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It's a futuristic Team Fortress 2 gimmick. They offer half the classes, all the same exact objectives, and absolutely no content (aside from useless gear) after level 30 (which you can get to in about 2 weeks).
You spend your entire internet life in a dome city in which you queue for your desired game. The PvE is very generic and offers little reward for failure, which is very common in any hard difficulty. The PvP is very fun but dies down once you play all the levels 100 times and unlock all the weapons.
The conquest mode is the real beef of the game. Conquest involves little hexagon pieces that you bid on to fight others for. The more hexagon pieces you have, the cooler you are or whatever. All you win are hexagon pieces. There are no real bases or fortresses you earn, just hexagon pieces. Once you gain a large amount of pieces, you are more prone to multiple attacks which you can NOT fight one at a time. You must supply the sheer numbers of your Agency to simply defend and it most commonly ends in them winning your piece by forfeit because you can not muster up the people to fight for them.
The gear is useless and poses no advantage to you, the craft system is lame and can only be used from PvE content, and the only thing you can do other than PvP/PvE is hang out in the Training room where you do the same thing you normally do in PvP.
7/10- Good game and the PvP can be very fun at times, but for 20 bucks you can get the real deal with Team Fortress 2. (If you notice half of the reviews compare this game to TF2 for a reason)
Sorry if you dont like my review, I just speak my mind.
I give the game 9/10...simply awesome if you like fast paced shooters.
Sounds like a pretty harsh review for a 7/10 game...
All in all, it sounds like quite a respectable effort, and I'd probably buy it if it were 1st person. For some reason, I just can't get into 3rd person shooters all that much.
For some reason I could never get into TF2, not really the game for me. I am however loving Global Agenda, it's like CSS with more stuff to do, what could you not love? (IMO)
I posted everything I didn't like about the game =P. Useless gear, redundant gameplay, ect. The Hex's you control are just battlegrounds and does not really have a huge influence on anything. It's like paying monthly for battlegrounds that other games have.
I love the useless gear. Instead of having battlegrounds from 1-10, 20-30, 40-50 everybody can join in from the start and play against a higher level and get some frags. Being a level 50 with ubar l33t sni94h epix gear for some wtfpwnage would take away from that.
It's primarily a shooter not "lets get epix" gear MMO
As for It only lasting 2 weeks before boredom sets in. A good investment of $50 then.
i love the game 9/10 from me, also i think comparing to TF2 is slightly unfair TF2 is a well aged game in maturity, GA launched this week. dont expect a hell of a lot of content, for the next 6-12 months its gonna be added to and added too. just cause its realeased dont mean its finished
5 level 80's on WoW -_- boooooring !!
I don't remember that there is a Jetpack in TF2... having the opportunity to play on the X and Y and Z axies is a thing that I like very much and in my opinion, this is why you can't compare GA to TF2.
When the hype is so high, the fall is long and painful.
Not taking a shot at you (no pun intended), but I don't think you understand how the Conquest system works. The hexes are not "just battlegrounds". If you controls hexes you can produce factories, missile silos, etc. Depending on the types of structures you build on hexes you control, you can then create mechs, drop-ships, hover-bikes, etc.
Controlling hexes most certainly gives you some HUGE advantages over Agencies who don't have any. Let's not mis-represent the game for people who are interested in learning more about it.
No godless person can comprehend those minute distinctions
in doctrine that provide true believers excuse for mayhem.
-Glen Cook
You're review sounds like you are "surprised" by all the things GA does. Did you just buy the game at release, not knowing what you are getting into? It's frustrating seeing a rise in reviews from people who seem to have failed to do their homework on the game before they play it. Thanks for another useless TF2 comparison, cause throwing a stone in any direction and hitting a dozen TF2 to GA comparisons wasn't enough already.
Shadow..? Is that you??