Type, characteristics: Mammals Land mammal Viviparous Omnivorous The size of a boar. Destroys crop fields
Habitat: Land only (forest shelters, crop fields in the countryside, possibly near villages, where they can dig up many delicious roots, planted in several rows, in the fresh ground...) Lives in herds, usually composed of one big male, several females and baby grouiks.
Attitude : Somewhat nocturnal Distrustful, becomes aggressive when feeling threatened Runs away when facing something unknown Hunted in the context of rituals, by lords (peasants and foresters poach it, but they can have their ears cut off when caught red-handed)
Weapons: Powerful and dangerous tusks Ability to charge violently
Assets: Strength and speed
Weaknesses: Rather stupid. Tends to rush forward and never stop...
This shows ya for all that are worried that they are still workin' on the game lol. The next Dev chat's on the 1st, we'll just have to see what happens then. Hopefull they keep the beastary commin'. (And the concept art for the beastary is such a better idea then a cropped screen shot >.O)
Type, characteristics: Fish Oviparous Carnivorous As large as a Half-Orcs hand
Habitat: Water, especially stagnant. Lives in shoals. If one of them spots a prey, they all rush for the quarry.
Attitude : Primitive, violent, very aggressive. May be cannibalistic under specific circumstances. Indeed, if they are trapped in a pool and are unable to find fresh food, they are bound to starve to death. In these circumstances, the strongest survive longer by eating their fellows. Gobers are influenced by a group mentality. Their frenzy is deadly when they hunt together. When hungry, they can turn a Troll into a skeleton in no time.
Weapons: Its mouth: claw-shaped, with powerful jaws, the lower one protruding. Its sharp teeth are slightly bent. Thanks to this particularity, they can easily tear their victims flesh apart. Poisonous dorsal stinger
Assets: Ferocious, swift, numerous. Only fools think they stand a chance against Gobers. Others try to get out of the blasted river as fast as possible.
Weaknesses: Its appetite makes the Gober rather stupid. Its mouth, continuously gaping at anything, is indeed a sign of stupidity.
By-products: Bones: Very efficient arrow tips. Also used on clubs.(wounds that take a lot of time to heal completely) Scales: sometimes used to make intriguing berets sold by Gnome hawkers. Flesh: edible and very nourishing. Refined people are reluctant to eat this animal, which sometimes may be part of the shoal that ate their grandmother or neighbour, while others dont hesitate, claiming that the poor victims would have been happy to see their executioners die the way they did. Everyone can decide for oneself. It is rumoured that some sects use Gobers, associated with several plants, for their dark rituals.
Vulnerable to: Most weapons, except fire spells of course, since they dont work properly in water. Gnomes are especially smart when they hunt Gobers: they hang a piece of meat on a string attached to a rod, and throw the meat in calm waters. Some even use a kind of floating device that shows when a Gober bites the piece of meat. But where do they get all these ideas from?
Type, characteristics: Mythological land creature Part Half-Troll, part beast Viviparous Omnivorous Are as big as a Brave
Habitat: Plains Lives in groups of twenty to thirty members.
Attitude : Rather aggressive, unless spoken to politely. Easily tamed; may be excellent runners or bodyguards; however, we advise against trying to ride them shouting "gee up!", unless in some villages where Hninu rodeos are a local attraction (people who are interested have to choose their weapon before entering the arena, and usually, bets are not about the chances of getting out of there alive, but about the number of pieces they will be shredded in to at the end of the event). Has a vague understanding of common languages of Ganareth, except the Gnome language.
Weapons: Their jaws Miscellaneous items (weapons taken from the corpses of their enemies). Hninus are rather clumsy using them, however put a lot of good will in it. Very efficient kicks.
Assets: Powerful and fast Unmatched racing abilities Endowed with reason
Weaknesses: Unable to resist the call of a female whom has an increased instinct to mate, even if she is a bearded dwarf. To trap a Hninu, some use young naked virgins (although it also seems to work with worn-out courtesans) as a bait; it is advised, for the womans safety, to capture the Hninu in a net as fast as possible...
By-products: None. Hninu leather can be torn easily, and only uneducated half-trolls eat their flesh. When decapitated, a roasted Hninu really resembles a Human...
Vulnerable to: Most weapons, but killing a healthy Hninu is a waste; it is better to try and tame it.
