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Hey guys. For a while I've had this idea for a historically based mmo, and I was wondering who I could contact about it. I'm just getting tired of all the fantasy and sci-fi mmos and I think history would an interesting new genre. I don't want to talk about the details here until I have some kind of deal with a company just in case someone steals the idea. Thanks.
Research your game studios and think which developer would make a game like this. Im rather skeptical a developer would just pick up an idea from a gamer that easily because they must get quite a lot of "Make this game!" e-mails, but I wish you good luck anyway.
That's one of the biggest problems with being a conceptionalist and concepts. Protecting it.
Best advice I can offer without going into days and weeks of how it all works is that you should protect it somehow before you show it. If you show it to someone, have them sign a (NDA) Non Disclosure Agreement. But that NDA is only going to last so long and it only protects exactly what is your concept. They can and will use parts of your concept and don't need your permission, so long as they don't use it in it's entirety.
But you have to show it to someone if you can't produce the game yourself. I run into the same problem and have stacks of concepts just waiting.
You might want to enter it into a contest, but that's not gonna guarantee any protection, nothing is really.
You could copyright the rules and the written concept and send them into every game developer on the planet, and they might be honest enough to buy your game from you.
Godspeed my fellow gamer
So you know ,i have some good friends who actually had contracts to work for Microsoft many years ago and ended up being scammed by Microsoft.They had to eventually quit their business as they invested 3 years and tons of debt to make it work only to be scammed by not only Miocrosoft but one other who ended up stealing and selling their product,witch was the ORIGINAL ,face morphing program about 20 or so years ago.
So no matter how safe you feel your idea is ,these giant developers have great lawyers and tons of money.Heck it took the USA government to be able to take down and win a lawsuit against Hasbro games.Everyone knew they were up to no good,but who is brave enough and rich enough to fight these giants?Even though the USA government won,they did not really win because it was settled out of court.
Your best bet is to find a developer that shows tons of diversity,a dev that makes several types of games,not many of those out there.
As far as HISTORY goes,a dev would still demand a THEME/TOPIC,and there has actually been tons of these games out there,example Napoleon,tons of War games,Columbus and Sailing/ships/fleet type games,Indian/Native games,all are History themed games,so really i doubt you would have a unique idea that has not already been done.Other than WAR /history games,nothing else has made any money attempting this genre,so good luck on your venture.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Thanks for the help everyone. I was talking to my friend yesterday and he told me that I could download the Unreal engine and work on the mmo indepently. Would that work?
If u really think this is your true calling in life , then why not , follow that dream dude , make your own game