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Hey, I am 14 years old at a respectable highschool (youll see why all this is important later)
I have been playing MMORPGs for a couple years now tried about everything. DAoC, CoH, SWG, L2, and currently playing WoW.
Ive played free ones like Runescape, Priston Tale (when it was free), conquer online, knight online.
And these are the major ones, but my point.
I cant really find a game that meets my exact expectations and usually thats what causes me to lose intrest after a while, you know i wonder about how all these people invest 6000+ hours in DAoC (one guy did this at EB Games) I mean, the only game i have spent alot of time playing is D2, and WoW would probably be my second if it ran a little better on my computer
But anyways Im looking for a game with graphics of Lineage 2 and it looks like Guild wars will have this type. Its sort of a cloudy texture like you were in a dream and it really really impressed me when i played L2 before Chronicle one came out (hah yes its been that long) but the reason i dont go back to it is because im hearing of all this adena farming bulls**t going on in-game and all the pkers. that was one of the reasons i quit.
i want the fun of WoW the multiple quests, monsters, nice item classification color coding it to know whats good and whats not
and i want the complexity of DAoC, i played that game and there were all the classes and everythign it was nice, but the graphics, early level grinding and similar monster thing were really bad in my opinion.
i want RvR!!!
i dont know my expectations sound sort of high but can anyone point me in the right direction? please dont reply angrily nothing was intended to be mean
What are your PC specs? (You mentioned WoW didnt run well on your PC im wondering if thats due to their server crap or your rig)
Well first off, stay as far away as you can from Lineage II.
Secondly, is this a game you need to play right away? Dark and Light is coming up shortly and if there is an open beta before release I strongly reccomend playing that. Because besides that game, I really can't recommend anything else. Most of the other recent games that have released or are about to release have bombed in my oppinion (other than WoW, that was mediocre).
I so feel your pain. I played UO for 6 years, while playing other games as well but the oters just did not hold me like UO did. UO proved in so many ways that graphics are just a pleasant addition if your gameplay is solid.
Im currently beta testing a few titles but playing EQ2. Whilst I love EQ2 I can already see the writing on the wall for my interest in it. I would encourage anyone to play it, but it seems to have the same limited life span apeal as the other before it.
I long for the day that I will find the next game that stays playable for as long as UO did. There are people still playing that will have accounts hitting their 10 year anniversary next year. Truly amazing and a tribute to OSI (never thought Id say that). Id even go so far as to predict that UO will be going strong after many of the current MMO's are dead and forgotten.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I too feel your pain. Games today simply have 'nothing to do'. Yeah, you can quest but that gets boring real fast.
I want a game with character creation like Hero's and character development like Shadow Bane. Not a game out there has it all, sadly. I am putting a lot of hope into DnD Online. We'll see...
This is not meant to be mean, but it is something people even older than 14 have a problem with - you have expectations of games!
It is nice to know what you want from this. However, when it comes to things outside of your control such as finding a game that matches your expectations then you are going to be out of luck. So in order to enjoy a game do not go into it looking for something and focusing on the problems. Now if you do not like the game then do not play it. However, analyzing what you do not like about it and then trying to find a game that has everything you are looking for is only going to give you disapointment.
If you want RvR you only have two choices - DAOC or WoW. WoW does not have nearly as many options right now. It only has two realms. It's RvR system is not even completed yet. Their battle grounds will have a 300 person cap. Given what they have in mind right now it will be sub-par compared to DAOC. Not complaing out WoW, but that is just the facts right now.
DAOC is an older game. Far fewer new players. It has 150,000 less subscribers. However you now get free levels, they have added a huge amount of lower level content. Leveling is extremely easy. You have RvR starting at level 1. You can level just by doing RvR. The graphics upgrade with the last expasion puts it near the top in terms of graphical quality. Still below EQ2, but every game is. Server clustering has put 1000+ people in RvR in a given front. The first set of servers clustered had 1500 people in it.
So putting aside issues such as your computer specs, these are your choices. Play WoW and wait for RvR and hope it will be what you are looking for. Have fun with the huge amount of people that are playing the game. Or play a game where at lower level there is less possibility of grouping, but the best RvR for now.
Mow lawns or get a job and make money. Buy yourself a guitar and amp. Go online for lessons and help. Start to jam.
Currently 3 games come to mind when talking about meaningful PvP.Anarchyonline,EvE and Shadowbane.All 3 good games.Want to have some real fun?Go be a thief in SB.No games out atm aloow you to pickpocket other players!
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
Im lookin for a game like the recently cancelled wish....a shame that one looked really good on paper. Anyone know of a game like UO or shadowbane....maybe even single player.
Played UO from 3 days after its release date to right after LBR.. not sure how long that is but after LB left (Who is none of his former glory, I was not impressed with his presentation of Tabula Rasa in Austin). I was perma banned for using words I admit I should not have been using, anways, I LOVED that game because I could do ANYTHING I wanted. I had a tamer/pvp mage/mule and I spent more time at the bank just enjoying myself with my ingame friends than anything else! I think UO forced people to grow close instead of worrying about leveling up and getting that "uber loot".
I was a big fan of the PKing before Trammal.. This coming from a total wimp in PvP because at the time I was playing a lumberjack/carpenter!
I quit MMORPGs for about 2 months a while back and I started missing it so I bought WoW, was great played one character to level 26 and got so bored... The game made me feel like I had to be advancing as fast as my guildmates and my friends that I just gave up!
I tried going back to UO but I missed my guild ( I was GM and it was destroyed when I was banned), my characters and my friends!
My advice is lower your expectations or just give up looking.
The choice of MMORPGs isn't a bottomless pit and it sounds like your not gonna find the game your perfect game.
