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Decietful ventures

StrikesBrainStrikesBrain Member Posts: 222

On a slightly unrelated note to the next two ideas.  You definitely need some better footstep noises then what UL has.  Even better, different footsteps for different terrains!

The chime was too distinct to miss. Someone had just entered through the portal.  Jeanjil did not know who, but he wasn't going ot take chances.  He threw himself into a shadowy nook of the forests that made up the area's boundries and waited.  He heard the sounds of footsteps upon the gravelly dirt trail grow louder.  His hand drifted to his chakram and every muscle in his avatar tensed.  Soon he saw the intruder,  another warrior of the so called 'light' scanning the room over with a charkam poised ready in his hands.  The warrior overlooked his hiding spot and continued onward.  The footsteps grew fainter and vanished as the warrior reached the other portal.

"Whew, they are catching up to me."  He murmered to himself, "I better make tracks and try to lose them."

Imagine if names did not immediately appear on the names list of the room.  I could easily see two systems of spotting dreamers.  The more simple one is to just have the dreamers automatically added to the list whenever you make visual contact.  The more complex system involves you having to actually click them.  Either way it makes for some more interesting sneaking about.  If someone is sneaky enough, they may just get away with getting deeper into sensitive areas unnoticed.

Making too much noise (such as running) or just speaking may dump your name to the dreamer list of everyone.

"Bye sweetie!"  Daniel waved as the target of his newest romance vanished into the portal.

He breathed a happy sigh that was suddenly cut short by a sudden interjection.  "Well isn't THAT sweet."  Daniel's heart skipped a beat, his blood ran cold, his stomach churned as a cold sweat swept about him.  Daniel THOUGHT he was alone all that time with her.  He thought all those sweet promises he whispered to her were done in private in the deceptively empty threshold room.

"How long have you here Jay!"  Daniel turned to face the voice.

"Before you too arrived, a high level cloak has it's advantages."  Daniel could just hear the smug grin in those words.  He saw the air before him distort slightly and he heard the footsteps as Jay took a few steps closer.

"Can't a man have any privacy in the dream?"

"Not in a public room, especially the threshold."  Daniel's anger was cut as he heard the tone suddenly shift to something more commanding and serious,  "I'd be more concerned about your choice in women my dear friend.  You do realize our guild aspires to take her house, or did you forget?  And knowing you I know you are not doing some 'undercover work'.  This is a warning, do not let your love interest cloud your judgement when it comes to guild matters.  That is all."

Daniel growled slightly as he heard the footsteps go towards the portal and he witnessed slight ripples in the air saying the same before Jay exited the room.

Yes, what if those stealth arts kept someone from showing altogether in the room.  Of course in the interest of targetting and fairness some actions would betray your presense.  No matter what the stealth art used, if you evoke an art, or speak, or make too many rapid movement, or even use certain loud items, your presense is given away.  People may not be able to see you, but you'll show on dreamer lists.   A way to offset this slightly is to give invisible dreamers a slight ripple affect as they move, something that may slightly betray their location if they get too mobile, yet it should be so slight that people have a hard time hitting the dreamer, especially in a confused melee.

In order to pull a stunt like the above scenario, a dreamer most likely would have to be in the room before anyone else.  Entering a room makes that chime noise which is a dead giveaway.   He or she would either need to have their invisibility duration buffed up the wazuu, or have some sort of nice quiet alteror to cover it for the duration of their sneakiness, because evoking the art is noisy enough to give them away.  The dreamer would then have to remain totally motionless and silent while playing the part of a fly on the wall.

Though, just imagine the dramatic situations where a villian suddenly steps forward, previously unseen, in the middle of an important meeting and reveals some nefarious details or something, after demonstrating with his little display how lax the security is.

Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez


  • NighthawkULNighthawkUL Member Posts: 183

    Very cool idea, I hope they put it in.

    But what would a "noisy item" be? I mean aside from chakrams of course.

    and what about vision or its equivalent? would that affect it?

  • StrikesBrainStrikesBrain Member Posts: 222

    By UL standards a noisy item would only be a chakram.  I do not know what reclamation will be like with its items entirely so it could be different.

    As for vision, of COURSE it'll negate it.

    Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez

  • SN!PERSN!PER Member Posts: 62

    I must say StrikesBrain has some pretty good ideas. I'm going to go ahead and agree with most of what he has ever said on this forum. :)


  • StrikesBrainStrikesBrain Member Posts: 222

    Woohoo!  I guess I'll forgive you then, sniper for being a calenturian. ;)

    Of course if in this game I go with the char idea I'm pondering in my brain, then I may be something more UoTCish then Doltish

    Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez

  • SN!PERSN!PER Member Posts: 62

    i'm still deciding on what sort of character i'm going to make. i'm leaning towards DreamSeer or SoulMaster. Possibly one of the new focuses. Don't really like GateKeeper that much. So I doubt I will make one.


  • StrikesBrainStrikesBrain Member Posts: 222

    Kabalist is a definite option for me.  Same thing for dreamsmith.  I want to do something totally new basically, tread into uncharted territory!

    I can see a kabalist replacing GK as the ultimate warrior.  They can use any chak better then any other dreamer.  They'd have an easier time getting weaponry since they are not limited by focus and they can use their chakrams and elemens longer due to their charge conservation powers.

    Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez

  • SN!PERSN!PER Member Posts: 62

    That would be nice to use any chak, but they don't really get any arts. So I am probably going to go with DreamSeer. Don't know for sure though.


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