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Hows This For A Lvl 20

HieromancerHieromancer Member Posts: 282

I am thinking of raising my char to lvl 20 (obviously) and this is kinda what I am wanting him to look like.


Lvl 20 SKILLS:

and thats basically how i want my character to end up, is that any good?



  • TheMinistryTheMinistry Member Posts: 12

    Not really, no. (Sorry to be such a bitch, but it really isn't that good - there are much better skills out there, and your attribute specification is, to be frank, quite dismal.)

    -Vanquisher of The Ministry

  • semanticsemantic Member Posts: 122

    You'll run into some energy usage problems pretty quickly. That's about the most glaring problem with it. Also, with only level 9 Marksmanship you will be doing less than max damage with your bow (12 is ideal). Most people at this point tend to try to get 3 attributes as high as possible (11,10,10) and then add to them with equipment (+1 mask, etc.). That's the accepted wisdom at the moment from what I've seen.

    That's not to say that a build like that won't become valuable with time. But to start off, try focusing on a at most 3 lines and see how that works out for you. There's a lot to choose from in any class combination, so you'll always have to sacrifice something.

    For example, the Fire PBAOEs are nice, but it seems like kind of a waste to spend points in a damage line if you're a Ranger (whose main function is damage). Check out the Water line for some interesting spells to complement your basic desire to stay at range. If you really want to go Fire and be the baddest ranged damage dealer on the map, you're going to need Marksman's Wager and high Expertise to help your energy management. Inferno/Phoenix is a great close range damage combo, but the chances that you'll have the energy to pull it off when you really need it are close to zero.

    On the other hand, Guild Wars is pretty flexible. You may learn how to use that build and be effective with it. But it does have some obvious, critical weaknesses.

  • talesintalesin Member Posts: 113

    Your attributes are spread too thin, and some just dont make sense. you have 9 in nature lore but you have no nature lore based skills, it's a waste. Also you have 9 in beast mastery and only 1 real skill that needs a beast master skill, that's just too high.

    also to get to use the best bows in the game you need a markmanship of 12 and for the skills you have your expertise is far too low.

    as for fire magic again if you want to use it then set it to 12, but the spells you have are very expensive to cast and will leave you short on energy.  also phoenix (and maybe inferno cant remeber) is a close range spell, the last thing you want as a ranger is to let anyone close to you.

    Your skills choices in general are pretty poor, dual shot is not that great, and you should get rifd of it pretty quickly, ignite arrows is good for low level guys but too expenvies to cast if you ask me, pin down is really only effective in the PvP, call of ferocity if you want to go down this path of beast mastery then you need mroe than 1 skill in it abd as for the fire magic too expensive and to close range. Try and work on only 3 attribure tyou will defenatley use and set them to 12 everything else after that is a bonus.

    the question i would ask of you ids what is your plan behind your ranger? attck from afar with arrows / special attacks? or use youe animal as a meat shield and buff him up? use traps and trying and lure enemies in?

    all of these ideas require different skills attributes, you really need to think about your strategy and then look at the skills you want to use and then work out your attributes

    from personal experience of being a R/E i took air magic to use knockdown spells to stop people getting close to me but as I've progressed i rarely use magic anyone and prefer to use expertise and marksmanship attacks.

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