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I really believe there needs to be a lot of thought put into how many characters a player can have. If we look at Ultima Online, I have 6 slots per shard. I don't ever really need to even see another player to have everything I need, I mean i have a smith/tailer/mule guy, i have a mage, a tamer, a fencer, and a pvp chr. But it's not just me, EVERYONE has all these characters. The only reason to even associate with other players is to go kill the really hard things. On the other end of the spectrum, you have Star Wars Galaxies with it's whopping one slot. You start out thinking "ok, I'll be a doctor." Two weeks later you see a commando and you're like wow, I want to do that! but you have to totally drop all the skills you learned (and paid for) to start over. I think two slots should be the limit, that way you can have your "main" but still have another character with which to experiment. I don't want to get to the top of a class that I really enjoy, then have to drop it all to test out something else that I may not enjoy, then have to work back up to the top all over again. I enjoy working a character as much as the next person, but I also enjoy the freedom and new things you can do as a high level character not worrying if i'll ever get a gain or fail my next skill attempt. Or maybe you could have your PVE character to run around with friends, and a PVP character that it's ok if he dies a lot and perhaps loses some of his gear. Just my opinion, I have only played a handful of mmos, maybe I just don't quite get it.
Yeah, i agree. definitely have more than one slot, but maybe not so many as 6. If a single character can have multiple vehicles, you really don't need to have a whole ton of characters. Maybe just have 3 or 4 slots, so people can have at least one character from each faction, in a couple of different classes, and leave it at that.
I think a lot of the reason that people had so many characters in UO was because a single character couldn't be very diverse, and still be good at what they did, they had to specialize. In AA, you can have a specialized car for whatever mission types you're taking, all on the same character.
I think about 1 character slot per class sounds about right per server. Of course, this depends on how active the pvp element is going to be between the 3 factions. If characters are only allowed 1 faction/server, lower limits (like 1/2 the available player classes) sound about right. All depends on how varied the gameplay experience is between factions.
Please don't pull a swg on us though. One character per server was a rediculous cop-out of allowing players to create characters from both factions.
I am definitely in favor of multiple vehicles.
Yeah, they've already implemented multiple vehicles with a single character. It was in one of the interviews... chassis are represented in the inventory as keys on your keyring. But i'd assume they'd at least let us have one character per race, possibly more. I think 4 or 5 slots on a server would be reasonable. not saying i'd personally use them all, but i know people who would.
I have a question...
Will we be able to have diferent races on the same server...
U know like in WoW u can't have alliance and horde on the same server...and that sux
Ma ovo niko ne razume
One of the main points of an MMO is community and team work. SWG was one character per server so you had to rely on other players more. If you were a crafter, you needed player combatants to buy your stuf, and vise versa. Just as, if you were a dancer, you needed others to watch you. I love this point in a game. I don't need 6 characters, one for each aspect of the game. Thats what a guild/faction/clan is for. Can you do everything in real life? No you have certain skills and abilities that you are good at. The limited characters encourages working with others. Honestly, whats the point in playing a MMO if you don't want to work with others ever? i understand the soloing something to gain bragging rights or what have you, If you truely just want to do everything alone, wouldn't a non- online multie player game be more fun? Just my two cents.
They just increased the cap to 12 per account per server. I don't see any reason why they would lower it anymore. You will need loads of mule characters if the current stack limit stays (before it was like 9999 items in a stack, now 200. And you get LOADS of crafting materials.)
Human Commando-Breakdown lvl 16
Lvl 7 Engineer (Kick arse Fun)
Auto Assault
World of Warcraft
Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory