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Guild name: Elysium
Community type: Mature, friendly, teamwork, PvP
Administration type: Democracy
Elysium was found in Age of Conan on May 24, 2008 - the second day after the servers went live. In AoC we have achieved plenty of different things, of which we are very proud.
We moved to Mortal Online because we felt like it would be the better game for us and have been around here since early 2009.
We are a PvP focused guild (open world PvP, territorial control) and also offer mercenary services and a citizenship program.
Even though we are a PvP focused guild, we are always looking for fellow PvE comrads who concentrate on mining/refining/crafting etc. No empire can last without an economic backbone. Because we are aware of this, our PvE players will get plenty of benefits for their work (e.g. a reserved house spot inside our city).
Elysium is an international guild and thus is recruiting players with all nationalities and GMT times.
We are open for all races in the game and will play on the European server.
A new recruit must be loyal, mature, patient, calm, teamwork minded and wanting to contribute to the guild. Also, following military orders on the battlefield without e-drama is important.
Do NOT apply if:
- you are a selfish
- you are arrogant
- you are not willing to contribute to the greater good
- you are not teamwork orientated
- you do not own a microphone/headset
- you are not willing to actively speak on Ventrilo
- you are not willing to follow military orders on the battlefield
- you are not willing to obey the Call to Arms (100% merchants types are excluded)
- your computer is utterly garbage for modern games like MO
- your attitude is:
“Oops! I will download Ventrilo tomorrow, hehe.”
“What are the tactics? I didn't read the stuff on the forums.”
“Hey groupmates, where are you? I don’t see you guys anymore? I didn't pay attention again.”
“I like to game and to watch TV at the same time.”
If one or more fits you - please do not apply.
Play Time:
We require every member to play at least 15 hours a week. This is a bare minimum. Of course, we do understand that everyone got a reallife and do respect that. However, we are not a casual guild and thus we want players who can play more than 15 hours weekly.
Members who suddenly can't make the bare minimum activity must notice this by posting in the Inactivity/Vacation topic. Not posting will result in a guild kick due to not being active without notice.
Fill in all the questions asked and fill them in with all honesty.
Not answering certain questions, making stupid typo mistakes, or lying will have a negative effect on your application (especially if it is a crappy one).
Trial Period:
Every new member will go through a trial period before he gets promoted to a full member. We will look at certain things like attitude, contribution and activity.
This period is about two weeks, however it can take longer if we did not see enough from the trial member.
Structure and Ranks:
Here you can see our current guild structure, still work in progress though.
Join us:
If you are interested in joining, or want to find out more info about the guild and its system, visit our web page
Best Regards
Richard (Moridin)
Why do guilds nowadays have to be like you're signing your life away to the military?
From the looks of this you do not want guild mates, you want mindless zombie enforcers for some plan of global domination...
Myself for instance, I play 40 hours of week, and also am very team oriented, but some nights, I just do not like to hear others speak (because I am an asshole, and the voices of other human beings sometimes makes my head hurt), therefore if I chose to not get in ventrilo that would be an issue?
The requirements for this guild seem to be to restrictive to a player wishing to play a Sandbox pvp game.
Just an observation though.
Maybe you understand it better now? got the picture there now.
I see a picture of a guild structure, which doesn't tell me why I would need to be on ventrilo every time I am online or online 15+ hours a week.
It's your guild, do as you wish, but this sounds just about the same as a guild that posted no more than week ago called the "dragoons" or some crap. Had just about the same requirements as this guild, and needless to say it wasn't very popular.
Placing requirements such as these on a player who pays his money just as you do, is a recipe for disaster, not the recipe for building a super empire of leetness.
Up to you though, carry on.
I would be stunned though if you could even find 10 people here on that would abide by these rules.
When looking for a guild I look for keywords in their sum up - like We are about having fun, and though we like to raid it is not essential. I agree that this guild looks like I would be joining a military outfit - since I have already served in my country's military I don't think serving in a gaming military would fit into my idea of fun. But hey, Good Luck with recruitments.
