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I like how one member from posted this site over there complaining about what a low rating TSO got and now they've all scrambled over here and made accounts to say how great TSO is. But yet when I visited their boards there was nothing over there but complaining about lag, complaining about new clothes, complaints that nobody wanted free will and now that they have freewill, complaints about it not being this or not being that. Complaints about the advance skilling, complaints about not getting anymore clothes, complaints that the developers don't listen to them, complaints about crafting costing so much....Go to the stratics site, Click on City Hall, you'll see all the complaints that the developers don't listen to them at all and now they are even demanding a meeting on IRC.
I've played the damn game, for almost 8 months straight. It's aweful. Everyone's always AFK skilling or making money. Sure, there's the occasional fun house that pops up but dosn't last very long. And AV is full of nothing but a bunch of cyber sex control freaks with their D/s lifestyle. How can you even bring that lifestyle into a game like this, isn't it rated Teen? Then you have the Beta Snobs, who think they know everything and are better then everyone, oh and lets not forget the Pizza Nazi's who's whole life online is devoted to that damn Pizza Machine. The only interesting picks for a character on this game are robots, zombies or bears. I tried all of the above with negative results. It seems that if you don't pick the long blond hair look, then your pretty much an outcast that people make fun of and call names.
Lets see, what has Maxis given you lately? Oh Freewill that has so many bugs people are dropping like flys from the game. Roaches and mice, Yeah they serve a grand purpose don't they? Accessories like a big Grand Poobah Hat, sure it's fun, but started out as a newbie can you afford the 32k to get it? Nope. How about advanced skilling? Yeah, I want to sit for 32 hours straight in a house where everyone is AFK and skill till my eyes bleed and my brain starts to shrink from lack of anything interesting going on, sure.
It's a big over priced glorified chat room with a bunch of lonely housewives and people that are so afraid to be who they are in real life, they join this game to do it. Cyber sex runs rampant in this game. There's no point to it. The only jobs that are available are the worst and one some people can't even play because of lag issues. The pay for these jobs are to low. Not to mention the hours needed to skill to get ahead and the friends you need to have aquired to get a promotion.
In conclusion, it's a horrible game. The developers don't listen to the people who are paying them. The updates are few and far between and usually consist of something that was never asked for. If you want to play a game where you sit for hours on end not communicating with anyone and the only type of intelligent life out there is some guy who just Im'd you and asked you if you like teabagging, then sure this games for you.
I'd write more about this game, but right now I have to go take an enormous crap, I think I'll use my TSO Cd's to wipe my ass, since there not worth anything else then that.
Well considering your post count I would say your one of them that came over.
I used to play TSO, I liked it, alot as a matter of fact. I don't know where your anger comes from over a game, or its community but if you hate it that much I would suggest trying something else. The game is good and there has been a ton of content and game play updates to it, at no charge at all. I have also met alot of good fun people in the game that weren't "freaks". You seem quite good at categorizing people though, which do you fall into?
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Tattooed Girl.
Ive been playing TSO for over 2 years and have been enjoying every minute of it. I love how you attempted to insult me (and all of my in game friends and acquaintances) though, even though we have never met and I have no idea who you are (or maybe I do, who knows).
You obviously havent taken the time to look for any information on our games official message boards besides the negative. When people care about something, that is when they get passionate about it and will take the time to try to make a difference and encourage change. Granted, not everyone is eloquent in expressing their opinions or suggestions, but the underlying reasons for posting are common for many who post there (thats just my opinion).
Free will, extending skilling, crafting, accessories, etc. etc. etc .I love it all.
Im rarely afk when skilling and when I am afk its usually when Im with friends and were just goofing off anyways and we all end up having a few real life issues come up now and again to deal with throughout the evening.
I dont do cyber sex, and Ive met several people in the D/s lifestyle who arent all hung up about sex.
I know several people who were part of Beta, none of whom I would consider snobs.
I rarely get time to play pizza. Id play it if I did and for those who love playing it, thats great for them, just doesnt happen to fit into my schedule most of the time.
Ive never had a sim with the long blond hair but I have some dear friends who do.
Im not a housewife and Im far from lonely.
It sounds like maybe you ended up in the wrong city/neighborhood or in with the wrong crowd or something.
