That isn't the dream though. The punchline was he was a fatesender saying all that in the waking world because he had gotten SO DAMN DRUNK he forgot you cannot use arts in the waking world.
"I will not let you leave! I have used my great gatekeeper powers to ward the door!"
"Oooookaaaaay then. Uhmm what's that octopus doing stuck to the door?"
"I told you, I warded the door."
"You are damn sick when you're drunk."
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
Kudos to the author.
Does that very well written short story suggest there will be a currency system in Reclamation?
That isn't the dream though. The punchline was he was a fatesender saying all that in the waking world because he had gotten SO DAMN DRUNK he forgot you cannot use arts in the waking world.
"I will not let you leave! I have used my great gatekeeper powers to ward the door!"
"Oooookaaaaay then. Uhmm what's that octopus doing stuck to the door?"
"I told you, I warded the door."
"You are damn sick when you're drunk."
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
Well that one went right over my head. Cloudsbreak, duh.