Well I can see a strong RP element for female players anyway. They will be the bait in capturing these semi-intelligent, but lustful beasts (sounds a bit like men)
Type, Characteristics: Mythological water creature - Nikhtas Mythological water creature (but can walk on the ground for a few yards, and even fly a bit thanks to her wings/fins) Oviparous/viviparous (can do one or the other; delivered babies become females, babies born out of eggs become males and are usually devoured once they are fat enough; Nikhta eggs are rare and very sought for by necromancers who use them as a very efficient component for some spells - efficient when used on females, whatever the race, and on Nikhtas in particular) Carnivorous; especially fond of living flesh Similar to big Humans in size.
Habitat: Waterplaces, swamps Live in tribes
Attitude: Both diurnal and nocturnal Insidious: can sway, sing and offer the most sensual entertainment to travelers (only males, although some females may be attracted to them, especially warriors); when the victim approaches, Nikhtas become ferocious predators.
Weapons: Mesmerizing voice Shameless, very arousing appearance Anaesthetic claws Snakes in her hair Blood-sucking lips
Assets: Seduction and swiftness When attacked, they quickly hide in deep waters, where is it not advised to follow them
Weaknesses: Sensitive skin
By-products: Venom: a component of some poisons, also used on arrows No one with a bit of taste will ever use any other by-products
Vulnerable to: Most weapons, but it is advised to fight them from a distance
Now wouldn't that be an interesting thing to run into... Sounds like a normal girl I guess lol (sorry Black, had to get ya back somehow for that "male" remark) ~.^
Sounds very nice to me, that you are possible to kill one of these with your bow and then use their poison to increase the damage from your arrows. But i read that they live in tribes so better be sure to have a few partymembers around
"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
the hninus are sweet looking the have long necks and can carry weapons but the awsome part is you can tame them and make um pets or bodyguards and stuff.
Type, Characteristics : Flying insect - Zinzins Flying insect Oviparous Omnivorous; but gravid females (about to lay eggs) need blood proteins The size of a sparrow. The male is smaller.
Habitat: Watery places, swamps They live in organized swarms, with sentinels and warriors.
Attitude: Diurnal (needs sun heat to be able to move) One single thing in mind : to bite Weapons: Sting (if the victim is attacked too many times, he/she can be stunned, and can even die)
Assets: Speed, and number most of all
Weaknesses : Fragile, lacks strength Swamp zinzins are, for instance, unable to bite through a thin protection made of Bib thread (a Bib is a large weaving spider, related to the Bakouh) or Bakouh thread
By-products : People say gnomes love zinzin paste a lot, especially when it is made of a majority of females, which are full of blood. The experts explain that Gnomes eat this because they have important protein needs. Other experts state this is only cannibalism in disguise. Warning: zinzin larvae can corrupt water places, and you need to avoid drinking there. Otherwise, the eggs can grow in your bowels, which has dire consequences (buzzing ears, gastric noises that can make you uncomfortable in society, and ultimately zinzins flying out of your mouth when they reach adulthood). A half-Troll on his knees, belching a cloud of zinzins out of his mouth, is always an astonishing sight. But dont come too close: a sick half-Troll can be as dangerous as these blood-thirsty zinzins).
Vulnerable to : Everything, since zinzins are very fragile. But a spell caster will be more efficient against them, thanks to a good fire spell or toxic cloud, than a warrior and his two-handed sword (although a few paladins trained hard to be able to slice zinzins in flight).
It is strange but i can read it when i select it, looks like some nasty (big) insects, the size of a sparrow and gnomes like to eat it. Only have to wait for something more then a month and then i will be able to play it (i hope) because i am prettty sure that i won't be in beta anymore..
"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
Type, Characteristics : Flying insect - Zinzins Flying insect Oviparous Omnivorous; but gravid females (about to lay eggs) need blood proteins The size of a sparrow. The male is smaller.
Habitat: Watery places, swamps They live in organized swarms, with sentinels and warriors.