Lifes too short to be part of something that you hate so drastically so I really hope you cancelled your account.
Happy Valentines Day & Smile.
-- Shiki
I've said it before and I will say it again. If you don't like TSO, DON'T COME HERE AND BASH IT!! Complain to the developers. Tell them why you don't like their game. But don't come here, where potential new gamers visit and give them YOUR worthless assessment of the game. What happened? Get dumped by your sim love? Got scammed? Someone run you out of town? Whatever your PERSONAL gripe is, leave it as just that..PERSONAL.
These boards are for people like me who love our game and want to see it grow, not get dumped on by someone who didn't get what they wanted out of it. Sorry to see that you're so fired up about your hatred for TSO. Maybe you should channel that energy and put it to better use.
TattoedGirl, that was - bar none - the lamest attempt at trying to insult our community that I have ever seen. Since you hate the game so much, why are you wasting your time browsing the Stratics forum, or wasting your time to come in here and insult us? Seems to me you have some sort of personal axe to grind, honey. I strongly suggest you seek out professional help for this mental issue you seem to have, that causes you to carry around so much hatred for a game that - despite your lame attempts - is still humming along on its own power.
Yes, there's a lot of bitching on Stratics - it is, after all, the official message board for TSO. it's also open-subscription, which means any swinging dick can waltz on in and say whatever he wants. It's also our place to rant when things don't go our way or when we've just had a bad day. But do you know what? We have a very close-knit community within Stratics and within TSO. It's a crying shame you couldn't fit into that community, but I guess everyone has their own emotional baggage to bear. Some simply do it with more dignity and grace that you do.
Freewill full of bugs? Nooooo... REALLY? Maybe that's why all the disclaimers are there that it is in beta testing, hmmmm?
Updates few and far between? Hmmmm... We get a game update on the average of twice a month, sometimes even more frequently. I don't know what planet you're living on, but Earth would like you to stay where you're at.
I do hope your crap makes you feel better. Might I suggest Ex-Lax? It might help that emotional constipation you're suffering.
Well a post like that shows how immature she obviously is. There are games that I don't like and I could go and post about how much I hate them etc etc but at the end of the day it is just a game (get a life and get over it) and it's petty and childish.
Yes we have come here from stratics (as you must have to know so much that goes on our CH board) and can you blame us? Anyone reading this forum will not get a true impression of the game. I admit that the city hall forum can sometimes be negative and you can't please everyone all the time but we do have regular updates from our developers and we have a community rep from maxis that posts and listens to us. How many games can say they have that?
I love TSO, I love the Sims. All versions have their plus points and bad ones and I have yet to find the perfect game. TSO is always improving because we are listened to; we have one of the busiest communities on stratics made up of talented, creative and diverse people. And no, we arent all sex obsessed or horny teenagers/middle aged bored women.
Bottom line is if you don't like it shut up and go play somewhere else. Failing that try using your imagination and see how much fun you can have.
Wow Katheryne, I bet it sure feels good to attack people here. I'm sure on the stratics boards you'd probably get banned for something like that huh? LOL, your posts gave me a good laugh though, so I have to thank you for that.
But ya know Katheryne, I'm really trying to see things from your point of view, really I am, but I can't quite get my head that far up my own ass, what's your trick?
The only tastless attacks I have seen here are yours.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Hey everyone, and please excuse my late appearance to the boards.
I made the post on Stratics, so in a way, you are insulting me. Every post on the site here (that is negative) seems to spark from people who play other games, people who have played TSO for 1 day, or from people who just dislike EA to begin with, for any reason they have.
First off, I dislike Stratics and EA, however, I still continue to enjoy The Sims Online. Sure, we bitch and moan on the site a little, but in the game, it seems like everyone gets along and help each other out. As a Money and Rare trader, I see good deeds everyday, with one person helping someone else out.
Before you start talking trash about a game, why don't you clean up your trashy attitude. For someone who hates a game, you seem to love visiting the site, and writing reviews everywhere possible for it.
BTW - Stratics is not owned by TSO or the game. So as much as we hate it, it has NOTHING to do with the game. So for Katheryne to come here and speak the truth about you (wasn't even an attack), it has nothing to do with out lovely game, it has to deal with Stratics and their limitations on Freedom of Speech. However, thats for another post and thread.
