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CB #1 Final thoughts

PraylorPraylor Member Posts: 9

Paladin:Tarnna.... Lvl 22 /79.5%

Pran: Gabby......Lvl 11

Devotion: 100%

Having played many MMO's , I have become skeptical of hyped games. This one while hyped to ad nausium, did have some features that panned out as somewhat as advertised. While it is by no means anything ground breaking, and is but more of the rushed to market asian grindfest/PVP type of games that are flooding the market. I am sure the rabid here today, gone tomorrow types that flock to these releases will roost in Lakia for a short while at least.

My play style was mostly solo, as this is not the time or place to even begin to think of any type of end game alliances. The few times I was forced to party with players it was just as I was suspecting, rushed game play no thought of tactics or party structure. While this is to be expected with the youth's "Gotta get that Level" mentality. It was refreshing to met and see some players that were actually taking the time to check out the game.

I had no desire to partake in Nation wars, as if I were to get some of my friends to come to play here it would not be prudent to show others of the tactics and manner of game play that has served me and my friends very well on other such games. For it is not the first to the top of the hill that is remembered, It is them that are there last that write the history. With this being said I would like to give a short but blunt overview of my impression of the game.

We will look at Graphics, Plot, Game Mechanics, and finally what I call Boneheaded Ideas.

GRAPHICS: While these are standard 10 year old graphics, It is stated that this is to allow for lower end machines to be able to handle the massive PvP enviroments this game is claiming to provide (Note: these have yet to be seen or experianced by anyone) Also it is to be noted that the game drasticly crops the players view, allowing only a short range of distance (ie. distant terrain and mobs) Thus causing the play to stop often to allow the area before them to spawn and fill in. I also noticed several clipping issues, where players disappeared into terrain and elements such as water and or Boulders were completely missing and never showed up no matter how long one stood there.

PLOT: This again is standard and for lack of a better word shallow. But again this game is not claiming to be a rich engaging story to sweep the player into epic struggle of epic perportions. It claims to be a another PvP world for people to mindlessly spend money and bash others to bits. So looking for a plot and or storyline of any merit is wasting one time.

GAME MECHANICS: I found these to be jerky, and badly animated. The warriors in example are hamstrung with their constant and relentless fetish of having their swords on their back. Cast times for casters are way to long and cool downs on skills are like wise far to long. This is only compounded with the fast and relentless spawn time of mobs. Players are forced to rush through areas and skip some quest due to the fact they can not enter certian areas, for fear of being overwhelmed. This removes Tactics and strategy from the players options and reduces them to hit and run or nibbling around the edges of mob spawns. This leads me to the last points I wish to make on this release.

BONEHEADED IDEAS: These are things that I feel are real game breakers. First lets look at the quest givers. This is done via a semi cut scene where the player is removed from their surrounding enviroment and placed in a semi cut scene one. This is not only a drain on the system, in a game that is supposedly trimmed down to reduce lag, wasted resources to facilitate smooth PvP action. It is dangerous to the player as it removes them from what is happening to them in the game world. I was once attacked by a PK'er while turning in a quest and dare I mention the stupidly placed Diddly on map 2 where the player must go through exhaustive text while talking to her , only to be ripped out of it mid way by mobs pummeling your character.

Lets also address the inability of players in dungeons to re-enter the dungeon after Dc'ing or being forced to respawn after a death. This is not only frustrating to the player, but is doubly so if it is the healer. Which results in the entire quest having to be restarted, and all progress up to that point being lost. While this may not seem like a big deal at lower levels, Imagine you spending several hours in a later quest. Only to be mere Yards from the final boss and your healer Dc's.

FINAL THOUGHTS: As I stated before I did not have high expectation of this game to begin with. As long as gamers will bend over and take dated, rehashed, unimaginative games, Pubs will give them the easiest, cheapest thing to bring to market. They are only human and will do the least to get what they want. Until players are tired or one Pub wakes up and truley goes about making a truley groundbreakingly differant game. We are doomed to have more of what Aika has brought to the market.

It's not a bad game. It's the same game as the thousands of other MMO's out there. Each have their little differances, but they also share many of the same aspects, and to say one is unique and unlike the others is to buy into the hype.

These are my thought. If your differ take the time to write about it as I have done. If all you can do is hiss and spit venom at my thoughts. Then by all means do so, as it shows only that I have thought with a clear and open mind, and you have had to result to childish flaming and thus rendered your point of view moot. For once think and calmly put forth your arguement against my view and let the other readers decide.



  • Joker2240Joker2240 Member Posts: 664

     As much as you really put a lot of effort into your review, I have to say you are really missing the point of this game and missed the most fun mechanics. Which are the "realm vs realm" wars. They can be massive and tonight at the end of CB1 it was just that very much massive. However these battles really come down to how far away is your spawn, how many players do you have and also how many max/higher lvl players do you have. So yes in that aspect PvP is just bashing each other on the head but there is some meaning behind the pvp. To defend your nation and also to defend the relics that your nation has stolen from others. 

    I have to disagree with you on the whole no tactics idea. There is very much a need for some strategy especially on the harder dungeons.  It really does comes down to the holy trinity, where you need one tank, one healer and lots of dps. Also you can't just randomly run into areas and expect to live. Aggro too much and you are dead, do not keep aggro on the tank then you are dead also, healer has to waste time healing himself/herself once again you are either dead or in some serious hurt. 

    Storyline meh I did not really care much for it also, so most of the time i just skipped it. 

    One thing that I actually enjoy most about this game is that you get to have a pran/daughter/fairy. I found it enjoyable whenever they want to chat with you and found it amusing the animations that they do sometimes. Sometimes their motivation can be annoying at times but it is a nice change rather then hearing your sword swing and heavy grunting sounds and sill taunts. 


    This is actually the first F2P that I actually truly enjoyed playing and I defiantly will come back to play it again if they have cb2 or ob.

  • adonaacadonaac Member Posts: 5

    You clearly missed the best part of the game (what makes it different): the nation wars. They are massive and epic and they don't lag at all. Hell, the GMs spawned monsters and there were A LOT OF PEOPLE on the screen and it wasn't even one bit laggy. And the raids to steal other nations' relics and defending your temple are really fun. I agree that the game itself is pretty much the same as other korean grinders, but the PvP really makes a difference and the grind isn't that bad really. I read somewhere someone got to LVL 30 in 16 hours, so it's really easy (so far).

    I agree with some of your points and I disagree with others. I'm not going to point them all out because it would be useless. But I have to tell you to give the game another try in CB2 and try to help your nation with raids/war. You'll see much of the fun comes from that. ^^ But if you already play other games that have this sort of nation war going on then it won't be anything new to you. What impressed me most really was the number of people that the battles had because I never played a MMORPG before with that many people around and no lag at all.

  • farfanugonfarfanugon Member Posts: 419

    there are all types of games some just do not enjoy PVP at all but a non PVPer testing a PVP game is a good thing the can check out story line gear set ups quest lines all the stuff the PVP lovers kinda bypassed

    if you do not LOVE PVP this isnt in any way shape or form the game for you its not just a PVP based game but its cutting edge PVP there is no game out there now that can deliver the PVP power that this game has shown in beta testing {if it just had voice party chat} type in a PVP raid just isnt happenin

    bonus you can not buy extra skills for a cash shop so cash shop and free to play will have the same shake at PVP free to play will just have to grind alot more to get up the items to upgrade there gear

    i for one cant wait for CB 2


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