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New EVE Online writer Phil Wallace takes a look today at the ups and downs of the sovereignty system that came in three months ago with the most recent expansion to CCP's EVE Online, Dominion.
TCUs, SBUs, iHubs...wat?
New expansions always mean new acronyms. Dominion was no different with its new chess pieces for the sovereignty game, the Territorial Claim Unit (TCU), the Sovereignty Blockade Unit (SBU), and the Infrastructure Hub (iHub). These three structures would be key in allowing alliances to claim, attack and build their empires while transforming the former slog of control tower sieges into a much more active struggle of invasion and defense. But what exactly do these new toys do?
Territorial Claim Unit - I claim this space in the name of...!
The TCU was designed as the alliance flag to be planted in a solar system. Anchorable at specific points in the system, it would become invulnerable after an eight hour online time while immediately granting system control to the controlling alliance. The only way to remove an online TCU would be the next structure on our list...
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
While I do still like EVE, this kind of misses the point.
The biggest failure of the new system is that it still comes down to mindlessly pounding millions of HP on static structures over and over. Changing the names and making it fewer structures with more HP didn't really change that or how long it takes.
They could have done better
Sovereignty always ccp's weak spot they could not find a way to balance attacker/defender + time zone problem , it it went worse everytime when they touch it. Now everyone scared from fleet lag .
I wish CCP posted progress report about server/database problems not a crappy PR mail ,btw anomalies still buggy which game are you playing phil?
i think this was a good step and i think CCP want to make "fixed" grids about this structures and then move this fixed grids on server in order to reduce lag whit the POS system thsa battle was to "random" and whit this battles happen on a more "fixed" location
BestSigEver :P
We wont be able to judge Dominion's effects properly until CCP fix the problems with the server that make large fleet battles basically impossible. These worked fine before Dominion.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
They may have changed the name of sovrenty wars or pos wars... but they have opened up 0.0 to thousands more corps and budding alliances.
That is the single greatest thing that could have been done. Also this "working the system" to improve it is a great idea... once system where just tokens in space indicating the boundarys of an territory its now a place where you can actually do stuff! Though flawed and in need of improvments is a great step in the correct direction.
We've had sovrenty in Eve for many many years now, this system is still in its infancy but does lay the ground work for lots of development possabilities.
As for this article....
Where is the second part?... I got the distinct impression that someone forgot to submit the second page.. the conclusion, the results.
My training on giving public talks and writing articles may be limited, but I know there should be an begining, a middle and an end... this article seems to be missing the end... or at least its missing a large chunk of meat.
dominion way missed the point, and i have to as well debunk the poster above. something like 80% of all null space is controlled by IT and their naptrain, and is closed to 99% of the community. the few "open" areas of null are gone or going, and the 3 major alliances replacing them arent exactly known for friendliness to outsiders. the fact that CCP knows how empty 0.0 is becoming and is instalocking any posts about how lopsided it is, and how lopsided the "random" bugs are, is a pretty good indication that eve is all but done for. as the saying goes, stick a fork in it...
the bugs introduced in dominion, which they have yet to fix, make large (ok, ANY) fleet fights impossible and a matter of simply being on grid first. they acknowledge this bug, but when 100's if not 1000's of ships are lost due to a known, acknowledged bug CCP quite literally says its your internet connection as they have no logs of the issue (and yes this is an actual reply from one of their customer screwover people) and reward the side who jumps a couple hundred ships into an unreinforced system, thereby exploiting the bug, kudos for good tactics.
sov warfare still revolves around 10 million HP structures, sovreignty isnt nearly expensive enough to hold making HUGE mega-alliances the only way to go. and the next little ditty they put out as groundwork for DUST, tyranis, makes it even easier as the mega corps get more powerful with more passive income while the rest of new eden shrinks and shrinks and shrinks.
add in the abundance of supercaps (weve seen over 20 fielded at once) and their overpoweredness and its game over. basically if you dont already controll space, and huge portions of it you never will.
basically, if your not in IT or their pets you may as well cancel. and if you were thinking of chekcing eve out all i can say is: don't.
80%? LOL Not even close. You know that Atlas & co aren't blue with IT? Nor are the drone regions. Even if they were, it still wouldn't be 80%
There's plenty of space available if you want to put in the effort and fight for some. What there isn't is prime space for free with no effort - but I guess that's what you actually mean isn't it? You just want space handed to you on a plate, so you're whining about the people who fught for theirs.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
hoppy87 can you pleas estop posting untrue facts, IT owns no where near to 80% of 0.0, your statement makes me wonder if you even play Eve or just read the forums where everyone posts lies and stupid remarks. Just cause your bitter cause IT maybe kicked your ass or owned you dosn't make it right to post stuff like this to try to keep new people from Eve.
No amount of :psyduk: can properly convey just how horribly idiotic this bit is.
Although even this piece of horridness isn't near as hilarious as this:
Please tell me which upcoming alliance moved into the great wilderness of 0.0 since dominion. Please point out exactly how they made it.
By the way, the only largely neutral force dropping an outpost in 0.0 after the expansion had it taken away from them within a week by an established power.