Attitude: Diurnal (needs sun heat to be able to move) One single thing in mind : to bite
Weapons: Sting (if the victim is attacked too many times, he/she can be stunned, and can even die)
Assets: Speed, and number most of all
Weaknesses : Fragile, lacks strength Swamp zinzins are, for instance, unable to bite through a thin protection made of Bib thread (a Bib is a large weaving spider, related to the Bakouh) or Bakouh thread
By-products : People say gnomes love zinzin paste a lot, especially when it is made of a majority of females, which are full of blood. The experts explain that Gnomes eat this because they have important protein needs. Other experts state this is only cannibalism in disguise. Warning: zinzin larvae can corrupt water places, and you need to avoid drinking there. Otherwise, the eggs can grow in your bowels, which has dire consequences (buzzing ears, gastric noises that can make you uncomfortable in society, and ultimately zinzins flying out of your mouth when they reach adulthood). A half-Troll on his knees, belching a cloud of zinzins out of his mouth, is always an astonishing sight. But dont come too close: a sick half-Troll can be as dangerous as these blood-thirsty zinzins).
Vulnerable to : Everything, since zinzins are very fragile. But a spell caster will be more efficient against them, thanks to a good fire spell or toxic cloud, than a warrior and his two-handed sword (although a few paladins trained hard to be able to slice zinzins in flight).
Type, Characteristics : Plants - Zlubs Hybrid, half lizard, half plant. Breeding: propagation by cuttings, seeds Carnivorous (needs high quality proteins) As tall as a man.
Habitat: Damp forests Individuals live at a good distance from one another (Zlubs can get so hungry they can kill each other), but a colony can grow in some forest places, creating twisted and dangerous mazes; a smart traveller can still walk though the place, out of range of these dreadful jaws, if he is small enough...
Attitude: Utterly stupid and aggressive: every living thing is a source of proteins, and this is it!
Weapons: Their jaws Acid saliva (hopefully they never learnt to spit) Their tendrils, with claw extensions
Assets: Ferocious, full of energy (even if a Zlub has only one tendril left, it keeps on attacking, which is a proof of ots stupidity since it has no more mouth to eat its prey...)
Weaknesses : Cannot move: Zlubs have roots Stupid: when you have seen one Zlub, you have seen them all; the trick is to survive the first encounter.
By-products : Tendrils can make good wips Saliva: used on acid arrows Wood: bows and other items (there is also a non-carnivorous Zlub species that gives wood of lesser quality) Bark: thick and hard, can be used to make light armour, especially to protect sensitive organs.
Vulnerable to : Cutting weapons (with a long handle if possible) and fire spells.
I just love to read stuff like this and trully hope that you can use the wood and bark and acid from these zlubs, that would be very nice, and you can do it to a lot of things (i hope). Can't wait, can't wait....
"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
Type, Characteristics: CONJECTURAL creature If we extrapolate a bit, and considering several similar accounts, we tend to believe that this entity is created when a teleportation fails, for instance when some fool casts a spell while his physical body is transported across the space by means of energy conversion, and the materialization is not done yet. The vital essence, the travelers soul, seems to be disembodied and to travel back to its starting point, becoming a new Mana Spirit. Meanwhile, the conscious-less body is materialized at the destination point, like a simple Pwah (Zombie), to the great displeasure of the people who were waiting for the spell caster.
Size: The size of a Fireshul (will-o-the-wisp) when it is created. Then, it becomes larger or smaller, according to the quantity of mana it can absorb.
Habitat: The youngest specimens seem to lurk around mana towers for some time, like moths around a flame, but we know for a fact that they cannot get any mana substance from them.
Attitude: This life form seems to be a primitive stage, a sort of ethereal larva that quickly shifts to something more obscure. The arrival of new magic-oriented settlers could increase the development of these immaterial creatures.
Weapons: It seems mana spirits stun their preys in order to transfer their mana to them. The wretched victims never recover. Spellcasters seems to be preys of choice; at least this is what our investigations tend to show. If only we could dissect a fresh corpse, we may be able to find interesting clues; but we will need a lot of luck to come across the body of a spell caster that has just been siphoned.
Assets: We know nothing about this as we write these lines.
Weaknesses: Can harvest mana only from a hot-blooded mammal. Its life cycle seems short (depending on the quantity of mana it can get), . For an unknown reason, the creatures seem to vanish into thin air when mutating.
By-products: None; completely vanishes when the cycle is over. However, we met a Lutin who wanted to use an empty jar to trap a Mana Spirit inside, as an added value to his résumé, in order to join the "Dark Souls".
Vulnerable to: Thats a good question! We could forbid people to enter an infected zone, to begin with, but the most adventurous people will certainly find a better way of nullify these vaporous beings.
