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Pax Republica Recruitment


"It Is Not What You Achieve Which Matters Most, But Rather Who You Achieve It With!"

Formed August 28, 2009


Recipient of the Darka Award


| Official Website|  FAQ |  Guild Charter |

Server Type: Player vs Player (PvP)

Recruitment Status: Open Recruitment

Active Community Members: 94 (100% active)

Guild Leadership Style: Democratic - Open Door Policy

Recruitment Process: Application + Trial Period (14 days)

Class Requirements: All Galactic Republic Classes accepted.

Age Requirement: No age requirement, but maturity is expected.

Region: Primarily NA with some EU members. (International Guild)

Guild Intensity Meter: Casual Community with Hardcore Determination

Guild Communication: Ventrilo Server, Chatbox, Facebook, Forums & more.

Guild Leadership: Gaiutus Balthar (Consul/Leader). Kbrury, Aux, Friscoo (Arbiters)

Alliance / Guild Relations Status: Not accepting alliance requests, but friendships welcomed.

Guild Games: League of Legends, Dawn of War II, SC II, LOTRO, and Team Fortress 2!


What Is Pax Republica

Pax Republica is a Galactic Republic (PvP) community in Bioware's upcoming MMO SW:TOR. While PvP will be our primary focus, we will not be neglecting the PvE aspect of the game. We want to establish a competitive nature in raiding in addition to dominating the PvP venue of the server we eventually decide to play on. Raids will be carried out for achievements and gear to help propel us to the forefront of our servers PVP.

We at Pax Republica are developing new ideas and events for our community to ensure that our members have a fun guild experience prior to our arrival in the SW:TOR universe early next year. Our philosophy on the relationship between a guild and its members is that you only get as much out of the guild as you put into it.

If you would like to talk to some members feel free to log on to our ventrilo server or use our chatbox. I can promise everyone who visits a warm welcome and an enjoyable time amongst our members!


Recruiting Status

Jedi Knights:



Jedi Consulars:


(3 spots open)



(7 spots open)



(2 spots open)




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