Also, I am a newbie to the boards, and I will only post comments in the TSO section for now, since TSO is the only game I currently play. I have beta tested other games, and look forward to testing Matrix and a few others, however, please do not let me small post count dissuade anyone from my Game Reviews on Opinions.
Any MMORPG that has an open forum is going to have it's share of user complaints posted. It's a guarantee that what pleases some will not necessarily please everyone. Although I have made the decision to finally leave the game (after more than 2 years of consistent play), it does not mean that I hate the game, or EA or Stratics. There are ways that I think each of these could be improved, but they aren't necessarily the correct options. My opinions:
The Game: Needs to be harder. Have more goals. Have more different ways of achieving them.
EA: Needs to enforce their policies and maybe hire someone from another company who knows how to handle macros and other exploiting properly. I'm sure there's many other valid complaints that could be made, but since I have had very little need of their services other than the game itself, I have nothing to base any other complaints on.
Stratics: Needs to work. Simply put, and should be simply handled. It takes 2 minutes to change a piece of hardware. It takes months and months to fix a server? I don't think so. There's nothing being done and the real reason is being hidden.
While others have already responded to you and your scathing post, I felt the need to add my 2 cents in.
First off, naturally those with a vested interest in The Sims Online would be outraged and feel compelled to respond when their game has received negative publicity. You, it appears, have no concept of how people and their emotions react to situations that directly involve them. It is possible, yet doubtful, considering the tone and wording of your post.
I am an avid poster on Stratics. I also moderate for two separate games on Stratics. I see alot of complaints. Complaints about games, about other posters, about the developers, the moderators, and the retailers. I see complaints that turn in to suggestions... and suggestions that turn in to updates for the game. So complaining often is a proactive way of getting things done. Besides that, what you call complaints many others call constructive criticism. Maybe you are not yet wise enough to know the distinction.
Ok, so you played. And you fizzled. From the sounds of it, maybe it was a love gone wrong? You are lashing out at individuals who supposedly have nothing to do with you. Or do they? How would you know what the entire population of Alphaville (AV) is all about? Did you meet each and every one of them? Or is it just your limited knowledge that has given you that impression? I happen to know many wonderful people who have sims in AV, none of which are as you describe. In fact, they would take serious offense to what you are categorizing them as.
So you want to take on a discussion about Maxis and what they've given? Well, I know others have summed that all up pretty well. But let's gloss over it just one more time. Maxis has given us many things since beta. New objects, new clothes, pets, jobs, skills, interactions. This is an overview of the long list. As for Betaville... as someone else already mentioned, it is in BETA... that means there are bugs. In case you did not know what "beta" means:
/bay't*/, /be't*/ or (Commonwealth) /bee't*/ n. 1. Mostly
working, but still under test; usu. used with `in': `in beta'. In
the Real World, systems (hardware or software) software often go
through two stages of release testing: Alpha (in-house) and Beta
(out-house?). Beta releases are generally made to a group of lucky
(or unlucky) trusted customers. 2. Anything that is new and
I take exception to your comment regarding lonely housewives and such. That is nothing short of an attempt to lure out the arguments and debates, to feed whatever loneliness and hatred you carry for whatever reason. Simply because other people enjoy not having to run around hills and mountains killing armies of ogres does not make them "lonely housewives and people that are afraid to be who they are in real life..." It makes them people who enjoy being social, not homicidal.
I would like to know who you are to say that the developers do not listen to the players. I seem to recall recently requesting chat colors. And what'd we get? *Gasp!* Chat colors! We asked for new ways to skill... in Betaville there is one currently being tested.
The updates are not few and far between. I've been playing Diablo II for far longer than The Sims Online, and have had only one update in that period. Just for comparison.
All in all, I agree with Kat. You need a little more grace, m'dear. For whatever reason you have taken it upon yourself to attack this game and its players... and that will win you no contests. So take your overinflated opinion of your own opinion, and find someplace where the fish don't fight back.
Community Manager, Vivox, Inc.
LOL... I can't speak for others but I personally have not complained overly much about the problems the game has. It's not perfect - so what! I can love the game and still comment on it's imperfections. after all, the squeaky wheel gets the grease and if we don't let the dev's know what's wrong there is a 100% chance it will never be fixed.
