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I purchased the game box the day the pre-orders went live, then got a refund 89 days later. I only have 3 months to make a complaint of fraudulent charges to my credit card company. This was back in October. 3 Days ago I recieved the gamebox, with "gift" marked on the International shipping package.
I have no intention of playing this game anymore, and stop by these forums occasionally to see if there was any progress of substantial worth. That hasnt happened yet IMO.
I went by the post office to see if I can just have it sent back, and am told I will have to pay to have it internationally shipped back to them. I don't think I will be doing that, and if they intend to try to recharge me for it, I will again state my case to Visa and get it refunded. This company has been shadey on soo many levels. I hope they don't think they have a Ace up thier sleave, as the box they sent me is useless from what I read.
In the meantime, I'll place my drink on it, and see how long it takes to rust.
Why are you repeatedly posting this same thread? I think everyone is painfully aware that the game is in a poor state. It's not even as though doing a charge back is anything new, it's been happening at almost every purchased game release no matter how good or bad the game is.
I smell rivalry.
I haven't posted in MO forum of MMORPG in months. Maybe you have me mixed up with someone else, who posted something similar?
Doubtful considering it's word for word.
My original posting of this same post was closed in less then 10 seconds, because something I included, could have been percieved as trolling. So I edited out the part, that some could see as offensive in nature, and reposted it in a form non-combative with others.
That aside, my question is whether or not other people who got a refund are recieving boxes, or are getting recharged months down the road, by SV. This would IMO, would be a horrible practice, and could land them in hotwater.
I won't respond to you trolling me from here on out. I'm only interested responding to people who have been put in a similiar situation by SV.
And for the record.
I don't want thier box, and they had no reason to ship it to me, considering the shipping date on the package was 3 months later then the day I recieved a refund. I'm trying to figure out what thier angle is. Or just another, in a line of blunders on thier part. I won't be spending my money on mailing it back to them.
Looks like your original post answered your question. You said it was stamped "gift" on label. Maybe they are trying to get you to try it again by giving you a free copy of game?
Sounds pretty awesome to me. Never heard of a company giving you something for free after you asked for a refund.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
The title of this thread is misleading. It implies there's something wrong with Star Vault's shipping practices for Mortal Online, but that's not the case. I don't really see what the problem is:
So, you have a free game? Gee, that's rough. I'd be upset, too
If you actually get charged again, then you'll have something to complain about. Otherwise, this thread is pointless.
Regarding your comment "I haven't posted in MO forum of MMORPG in months.", that's not true at all. . All one has to do is look at your post history to see you made several posts less than a month ago in the Mortal Online forums. Knowing that, it seems like you have an agenda, frankly.