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New major update!

Holy crap! this new update looks like its going to slap all you nay sayers in the face.

so now you all have to download this huge update before you can start talking about this game.


  • Rock21Rock21 Member Posts: 54

    Funny... most updates slap naysayers in the face. The creative naysayers find some other piddly thing to pick at since what they had just been picking at is now better/different.

    On another board I actually saw someone give up on the rock-paper-scissors argument (since it's incorrect) and tried to say that MxO combat is turn-based. Unreal. I think some people out there just take pride in being professional naysayers. They probably work for WoW or CoH.

    In any case... update downloading. ::::17::

  • jackman1118jackman1118 Member Posts: 288

    OMFG what has happened to my beloved game!!! they ruined it! image


    this game seriously sucks now with this update, and im seriously hoping they fix it asap.

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    I like it a lot -- why dont you like it? O_o


  • jackman1118jackman1118 Member Posts: 288

    hm, lets see. first off im getting booted every 20 minutes. second off i cant do my first missions (started over) and third off im dying from level 3's at level 5? wtf? this game was never like this. without CT bonuses everyones just getting raped all over again :(.

    seriously its terrible, they gotta do something with it. plus whats that white stuff coming off of corpses? it looks gay.

    image im starting to seriously not like this game. i was actually gonna go preorder this weekend. oh well... :(

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    The disconnects / crashes and mission troubles are just new patch hurdles. (All big patches take a few days or a week of bugfixing to stabilize)

    As for the mobs. I never took advantage of CT clothing and they were never meant to be that powerful. Nothing has changed really with mob balance since the last patch, equal mobs will outroll you 25% of the time.

    Get used to the lack of CT clothing. It was never something you should have gotten used to having. Mob balance needs some more work. But like I said not much has changed since the last patch in terms of mob balance that I can tell so far.


  • tehnoobtehnoob Member Posts: 20

    I only seem to get booted in certain areas.  Magog,Achan and the other one i cant remember the name of seem to be fine.  I hope they fix this crap soon.

    Other than that, i love the game, good stuff :)  Problem is, i havent logged onto everquest2 since i got into beta image

  • metalfoxusmetalfoxus Member Posts: 805

    Yeah, it might take some time for the kinks in the patch to be worked out, but still they added some nice new stuff. So far im loving this game, and i cant wait for retail.

  • Mr_ManMr_Man Member Posts: 77
    Always nice to see a new patch.  I'm still not sold on this game yet, but maybe this one will convince me.  Let the download commence...
  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    Each patch fixes a lot of things but a lot of the older core game design has gone out the window, which was what was most appealing initially to most of us. Basically the game has done somewhat of a 180 in terms of vision, and parallel, a 180 in terms of stability / polish. One for bad, one for good. Really gets under my skin :(


  • darquenbladedarquenblade Member Posts: 1,015

    So what exactly happened? I haven't had time to log on since this last patch you all speak of....

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    Nothings happened perse, things have just of couse been changing over the last few months. lol. For good and for worse. We were all just kind of happy with the way things were in terms of core design a few months ago, and all we wanted was a debugged / full featured / stable game. Along with the polish, and bugfixes have been a lot of changes to core fundamentals. So it seems kind of pointless.

    It's like, great, the whole game is getting less buggier, and more polished, but I don't even want to log on as much because the initial design that gave it luster is lacking now. Specifically for me I have qualms with the way Aikido seems to have been nerfed somewhat and the memory issue changes. Memory costs for abilities have gone up exponentially. Previously you could load up trees from all 3 main disciplines which, I always agreed, was way too much, you had uberbuilds. Now youre /forced/ into specialization. It takes around 85 of oyour 100 slots at 50 to just do a full tree in whatever youre in. (For example Kung Fu Grandmaster, takes up 85 slots) thats without taking any awakaned abilities. So you have very little to no way of dabbling even within your own discipline. So its gone from two extremes, extreme flexibility, and total pigeonholing.

    The game offers less diversity than SWG currently. Although in SWG you couldnt load things in and out at will, you still were able to form up a 'template' of sorts of abilities and skill trees that complimented each other. Hybrids if you will, this is currently not possible. I have hope they will address this issue and find a comfortable medium. But if they don't I will find my playtime in MXO solely devoted to my Role Play and never really enjoying the game as I once hoped I would be able to.

    Really irks the crap out of me.

