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I havent gotten the game yet, and im not sure what i want to be! i want to play a class that is fun and that can participate in pvp (doesnt have to be uber, i dont want it to be). but i also dont want to jump on the bandwagon with everyone and their mom. Im so confused about what i want to be! But one thing i know has to be is avatar has to look cool
it may seem a bit vauge, but can you help me? thanks a lot in advanced
Personal preference decides what would be best for anyone. Buy the game, test stuff out to atleast level 10 then see where you wanna go from there.
If you like these choices, then pick the ones i say (I think this is it)
Healing: Paladin
Tank: Warrior/rogue
Sneaky: Rogue
Group: Proabably a healing class such as Paladin, or priest
These are just what I think, but every class is fun ^^ Hunter has lots of customization too....
Jatez -- Question Everything -- Jate
A priest with his talents in shadow is very good if you don't want to jump on the bandwagon with the pallies (Which I am).
It really depends on how you use your toon people say that pallys ant deal damage but i find myself doing 1600 crits somtimes.
but for you i would be a warrior they arent very good atm but if you like a challenge be one they are bound to get some love soon anyways and if played right are very strong
you could also try a hunter they are good at mass pvp because the long range.but really ANy class can be good or bad at pvp.
WoW Destromath!
Revion lvl 70 Warrior
Altar of Storms
Smeagol 60 Paladin
Revion 60 Rogue
hehe, thats the thing, i dont know what i like and i dont have the game yet.....meh, ill find something
Shamen are really good for pvp if you know how to use them. plus they get ghost wolf so they can get out of bad situations. i know it dosent mean much but i like tourins too
Ok well it depends some people want to pvp alone in which case the rogue is the excellent choice.Not saying a rogue is not good in team pvp but ambushing is where they shine.
Rogue is an all round good class for pvp.
If you don't want the bandwagon then i seriously suggest you avoid paladin .Yes everyone and their mother plays this class simply put this is a class that wears plate(best armor ingame),has a tank HP,uses strong weapons,is one of the best healers in the game,has an immunity shield in which time they can safely heal themselves.Only down side is they have no ranged attack apart from a stun but they are also a class that can get away from most situations in pvp.
But its an overplayed class and i doubt blizzard will leave them in their current form for too long and are far ahead as number 1 choice for nerfing.So I would say avoid them espically if you are new.
You should also choose a side.Horde is less played then alliance(no paladin there hehe) but you do have a shaman which is a good all around class.They use something called totem that gives buffs and if you get time to plac ethem in pvp makes them very deadly.Also they have a variety of options avaliable to them .While unlike the paladins they will not esacape bad situations easy and probably die they give a good fight and if played right can be a real joy.
Priest.This is one i recommend.Not many around so u will not be a dime a dozen class as with the rogue and paladin.And if you spec in shadow talents you be a force to reckon with any day.In PvE you will get asked to good instances regularly too.They are mind you very boring to play for first 20 levels but if you can make it past this levels you will have fun.
Warrior.Probably the worst pvp class around but in high demand in pve and in pvp raids too.But solo and in a single group not very good.In pvp they have to be in a big crowd and get un noticed and do their damage .
Mage.An average class for pvp .They do excellent against melee classes such as warriors and paladins.They do very well in pve and are in high demand in pve.
Warlock.Can be an good pvp class but against some classes i seen then lose 1 vs 1 to people 4 levels below them.In solo PvE this are IMHO the king though able to solo elite mobs nearly close to their level which is quite an achievement.
Druids.Seems to be one of the weaker pvp classes.Great healers though and a fun class to play since they can shapeshift which changes their roles and abilities.Good to have in a pvp group as healers(excellent healers) and side roles.In demand in pve .
Hunters.Deadly to daft pvp players but otherwise seems to be a weak class in pvp to most others.Great class for pve soloing though only IMHO second to warlocks in pve soloing.
i know i want to do damage, so its either mage, rogue, or hunter.
Mage sounds cool because you can do lots of damage from afar, and spell casting sounds cool
Hunter sounds cool because you get to use a bow or gun, but i dont like the idea of having a pet...
Rogue sounds cool because i like being melle, but i heard there are many.
its hard to choose when you dont have the game...
But i plan on being on the horde, because tehr are less
EDIT: i started looking at hunter more, and its looking more fun, it will be a hard choic once i get the game
A pally is more of a tank than a rogue, lol. If you like soloing and a solid pvp class, go with paladin.