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Having been plagued with this for some time, I wanted to open it up for discussion, or at least see if I'm one of the few with this dilemma.
Every year around this time, I have a burning desire; the need or feeling that I should be doing something greater with my life. Yet, what exactly that is... eludes me. It leaves the hollow feeling of "Im looking for a whole lot more", with the desire to do something that will inspire people..
Anyone else afflicted with this?
KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod's forums.
Once in a while I get it too. I feel that I should be out there moving around, seeing places, not just sitting in the same city I've lived in for the past 16 years.
As with work, maybe once in a while as well. Sometimes I'm stuck doing such simple stuff that I often wish I was working for a bigger company that would send me to tackle something a bit more cerebral.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Emotions and feelings are just chemical reactions in your brain; fortunately, so are thoughts. Keep your mind occupied by learning new things and you won't have to deal with any unwanted desires.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
I think for the most part many people feel this, I know I do, and it is a little unsettling to say the least. It's as if you feel as though you are meant for bigger and better things or to do something important - what it is - who knows. I think it is something we all must find in ourselves. I think the thing that scares me the Earth dies...all this will be for nothing. Mankind, unless we reach for the stars is doomed to die when the sun eventually expands and burns the earth to a cinder, or a large object slams into Earth and destroys all life or a nearby star explodes sending a stream of gamma rays at us and fries us. We need to get off this stinking rock. We need someone or some computer to develop a means to travel faster than light. There has to be a way to traverse the distance between stars and even galaxies. OMG imagine the wonders we have yet to see or to learn about. If we could just stop killing one another over petty stupid stuff like whose God is #1 or my race is superior to your race or these people must die because they do not think as I do - we're never going to accomplish the great things we're capable of. We're stagnating as a species. We were going in the right direction with getting men to the moon then we just stopped. We should have kept going - onto Mars, the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and then beyond...
I used to get this. While playing MMOs and seeing the awesome things my character was doing I would think "Why in the fuck am I not doing something just as great?" Well, that has changed. I just play games in short spurts but I workout and get out in the community a lot more. No, I am not changing the world but I am doing my part to make my little space in the world a better place.
So for me the answer basically was getting back into shape and just helping in my community has made me feel better on the inside and outside. I don't know if this will be the answer for you but it was for me and maybe it will at least point you in the right direction or give you ideas.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Emotions and feelings are just chemical reactions in your brain; fortunately, so are thoughts. Keep your mind occupied by learning new things and you won't have to deal with any unwanted desires. ~EPIC!!!
Its spring fever in my case. Every year I get the urge to get out and about as the weather warms up. Wonderful old instincts leftover from eons past I suppose.
Honestly, I don't really desire greatness. I don't want the responsibility of being a CEO or something. If the job I'm at now paid about $10k more a year I'd be happy for at least the next ten years. I tend to just get jealous after watching Anthony Bourdain globetrot and get paid boatloads for it, while I sit in a cube all day doing social work and get paid modest wages. It should be the other way around damnit. /vent off
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What comes into my mind or I should say desire is to have a Nikon D5000 SLR... ^^
I also have this desire to be something more. I also want to be great and remembered but I know it's impossible. Usually I just cry myself to sleep for things I can't do and won't be able to do. In the morning it'll be gone.
I hope to do something that have an eternal effect. the life of a normal human of eat,sleep, work and die is soooo boring...
RIP Orc Choppa
I desired for a can of redbull now.. T_T I'm pretty effin right now...