    P.S. Nice DL44 in your icon. (Well, looks like a DL-44, in shape at least)


  • darquenbladedarquenblade Member Posts: 1,015

    Originally posted by sygmas

    Nothings happened perse, things have just of couse been changing over the last few months. lol. For good and for worse. We were all just kind of happy with the way things were in terms of core design a few months ago, and all we wanted was a debugged / full featured / stable game. Along with the polish, and bugfixes have been a lot of changes to core fundamentals. So it seems kind of pointless.
    It's like, great, the whole game is getting less buggier, and more polished, but I don't even want to log on as much because the initial design that gave it luster is lacking now. Specifically for me I have qualms with the way Aikido seems to have been nerfed somewhat and the memory issue changes. Memory costs for abilities have gone up exponentially. Previously you could load up trees from all 3 main disciplines which, I always agreed, was way too much, you had uberbuilds. Now youre /forced/ into specialization. It takes around 85 of oyour 100 slots at 50 to just do a full tree in whatever youre in. (For example Kung Fu Grandmaster, takes up 85 slots) thats without taking any awakaned abilities. So you have very little to no way of dabbling even within your own discipline. So its gone from two extremes, extreme flexibility, and total pigeonholing.
    The game offers less diversity than SWG currently. Although in SWG you couldnt load things in and out at will, you still were able to form up a 'template' of sorts of abilities and skill trees that complimented each other. Hybrids if you will, this is currently not possible. I have hope they will address this issue and find a comfortable medium. But if they don't I will find my playtime in MXO solely devoted to my Role Play and never really enjoying the game as I once hoped I would be able to.
    Really irks the crap out of me.
    P.S. Nice DL44 in your icon. (Well, looks like a DL-44, in shape at least)

    LOL About the icon: Yeah, it does kinda like a DL-44 now that you mention it. In reality, it's simply the cover of the Foo Fighters first album =))

    On the subject at hand--yeah, that sounds a bit extreme to me too. I wouldn't worry too much about it though--from the sounds of it, the changes are pretty unpopular, so they'll no doubt be working to come up with some sort of middle ground. After all, being pidgeonholed into a role kind of defeats one of the main advantages redpills have, eh?

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    Originally posted by darquenblade
    Originally posted by sygmas
    Nothings happened perse, things have just of couse been changing over the last few months. lol. For good and for worse. We were all just kind of happy with the way things were in terms of core design a few months ago, and all we wanted was a debugged / full featured / stable game. Along with the polish, and bugfixes have been a lot of changes to core fundamentals. So it seems kind of pointless.
    It's like, great, the whole game is getting less buggier, and more polished, but I don't even want to log on as much because the initial design that gave it luster is lacking now. Specifically for me I have qualms with the way Aikido seems to have been nerfed somewhat and the memory issue changes. Memory costs for abilities have gone up exponentially. Previously you could load up trees from all 3 main disciplines which, I always agreed, was way too much, you had uberbuilds. Now youre /forced/ into specialization. It takes around 85 of oyour 100 slots at 50 to just do a full tree in whatever youre in. (For example Kung Fu Grandmaster, takes up 85 slots) thats without taking any awakaned abilities. So you have very little to no way of dabbling even within your own discipline. So its gone from two extremes, extreme flexibility, and total pigeonholing.
    The game offers less diversity than SWG currently. Although in SWG you couldnt load things in and out at will, you still were able to form up a 'template' of sorts of abilities and skill trees that complimented each other. Hybrids if you will, this is currently not possible. I have hope they will address this issue and find a comfortable medium. But if they don't I will find my playtime in MXO solely devoted to my Role Play and never really enjoying the game as I once hoped I would be able to.
    Really irks the crap out of me.
    P.S. Nice DL44 in your icon. (Well, looks like a DL-44, in shape at least)
    LOL About the icon: Yeah, it does kinda like a DL-44 now that you mention it. In reality, it's simply the cover of the Foo Fighters first album =))
    On the subject at hand--yeah, that sounds a bit extreme to me too. I wouldn't worry too much about it though--from the sounds of it, the changes are pretty unpopular, so they'll no doubt be working to come up with some sort of middle ground. After all, being pidgeonholed into a role kind of defeats one of the main advantages redpills have, eh?

    I can't really comment in specifics, but lets just say I know some things, and that its still up in the air in regards to that. It's nice to be hopeful -- but it could literally fall either way (remain pigeonholed, or return flexibility, natural speculation would gear towards a return of flexibility, because well, it just makes sense!)

    The timeline closes and closes as time passes by, and so my hope dwindles. The memory costs need to be adjusted before launch because I don't see this is a post launch change. I.E. 250 skill points has remained 250 skill points in Star Wars Galaxies since its launch, and the costs of its abilities have been the same (sans the removal of apprentice points, which though bear no relevance to the current topic)

    If it bleeds off into post-launch there is a chance it could still be re-balanced becaues they have a new Lead Designer for the Live team. So he might have some different ideas for memory costs within the initial few months of the game where it would be appropriate to make those adjustments, if it bleeds out over 1-3 months with no change, were stuck with it.

    Either way -- as im sure everyone knows me to by now, I'll be keeping watching, and of course, keeping this board posted with the latest information. Which reminds me I need to make a Stress Test 2 announcement ;)


  • Cheeseman162Cheeseman162 Member Posts: 231

    Well I've been playing with the new big patch, the only serious problem I have wit it is that I've lost all of my crafting recipes ::::27:: now I actually have to find the item I want to craft, decompile, then write the code in order to get it, which is incredibly tedious and annoying in my opinion, but I'll plow my way through the monotony(sp) in hopes that they will bring more content changes for the better

    "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
    -Friedrich Nietzsche

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