There is a lot of complaining about the game, but don't confuse that with not loving it. If we didn't love it we'd not complain so much when things go wrong.
Simball in CC - Simball in AV
Do you have what it takes?
Autumn you basically summed that up perfectly.
I feel I must interject though. I see tatto girl.. and although her post is cute in a pathetic sort of way (somewhat like a dog begging for a treat) I think that she has some misconceptions. I'm not sure about her life, or her game play... but I'm sure of mine. To generalize thousands of players based on your ignorance is totally uncalled for.
I have a completely full life, with many wonderful friends, I live in one of the greatest city's in the world with something to do at any.. and I mean any time. When I have a crappy day, I come home to TSO... I get to sit in comfy pj's and chill with peeps that I thouroughly enjoy without having to be glammed out and spending 5 bucks per beer. If that makes me a loser so be it. I would think it silly to point out that I like tatoos, and name myself after that... to each his/her own.
If you don't like TSO thats on you. Nobody is forcing you to think it is a good game, however, I don't like ham... you dont' see me busting into the corner deli and freaking out on ham likers.
If this is the VALIDATION you need to make yourself feel special and unique and intellegent *giggles uncontrolably* then so be it. We've validated you. Now go find another bridge to troll under.
mmmmmmmm, peeps are good, I like the yellow chicken ones. There marshmellowy and sticky though.
I think she's referring to the marshmallow candies called "Peeps". I used to love them when I was a kid, but they're just too god-awful sweet for me these days.
The only meaning I know for 'peeps' is slang for people lol
LOL I actually completely forgot about peeps. Now that I remember them, I remember I never really liked them.
I wonder if there is a msg board for peeps so I could go bash the hell out of it simply since I don't like it.
another brilliant comeback
Simball in CC - Simball in AV
Do you have what it takes?
Children will be children, I guess...
Oh my she's so cute!
I'd click on the link, but it's the thought that counts!
Glad to see we are important enough for you to keep checking back on, what with your busy tattooing schedule!
Good night. And looking forward to your next angry yet wonderfully pathetic reply!!!
I played TSO for a little over a year, the reason TSO never became a hit is because The Sims was never a MMORPG type game, the whole point of The Sims was for people to build and create their familes in a sandbox type enviroment, I bet 98% of the people who played the offline version of The Sims used the Rosebud cheat, which brings us to why TSO never took off..
The people who loved The Sims I believe came to this game to build and show off the creative genius to others, when they found out that unlike the offline version it would take time for you to own your place and build you masterpiece the novelty wore off fast, nobody wanted to roomie, they wanted to create, they didn't want to skill for hours in a AFK mostly skill house, they wanted to throw parties and have people over etc, and also what soured the punch was the fact that it took a lot of time to get enough simoleans to actually have their own place, no rosebud cheat.
Another thing that kind of took the shine off TSO wsa the fact the pay game had less objects than it's pay once and play all you want offline parent, I never understood that, I thought when I logged onto TSO it would have every object from every expansion pack up till the time I bought TSO, and was suprised it didn't , especially for a game you pay a monthly fee for, I was expecting not only all that expansion stuff, but at least a 100 more different objects the offline version would never get, exclusive online content, to me EA dropped the ball big time, they expected consumers to pay for less, and they didn't.
The loss of Custom Content, a key feature to the success of the offline Sims, was dumped for TSO, I think that was also a big factor in it's sinking future, people loved custom content in The Sims, without it TSO was a pale imitation of it's parent game.
I have nothing against TSO, it's a social game, if people want to pay 10 bucks a month to chat with friends and play the same games over and over, thats fine, some don't like killing things like in other MMORPG's, they like only the social parts of games, and TSO is basically that, a social online game, I think EA will give up on MMORPG's and concentrate on it's regular console games and pc titles, I don't see a bright future for TSO, it will last as long as the subscriptions can pay the costs and maybe make EA a little profit, but once it falls under that line the plug will probably be pulled.
I've tried going back to the offline versions and get bored real fast. It's always the same. With TSO I try to surround myself with movers and shakers. The objects in the game might be the same, but whenever real people are present the situations are never the same.
Just when I thought there wasn't anything new to do, someone will have invented a new game - a new use for an old object.
gotta love the fact that the other sims actually talk back too
Simball in CC - Simball in AV
Do you have what it takes?