SHULS by Bohemond
Type, characteristics: Mythological creature (Crying soul, or Dark ghost)
Type, characteristics: Mammals
Land mammal
The size of a boar. Destroys crop fields
Land only (forest shelters, crop fields in the countryside, possibly near villages, where they can dig up many delicious roots, planted in several rows, in the fresh ground...)
Lives in herds, usually composed of one big male, several females and baby grouiks.
Somewhat nocturnal
Distrustful, becomes aggressive when feeling threatened
Runs away when facing something unknown
Hunted in the context of rituals, by lords (peasants and foresters poach it, but they can have their ears cut off when caught red-handed)
Powerful and dangerous tusks
Ability to charge violently
Strength and speed
Rather stupid. Tends to rush forward and never stop...
Leather : miscellaneous items
Tusks : jewellery, weapons
Meat: edible
Hair: jewels, brushes, fake moustaches, hats...
Vulnerable to :
Most weapons, if you can use them properly
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Tends to rush forward and never stops ...
That would be nice to kill though, to use their tusks as weapons or jewellery. Thx for these updates blacksac, now I don't have to visit the website .
"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
Nemo sine vitio est
This shows ya for all that are worried that they are still workin' on the game lol. The next Dev chat's on the 1st, we'll just have to see what happens then. Hopefull they keep the beastary commin'. (And the concept art for the beastary is such a better idea then a cropped screen shot >.O)
wonder if you can capture baby grouiks and gut them and make grouik-burgers, grouik-tacos, and grouik-en-flambe
Make of it what you will.
Type, characteristics: Fish
As large as a Half-Orcs hand
Water, especially stagnant.
Lives in shoals. If one of them spots a prey, they all rush for the quarry.
Primitive, violent, very aggressive.
May be cannibalistic under specific circumstances. Indeed, if they are trapped in a pool and are unable to find fresh food, they are bound to starve to death. In these circumstances, the strongest survive longer by eating their fellows.
Gobers are influenced by a group mentality. Their frenzy is deadly when they hunt together. When hungry, they can turn a Troll into a skeleton in no time.
Its mouth: claw-shaped, with powerful jaws, the lower one protruding. Its sharp teeth are slightly bent. Thanks to this particularity, they can easily tear their victims flesh apart.
Poisonous dorsal stinger
Ferocious, swift, numerous. Only fools think they stand a chance against Gobers. Others try to get out of the blasted river as fast as possible.
Its appetite makes the Gober rather stupid. Its mouth, continuously gaping at anything, is indeed a sign of stupidity.
Bones: Very efficient arrow tips. Also used on clubs.(wounds that take a lot of time to heal completely)
Scales: sometimes used to make intriguing berets sold by Gnome hawkers.
Flesh: edible and very nourishing. Refined people are reluctant to eat this animal, which sometimes may be part of the shoal that ate their grandmother or neighbour, while others dont hesitate, claiming that the poor victims would have been happy to see their executioners die the way they did. Everyone can decide for oneself. It is rumoured that some sects use Gobers, associated with several plants, for their dark rituals.
Vulnerable to:
Most weapons, except fire spells of course, since they dont work properly in water. Gnomes are especially smart when they hunt Gobers: they hang a piece of meat on a string attached to a rod, and throw the meat in calm waters. Some even use a kind of floating device that shows when a Gober bites the piece of meat. But where do they get all these ideas from?
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Type, characteristics: Mythological land creature
Part Half-Troll, part beast
Are as big as a Brave
Lives in groups of twenty to thirty members.
Rather aggressive, unless spoken to politely.
Easily tamed; may be excellent runners or bodyguards; however, we advise against trying to ride them shouting "gee up!", unless in some villages where Hninu rodeos are a local attraction (people who are interested have to choose their weapon before entering the arena, and usually, bets are not about the chances of getting out of there alive, but about the number of pieces they will be shredded in to at the end of the event).
Has a vague understanding of common languages of Ganareth, except the Gnome language.
Their jaws
Miscellaneous items (weapons taken from the corpses of their enemies). Hninus are rather clumsy using them, however put a lot of good will in it.
Very efficient kicks.
Powerful and fast
Unmatched racing abilities
Endowed with reason
Unable to resist the call of a female whom has an increased instinct to mate, even if she is a bearded dwarf. To trap a Hninu, some use young naked virgins (although it also seems to work with worn-out courtesans) as a bait; it is advised, for the womans safety, to capture the Hninu in a net as fast as possible...
