely dominating us. Killing surkanas alone gives all the AP for yourself, screwing the rest of the group out of it. It's incredibly annoying being grouped with a PUG sin that does it, because it's griefing your own team as much as it is the other team! Really wish they'd require the bosses to be dead so you could kill surkanas, or something.
I wish this site had an "I like this" button. This post is a win and you won't get a response back because you make too much sense.
Aion is trimming the fat so to speak. Soon there will be other games to complain about and all the people who don't want to play will be gone. Thats pretty much how most MMO's work. People need to get off the WOW bandwagon and see the truth.
All MMO has there 3 months of critical time , if there is going to be a steady flow of subscribers and so on.
Aion dident make there 3 months , people are fleeing the game.
Me and my uncle,and 5 of my friends have stoped playing the game, and more will come.
I personaly think that Aion has about 1 year left before they shutdown there server in they not do somethig dramaticly.
System Specc
Intel I7 4770K 3,5 ghz
16Gb RAM 1600 mhz
Nvidia GTX 780
Havent read everything, but a big reason is the overload of bot NCSoft allows, the had it Lineage 1, 2 now in aion, the grinding like you told its either hate or love/like, service ... NCSoft is scared off support lol, maybee they will setup an US or EU office later like they did with L2, maybee a merge of some low populated servers but it wont die.
L2 still runs aswell and its bout the same quality so they will keep the pvp fans ^^
waiting for new goodie ^^
yeah... if not NC then who else know how to unplug MMOs (damn %6##"!&##) yet i dont believe it.. Aion still has alot players...
but - IMO in close future we will see server merge.
I wish this site had an "I like this" button. This post is a win and you won't get a response back because you make too much sense.
Aion is trimming the fat so to speak. Soon there will be other games to complain about and all the people who don't want to play will be gone. Thats pretty much how most MMO's work. People need to get off the WOW bandwagon and see the truth.
There are also people (like me!) who wait until a games been out for a few months before trying it - by then any launch problems are usually sorted and the game will have settled down.. but yes, after 2 - 3 months the floaters have usually moved onto the next thing.. probably STO or GA, they dont tend to stick with games so personally i dont really count them...
Cause NCsoft doesn't advertise for the game anymore?
Sorry for killing your thread.
There will not be another WoW success for a long time. Devs dreaming about 10+ million subs is just that dreaming. So Aion fell short, instead of growing like WoW did, it's losing subs very rapidly. Aion will be another Lineage, were it's big in Asia, but will be lackluster in NA and Europe. There they like the grindy anime style fighting cutesy mobs.
Really hoping the new FF will not be as grindy as it's original and Aion. Hope they go the route of LOTRO where, you have so much quests it never feels like your mind-numbingly grinding 1000s of mobs to get a level like in Aion.
Oh, so you hope it's like what Aion actually is, not what you guys claim on the forums? Yeah, that'd be pretty cool.
Actually Aions not really dying now, sure people leave, but I still see plenty of non alt newbies in the game and staying, its stabilized and will prolly keep about 200-300k subs
One word.. Gameguard. Aion uses and its not even a road block for a hacker. In other words.. No it will not ever be fixed unless they develope their own tools for it.
The game is fine, flying is perfect as is, especially when the PVP is considered. Cheaters farmers will always be present in a game, it took Blizzard years to stop the spammers. Either way farmers don't bother me and I have yet to have them in any way effect my individual game play. Grinding rules, really! I like that it is slow and time consuming its the reason I play the game or for that mater any game.
One word.. Gameguard. Aion uses and its not even a road block for a hacker. In other words.. No it will not ever be fixed unless they develope their own tools for it.
When did they bring gameguard back ? To my knowledge they removed it before launch, until they fix all the problems with it.
One word.. Gameguard. Aion uses and its not even a road block for a hacker. In other words.. No it will not ever be fixed unless they develope their own tools for it.
Oh dear, didnt you know, NCWest dropped Gameguard a week before release