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Just thought I'd make a generic thread about anything that irritates us in our daily lives. I guess I'll go first.
1. People who text you with so many abbreviations and cut down words that it takes you 5 minutes to decode the damn message
2. I know this is a flaw in their job description so its not entirely their fault but it's still retarded. Whenever I got to the supermarket and buy about 7 items, including a couple of 2 litre drinks. The person at the counter always asks, "do you need any bags?" "No, I'm just going to summon a pack of goblins to carry my groceries." lol
3. Friends/relatives you know who will sometimes ask you about something, and you give them an answer. A while later they ask you again, you give them the same answer. Then another while later they'll ask you the same thing again!! Just to satisfy them that your answer was 'genuine'.
So, lets here "what grinds your gears"
We're all Geniuses. Most of us just don't know it.
1. Being sick -- Yesterday I had a fever, body aches, chills, and nausea. Last night I had fever dreams, then I broke the fever, and my wife accused me of peeing in the bed because everything was soaked. Then my belly hurt so bad I felt like dying, finally giving way to diarreah about 7 times until the sun came up. Still feel like crap. Yep, I absolutely HATE being sick.
2. Similar to your number 3. Family who think they know what's better for you for YOUR life. Even after begging them for years to stop, and finally putting your foot down and demanding they stop only to start a family war.
People who say irregardless.
The Official God FAQ
LOL ! This is funny! ^^
People who don't use their damn turn signals. I swear if I was a cop and someone did that to me I'd just start shooting.. no ticket for you. Maybe this would make me a bad cop... I dunno...
The weather outside... Stop snowing damn it! I've had enough!
People who refuse to admit they're wrong even when the evidence against them is insurmountable. They just keep coming at it from another angle, again and again.... and when all that fails, they try and confuse you with nonsense. Pisses me off.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Women drivers....... If you run a stop sign, and even if they know your gonna do it they will slam into you because they know their right, as they follow the rules.
Their always on their cell phones.
They have half the technical jobs, but they can't fix anything.
They talk dirty to you in the work place, and you can't talk dirty back, or your going to the office !
~and people who use the word "polish" to describe games.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
Those fucking assholes who are >= 800 feet away from you when you turn in and then start beeping their horn, because you can't accelerate from 0 mph to 50 in 2 seconds (I drive a big, slow car) and they don't feel like negatively accelerating a bit until you're up to speed.
People who try to convert me to their faith.
Southern house spiders.
People who try to make you feel sorry for them all of the time.
People who feel sorry for themselves all of the time.
People who are offended by profanity.
People who are offended by nudity.
Ants (fuck you ants, I hate you all).
People who kill jumping spiders (They kill ants and southern house spiders).
People who pretend to be gravely offended by things they probably jerk off to, or fantasize about.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
1. Peepole that cant spell or use even rite gramer, yo!
3. typos I ha5e em.
8. People that cant count.
9. _33+s|>e3k
B. Orange
Selfish people
Ohio Drivers
Leet talk
I really hate people who do lit speaks or text speaks.... T_T
It annoys me when native English speaking people confuse they're and their. It's really not that hard.
I could go on, needless to say I am a pretty hateful person.
Don't you worry little buddy. You're dealing with a man of honor. However, honor requires a higher percentage of profit
I hate you cactus because you have an X in your name! What monstrosity!
I hate you so freaking much.
Also: everything else.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
^THIS i cant count how many people i've seen who cant use their turn signal, it urks me everytime i see it.
Also Mac users who think they are better then everyone else, or the ones who use old stereotypical explanations on why the mac is better then a PC even though most of those that they use have been disproven.
I could go on, but i pretty much agree with alot of the points in the thread...although i dont hate everything thats listed but most are definetly irritating.
Playing: EVE Online
Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
KUF2's Official Website - -
Don't come to Texas then. Maybe 1 in 10 use turn signals. Sometimes. It's only in the last 20 years of so the cops have started using them regularly.
I really hate redbull + Cheetos = Epic Fail
I really hate nagging girlfriends.... it really puts me up into my limits
1) People who tell me they like stargate just because I am of Egyptian origin
2) Ask me to read hieroglyphs
3) Ask me about detailed history of ancient Egypt >.>
4) when people assume i am indian >_<
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
I really really really hate immature guys and insensitive freaks... That qualities totally knocks me off...
I hate perfectionists.... They do look pathetic whenever they act like that...
This website is a safe haven for trolls and haters. I'm done with this pathetic site.
I hate those people who's a back stabber... they are not confident to say what they feel in front of you or directly to you..
I hate complaining! Hahahaha
Heh, I was going to post that I hate those assholes that pull out in front of you and cause you to slow down. My philosophy: I don't turn onto a street or into a lane if I'm going to cause the driver I'm pulling in front of to slow down/drop below the speed limit.
I also don't use turn signals.
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