None. Hninu leather can be torn easily, and only uneducated half-trolls eat their flesh. When decapitated, a roasted Hninu really resembles a Human...
Vulnerable to:
Most weapons, but killing a healthy Hninu is a waste; it is better to try and tame it.
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Hninus really look awesome. It's truly a shame that they probably won't be playable.
Would be something if they were a playable race
Well I can see a strong RP element for female players anyway. They will be the bait in capturing these semi-intelligent, but lustful beasts (sounds a bit like men)
Cool, a ridebale human/troll/beast
i just cant wait to capture some lighty female and use bate to capture that beast :P of course after it kills her :P
"It's the darkness that brings us power"
Type, Characteristics: Mythological water creature - Nikhtas
Mythological water creature (but can walk on the ground for a few yards, and even fly a bit thanks to her wings/fins)
Oviparous/viviparous (can do one or the other; delivered babies become females, babies born out of eggs become males and are usually devoured once they are fat enough; Nikhta eggs are rare and very sought for by necromancers who use them as a very efficient component for some spells - efficient when used on females, whatever the race, and on Nikhtas in particular)
Carnivorous; especially fond of living flesh
Similar to big Humans in size.
Waterplaces, swamps
Live in tribes
Both diurnal and nocturnal
Insidious: can sway, sing and offer the most sensual entertainment to travelers (only males, although some females may be attracted to them, especially warriors); when the victim approaches, Nikhtas become ferocious predators.
Mesmerizing voice
Shameless, very arousing appearance
Anaesthetic claws
Snakes in her hair
Blood-sucking lips
Seduction and swiftness
When attacked, they quickly hide in deep waters, where is it not advised to follow them
Sensitive skin
Venom: a component of some poisons, also used on arrows
No one with a bit of taste will ever use any other by-products
Vulnerable to:
Most weapons, but it is advised to fight them from a distance
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Now wouldn't that be an interesting thing to run into... Sounds like a normal girl I guess lol (sorry Black, had to get ya back somehow for that "male" remark) ~.^
"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
Type, Characteristics : Flying insect - Zinzins
Flying insect
Omnivorous; but gravid females (about to lay eggs) need blood proteins
The size of a sparrow. The male is smaller.
Watery places, swamps
They live in organized swarms, with sentinels and warriors.
Diurnal (needs sun heat to be able to move)
One single thing in mind : to bite
Sting (if the victim is attacked too many times, he/she can be stunned, and can even die)
Speed, and number most of all
Weaknesses :
Fragile, lacks strength
Swamp zinzins are, for instance, unable to bite through a thin protection made of Bib thread (a Bib is a large weaving spider, related to the Bakouh) or Bakouh thread
By-products :
People say gnomes love zinzin paste a lot, especially when it is made of a majority of females, which are full of blood. The experts explain that Gnomes eat this because they have important protein needs. Other experts state this is only cannibalism in disguise.
Warning: zinzin larvae can corrupt water places, and you need to avoid drinking there. Otherwise, the eggs can grow in your bowels, which has dire consequences (buzzing ears, gastric noises that can make you uncomfortable in society, and ultimately zinzins flying out of your mouth when they reach adulthood). A half-Troll on his knees, belching a cloud of zinzins out of his mouth, is always an astonishing sight. But dont come too close: a sick half-Troll can be as dangerous as these blood-thirsty zinzins).
Vulnerable to :
Everything, since zinzins are very fragile. But a spell caster will be more efficient against them, thanks to a good fire spell or toxic cloud, than a warrior and his two-handed sword (although a few paladins trained hard to be able to slice zinzins in flight).
Nemo sine vitio est
I wonder why the cpy and paste turned out black
I'll leave cpying and pasting the bestiary to Blacsac.
Nemo sine vitio est
"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
Type, Characteristics : Flying insect - Zinzins
Flying insect
Omnivorous; but gravid females (about to lay eggs) need blood proteins
The size of a sparrow. The male is smaller.
Watery places, swamps
They live in organized swarms, with sentinels and warriors.
