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Geek1987Geek1987 Member Posts: 4

Any one have spare key?



  • Gats2k6Gats2k6 Member Posts: 190

    yea i got one you can get one here

  • Geek1987Geek1987 Member Posts: 4
    I dont want to pay it yet not sure if it good
  • Gats2k6Gats2k6 Member Posts: 190

    well the last two betas are only for preorders and friends passes tho there is a 15% that they will do small beta key contest. beta keys are hard to come by once they have been used up. also the other beta is not til another two weeks the only way for a key is preorder... only a five dollar down payment some places or you can probally hold on to that chance of 15% that they will have another contest with less keys to give away to the vast numbers of people who try to apply for a key if another contest pops up. and as for a friends pass is a one time use and good luck finding one of those from people who preordered, heh its called a friendspass for a reason to give to friends than a total stranger :P they need a stranger's pass :P not to be mean but it will be hard finding a key right now.

    now here is my advice shoulda got ahold of a key last beta or preorder it i know you want to try it out but dude it is so worth it. if you don't like it can always cancel the preorder and get about 95% of your money back

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