When the actual game comes out, will I have to uninstall the client I was using for beta, then install from the cd's? Or use the one I was using for the beta?
No, im 99.99% sure you wont. Since the game updates as you play the version they have just before release will be the version that will be put on CDs. Then any updates/patches will be made on release day. Just like MMORPGswhen they go from beta to release, you arent really paying for whats on the cds, youre paying for the cd-key.
I´d guess that yes, you have to uninstall the beta and install it from the CD´s. Ofcourse cannot say for sure, but it sure does sound more reasonable.
No, im 99.99% sure you wont. Since the game updates as you play the version they have just before release will be the version that will be put on CDs. Then any updates/patches will be made on release day. Just like MMORPGswhen they go from beta to release, you arent really paying for whats on the cds, youre paying for the cd-key.
u don't need to uinstal the beta if u don't whant to. youl get a cd to instal from.!!
i love TIBIA...
i couldnt care less about that, im just waiting for the day they tell me i can play 24/7