Diurnal (needs sun heat to be able to move)
One single thing in mind : to bite
Sting (if the victim is attacked too many times, he/she can be stunned, and can even die)
Speed, and number most of all
Weaknesses :
Fragile, lacks strength
Swamp zinzins are, for instance, unable to bite through a thin protection made of Bib thread (a Bib is a large weaving spider, related to the Bakouh) or Bakouh thread
People say gnomes love zinzin paste a lot, especially when it is made of a majority of females, which are full of blood. The experts explain that Gnomes eat this because they have important protein needs. Other experts state this is only cannibalism in disguise.
Warning: zinzin larvae can corrupt water places, and you need to avoid drinking there. Otherwise, the eggs can grow in your bowels, which has dire consequences (buzzing ears, gastric noises that can make you uncomfortable in society, and ultimately zinzins flying out of your mouth when they reach adulthood). A half-Troll on his knees, belching a cloud of zinzins out of his mouth, is always an astonishing sight. But dont come too close: a sick half-Troll can be as dangerous as these blood-thirsty zinzins).
Vulnerable to :
Everything, since zinzins are very fragile. But a spell caster will be more efficient against them, thanks to a good fire spell or toxic cloud, than a warrior and his two-handed sword (although a few paladins trained hard to be able to slice zinzins in flight).
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Type, Characteristics : Plants - Zlubs
Hybrid, half lizard, half plant.
Breeding: propagation by cuttings, seeds
Carnivorous (needs high quality proteins)
As tall as a man.
Damp forests
Individuals live at a good distance from one another (Zlubs can get so hungry they can kill each other), but a colony can grow in some forest places, creating twisted and dangerous mazes; a smart traveller can still walk though the place, out of range of these dreadful jaws, if he is small enough...
Utterly stupid and aggressive: every living thing is a source of proteins, and this is it!
Their jaws
Acid saliva (hopefully they never learnt to spit)
Their tendrils, with claw extensions
Ferocious, full of energy (even if a Zlub has only one tendril left, it keeps on attacking, which is a proof of ots stupidity since it has no more mouth to eat its prey...)
Weaknesses :
Cannot move: Zlubs have roots
Stupid: when you have seen one Zlub, you have seen them all; the trick is to survive the first encounter.
Tendrils can make good wips
Saliva: used on acid arrows
Wood: bows and other items (there is also a non-carnivorous Zlub species that gives wood of lesser quality) Bark: thick and hard, can be used to make light armour, especially to protect sensitive organs.
Vulnerable to :
Cutting weapons (with a long handle if possible) and fire spells.
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"One day all will die, surely you but never I." Wheel of Time
Type, Characteristics:
If we extrapolate a bit, and considering several similar accounts, we tend to believe that this entity is created when a teleportation fails, for instance when some fool casts a spell while his physical body is transported across the space by means of energy conversion, and the materialization is not done yet.
The vital essence, the travelers soul, seems to be disembodied and to travel back to its starting point, becoming a new Mana Spirit. Meanwhile, the conscious-less body is materialized at the destination point, like a simple Pwah (Zombie), to the great displeasure of the people who were waiting for the spell caster.
The size of a Fireshul (will-o-the-wisp) when it is created. Then, it becomes larger or smaller, according to the quantity of mana it can absorb.
The youngest specimens seem to lurk around mana towers for some time, like moths around a flame, but we know for a fact that they cannot get any mana substance from them.
This life form seems to be a primitive stage, a sort of ethereal larva that quickly shifts to something more obscure. The arrival of new magic-oriented settlers could increase the development of these immaterial creatures.
It seems mana spirits stun their preys in order to transfer their mana to them. The wretched victims never recover. Spellcasters seems to be preys of choice; at least this is what our investigations tend to show. If only we could dissect a fresh corpse, we may be able to find interesting clues; but we will need a lot of luck to come across the body of a spell caster that has just been siphoned.
We know nothing about this as we write these lines.
Can harvest mana only from a hot-blooded mammal. Its life cycle seems short (depending on the quantity of mana it can get), . For an unknown reason, the creatures seem to vanish into thin air when mutating.
None; completely vanishes when the cycle is over. However, we met a Lutin who wanted to use an empty jar to trap a Mana Spirit inside, as an added value to his résumé, in order to join the "Dark Souls".
Vulnerable to:
Thats a good question! We could forbid people to enter an infected zone, to begin with, but the most adventurous people will certainly find a better way of nullify these vaporous beings.
Nemo sine vitio est