Yeah don't get me wrong, I am not trying to deter anyone from joining this guys guild. At least he is actively recruiting. All I was pointing out is the way he has the recruitment worded, and again, I am not trying to cause trouble. This post just screams at me, I am young, I think I am 1337, if you join you will do everything I say my way or get out, you will play when I say, you will voice chat because I say, and you will do anything and everything I tell you inside mortal online the way I deem it should be, and if you do not like that, please do not apply.
That is how I read it.
So I was trying to point out that maybe... just maybe... if he really wants some fresh players, look over the post and rephrase some things.
Public relations for a videogame guild? Follow military orders or face removal? Can they only go to the bathroom with your permission?
I honestly pity anyone who joins your guild.
Good luck.
hey can i join?
My name will be something really cool and i'll be playing as soon as the game is finished in a year or two. in the mean times you can just put me down as "real cool guy".
I remember being in a Corporation in EVE that was similar to the rules laid out here. I got in trouble for being impatient when I showed up on time and having the corporate Chief delay the mission(mining). When the disbursal of shares took over a week I criticized the Corp, which led to my being "let Go" as they put it. Too many rules and an attitude of "I make the rules and they apply to you not me" is not fun for me - even if I was the rule maker it would not be fun. I play MMO's to relax and have fun not to try to conquer the world. Maybe it is me and I should just play single player games where if a bitter conversation between players ensues I know it is time to see my doctor.
Yeah, problem is the structure laid out is pretty cool for a game like mortal, IF you can pull it off. I tend to like highly organzied guilds with many options of playstyles working together.
Which Is why when I read through all the crap the OP posted. It was interesting until I got to the "Do not apply if these" list came up.
Which is funny, because I actually abide by every rule he had in place already, I play 40 hours a week, I team play, I always put others above my personal goals, and I even use vent, and do not watch tv while play or get lost when running.
It is how he came across while posting them. I mean I have had some doozie of GM's in my time of playing MMO's but the military regime thing doesn't go over well with most players.
Let's be honest many of us here on are adults some young adults but still 18+. Treating an adult like he is in bootcamp while playing a game isn't going to apeal to many people.
Honestly if he just dropped all those ridiculous "requirements" he would prolly do very well in the guild racket in Mortal Online.
I agree. I played in a guild in LOTRO where one of the senor members decided to start giving orders and demanding that we all check in on ventrilo when we logged in, etc. The main consequence of his action was 1/3 of the guild starting another guild(kinship in LoTRO) and some very bitter words being said. The tow kins never did get along well after that. Myself I get enough of that in real life I don't need it in game. Also I think he needs to add, and mean it, "It is all about having FUN".
Okay, first of all there is nowhere stated, that you MUST be on ventrillo. It is required only in group military or PVE action. Second of all ofcourse the main focus of the guild is having fun. But in this case we tend to connect fun and advance of the guild overall. This is not "just another guild" because it is focusing on group effort for the good of the community. I don't know where you got the impression that we are a fascist military organization or something like that. Its just organized having fun, nothing more, nothing less. And yes, we aim for empire building and land dominance. If you don't like the specifications or other aspects of the guild, just don't apply and move on. There is no need to attemp to discredit us in any way. Unless you are in another guild and it is your intention ofc.
ok Mordan - in response to your last post(I cannot seem to use quote again for some reason) you did post in the first post that if you didn't want to actively speak on Ventrilo do not join - it didn't have the additions you have in your latest post. Secondly this site is about discussing things, you started a thread with a recruitment poster and we discussed it. Whether or not we discussed it in a way that pleased you it did serve the function of keeping your thread active and allowed more people to notice your thread and therefore your guild and that you are recruiting. You should be thanking us. Anyways - you are welcome for the free discussion of the merits of your guild rules and for keeping your thread active. To show that I like you I will continue to do so, again you are welcome.
Okay, thank you. Sorry If I sounded offensive or anything.
Sure, go to and fill an application.
Also to explain the part where you need to follow military orders, the Elysium guild has many divisions. If you do not want to be in an organized group of warriors, you just don't join the dedicated military division. Simple as that. You can still fight at our side in the battles, but you just won't have prioritized access to gear for instance..