Find a game you enjoy and enjoy what you've got rather than moan about want you haven't got.
Don't jump off the roof Dad
You'll make a hole in the yard
Sit tight for now there's nothing out that will set the world on fire. I think if you came back to mmorpgs in 2 years then you'd find some really special games (probably released by smaller companies rather than the big boys)
Personally i'm waiting for Mourning and Dark and Light and Roma Victor. All will have fully realised PvP, some really unique features and very interesting game worlds. Or so they promise
You made some very interesting points, and only you understand why the other games you tried did not fit your style of gaming.
There were some good suggestions, from finding another hobby for time being, from music , to remote cars/ trucks might be an idea.........
The two things i noticed is the ideals you perfer a game to have and the sticktutiveness that seems to be lacking in some of the mmorpgs.....
What i discovered was if i didn't find a group of pals i like to play with or a decent guild i tended not to stay with a game. To me the game play, and people were part of why i stayed.
The two games i did stay with are DAOC and Swg both have pvp and both have some folks that have stayed from very begining , and some that took breaks for a while and came back when various things were fixed or changed.
I do feel spoiled in DAOC, the content is amazing no matter what level you are, the personal instances are sweet, so is all levels rvr, and the abilty to progress well in the game rather you have a lot of time or just short sessions.
Recently i was albe to do 45-50 in catacombs just on questing.
For me to drop the two i am playing i just do not see it any time soon. I enjoy lots of content, things i can do at any level and if i pick another class to play different styles of content is avablie to me.
I wish you luck on your search and hope you find something that can meet at least some of your expectations. If not take a break for a year or two do some things out side of computing /mmorpgs and check back in a few years to see what else is being offered.
As far as future goes i am following Tabula Rasa
Thanks everyone. The guy who suggested music, way ahead of you man other hobbies i have are skateboarding, i do a little guitar and i like to shoot.
I prolly ought to buckle up and start crackin in highschool need to make a comeback in my sophomore year.
besides that i guess i will stay loyal to WoW for a bit, ill pass on Guild Wars until a couble big updates, an opinion id like is a Yay or Nay on EQ2.
thanks everyone and alot of people would consider me a mature gamer.
I am now swearing off mmorpgs. EQ2 pushed me to that end. I'm sure others are great games, but in the end an mmorpg is always about getting better equipment, gaining levels/skills, then starting over when you reach "endgame". UO was my first mmorpg and I never felt I reached endgame. Even AC entertained me when I reached the highest levels.
With the flood of mmorpgs to the market, we now only see cookie-cutter games. No matter what "new and exciting" content/dynamics are added, it is still the same as every other mmorpg. Take DnL for example. I am sure this is going to be an awesome game. They are doing things never done before in an mmorpg. The weather system, snow shielding, sky diving, etc. are all new elements being introduced to the mmorpg market. But these elements are only novelties that serve no other purpose than to "Wow!" us. Sure the weather in DnL has some effect on your characters movement, abilities, etc., but in the end that effect is just a small sidestep away from you gaining the next level/skill.
Another negative aspect of current mmorpgs is that games are becoming more and more "dumb". Take EQ2 for example (and WoW as well so no one thinks their baby is being picked on). The game is too straight forward. There is nothing for the user to discover on his/her own. Other than finding "new" lands, there is nothing for the player to discover. Heroic Opportunities (a dumbed down version of simon says, as one member stated) provides no challenge to the player. Instead of challenging the player to experiment to find what spells in what order is needed to create an HO, the game instead offers a flashing spell for the user to click. My son is 5 years old and he plays EQ2 and can complete an HO.
Unlike other aspects of life, in mmorpgs, bigger is not better. There is nothing worse than having a humongous world that can compare to a void in space. What is the point of running and running and running across a world without content? Many argue that in "real life" countries are like that. Excuse me! I hate to tell you that many players want to immerse themselves in a fantasy world to escape real life. A fantasy world is not based on the physics/realities of the real world.
Overall, I think the age of mmorpgs is coming to an end. So many companies are deciding to pull out of projects because there is not a future in the current market of mmorpgs. Multiplayer games will never die, but mmorpgs are dying a slow death. Sure they will be around for many years to come, but gamers will eventually see that there is nothing new and nothing worth the $50 - $60 for a new game that they may/may not like.
If a company is so sure of its product, if they are so sure that what they are offering is "new, never before seen in an mmorpg", and if they are so sure that their product will rise above the rest, maybe then they should start offering a trial of the game before you purchase it. I am not speaking of the current trials after the game has been out for several months. I mean at launch. Let the users try before they decide to spend a good chunk of change on something that more than likely they will be kicking themselves over. I could have bought a new pair of shoes for the two copies of EQ2 that I bought (1 for me, 1 for my wife), but I thought I would try something that was fail safe, that was "new and never before done in an mmorpg". I found that I was wrong, and with that letdown I am swearing off mmorpgs. No matter how great the game sounds, what new content is offered, and no matter how many people say "D3wd this game roxxor!", I will not fall into the money drain of mmorpgs again. Hopefully more people will join and companies will realize that they cannot produce what seems to be the perfect recipe for mama's homemade chocolate chip cookies, when in reality they just used the generic, overcopied store brand recipe.
It all comes down to tradeoffs. Compromise. Nobody wants to give up something for another, i.e. better graphics for lesser gameplay. However, I agree with many postees on this thread that no MMORPG will have all the things you want. So, the next best thing is to prioritize your "likes", then look around to see which current MMORPG fits you best. If you still can't find a decent match, then I suggest to play older 2D/3D single-player RPGs or find a real-life hobby (as many have suggested) while a decent MMORPG is released.
I currently play EQ2, which there are many things I like, and some things I don't like. It's currently the best fit for me.