It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! columnist Justin Webb takes a break from his usual fare to write an article about one of the most bizarre things that he's encountered while visiting comic shows: CuddleCon.
As each new spring begins, I get very excited … It’s the beginning of convention season.
At some point about three or four years ago, conventions became awesome. Prior to that, there were comic shows and there were game trade shows. Both were great of course, but they definitely catered solely to just their own facet of the Nerdiverse.
About that time, Hollywood began to take notice and started using some cons (especially San Diego Comicon) as a marketing device. “You mean I can go buy some comics AND watch a panel with the stars of my favorite TV show. I’m going!” Then video games finally got smart and decided to show up at comic shows too instead of just game-trade shows. So now, we really have “genre” conventions that feature comics; TV/movie panels; celebrity meet n’ greets; video-game booths … everything a growing geek needs. The end result is that nowadays there is much more likely to be video-game presence at a show than, say, five years ago.
Read CuddleCon 2010.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Cons are awesome places to get the skinny on new games and geek culture, but they also bring out the worst people on the planet at the same time.
I was once dragged to a furry convention in PA. so i believe you 100% about this CuddleCon thing. The whole thing just seems... wierd.
Like, pay 40$, live a "shattered for a reason" dream.
never been to a con
Thanks for the LOLs Justin, but OMG.
...that...was mildly disturbing.
Don't get me wrong, Kevin Sorbo is pretty hot, but...uh, well, I guess he figures $40 is a lot of money (especially these days), and he wants to give people their money's worth? If that's the case, it's really quite kind of him and Marsters to do, but I'm kinda thinking that a hug is about as far as I'd be willing to go if I were in their shoes (and as a woman, I might be a little cautious about that since some guys'll try & turn that into a grope). Yikes!
Firebrand Art
"You are obviously confusing a mature rating with actual maturity." -Asherman
Maybe MMO is not your genre, go play Modern Warfare...or something you can be all twitchy...and rank up all night. This is seriously getting tired. -Ranyr
I often use the feared multisyllabic word in these fora, but
Wtf rofl
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
In agreement, I take your wtf rofl and raise it to an omgwtfbbq.
I supposse it's nice to see some actors show familiarity to their fans, instead of acting cold towards them as if they were inferior, but I cant help but wonder if any of the fans have tried to take it too far in those "Cuddlecons" at one time or another.
Shrug. The higher the cuddlecon rating, the more the guy makes his living out of being a heart throb, so it should be expected his fan would want to be portrayed in a position that indicates that throbbing.
And the more inured the celebrity might be to turning on the animal magnetism for a dollar.
$40 for ten seconds doesn't add up to a bad hourly, and at many of these cons, it's the con committee paying a fee to the celebrity to show up. They're probably pulling in a lot of sugar for being so sweet.
Okay....just my opinion, mind you, but....I wouldn't shy away from some "cuddle time" with Kevin Sorbo....and I'm a lesbian.
That man is smokin' hot....end of story.
The rest of this article, however, is really....strrraaange. And makes me wonder what all is going on at conventions that I'm ....O,o.....
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
As if women don't grope men. Sheesh! If going to a con has shown me anything it's that the least inhibited women on this planet attend those things and I refuse to believe that Sorbo and Marster didn't get felt up every other shoot.
"Many nights, my friend... Many nights I've put a blade to your throat while you were sleeping. Glad I never killed you, Steve. You're alright..."
Chavez y Chavez
Never been to a con. There aren't any within hundreds of miles of where I live so meh.
Ahem... not to be a hater, but it's "polysyllabic". I think if you're going to use that word, it being referential to all big words, you should probably not mangle it. Sorry, but that's how I feel.
I don't even believe in Jeebus.
My cuddlecon picture. Yes, James Marsters was very cuddly.
It was almost hard to keep reading as the pictures kept getting worse and worse, I don't think I could of handled Sorbo spooning some grandma in a picture.
As for Men Vs women Groping debate I'm pretty sure more women tried to feel up Marsters or Sorbo than men tried to with any of the Female Celebs, probably because they were afraid they would be kicked out if they tried.
Due to it's tiny size, I was unable to use my favorite Kevin Sorbo cuddle picture.
And here it is ...
There must be better ones out there!
You had me laughing out loud at this! I live in Atlanta and attend Dragon*Con every year. I'll see what I can do to help you out. :-)
"if you are a big fan of James Marsters and you have $40, you can have him do all kinds of things to you for 10 seconds in private, and have those things photographed for prosperity."
I believe you mean posterity.
Kevin Sorbo is a god ... FACT!
Apart from Brent Spiner I have no idea who the others are probablt because I'm not an American? But hey I think Kevin certainly has it thought out right, he's a married man with kids but gets to have women line up and pay $40 a time to spoon with him. No wonder the SOB has such a big grin on his face. Then again if I'd been staring at Lexa Doig dressed in tight skimmpy leather everyday for 5+ years I guess I'd still have a smile on my face!
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
Sadly i live in scotland where there is a distinct lack of cons. This article had me laughing like a maniac during my morning lecture. Americans are fun. That wouldnt happen in glasgow which is a real pity.
OMG, this was hilarious! And Hunneebee, you're pretty darned cuddly yourself! I think Marsters made out like a bandit on that one.
My wife and I are fortunate to be able to attend Comic-Con San Diego every year, and we've seen some weird and embarassing interactions between fans and celebrities ourselves.
One year, we saw Richard Hatch at a nearly empty booth signing autographs (before his appearances on the new BSG), so we thought we'd get in line to chat with him for a minute. But as we got up to see him, the guy in front of us suddenly fell down on one knee before him, bowed his head and starting whispering reverently, as if he were praying. I half expected Hatch to lay his hands on the guy's head to absolve him of his sins. We got a little creeped out and left.
Another interesting interaction was one between fans of LeVar Burton and Marina Sirtis who were sitting at a Star Trek booth, getting upset by passersby who snapped quick flash pictures of them without asking permission. A young woman walking by their table, oblivious to their annoyance, recognized Burton and started gyrating wildly in front of him while singing the "Reading Rainbow" theme. Both stars turned away from her while security ushered us all out of the area.
Finally, my poor wife had her heart broken by an interaction with Marc Singer. I told her I'd seen him earlier and had gotten to say hi and shake his hand. She went all googly-eyed fangirl on me and insisted that we find him again so she could take a picture. We found him, she went up to him with a giant grin on her face, and he put his arm around her shoulders to chat for a moment. She turned to smile at me and I raised my camera to take a quick shot of them when he suddenly got deadly serious, put up his hand and told her "Oh, no, no, no. You can buy a signed photo of me for $10, or we can take one together for $20." My wife hadn't realized that the stars at these booths were there to collect fees for autographs and pictures. Her face dropped, she turned to look at me all crushed, and Singer continued to hold his hand up to try to block his face from my camera. Click. Wish I could post that treasured shot of my wife's blank expression and Singer's annoyed gesture, but it's still too painful for my sweetie, so I'll spare her any further discomfort. (LOL.)
Ah, Cuddly Comic-Con. Good times.
I stopped by the line to get a shot with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy at DragonCon last year...then I found out how much the cost for a quick photo shot was....$75 bucks.....a for 150 of your buckaroos you could have a group shot...