I don't think im nerdy, and I think its because none of my freinds are nerds therefore it keeps me from acting like a nerd.. but at heart I fucking hate my social life :] if it was up to me id play games all day X-X. to people outside of my computer world I'm a grateful dead loving stoner o-o. It came to my suprise that one of my biggest stoner freinds play this game lol, hes the reason why i'm buying it.
Well.. It's about time to get out... My name is Mvin....And erm... I'M A NERD... well atleast enough to go home and play WoW for hours everyday... hehe..
I got a 17. Now for all the people who got <10, who actually answered honestly?
It was those element questions that broke me. I took advanced science in my eight grade year (ninth grade now) so I knew all of them because, well I had to last year.
I can live with a 17.. 83% more people being nerdier than me is cool
Plus I found out I am going to die at the hearty ol' age of 86. Nifty...
And if I really took these quizzes seriously, I would want someone to kill me at the hearty ol' age of 15....(current age)
I don't think im nerdy, and I think its because none of my freinds are nerds therefore it keeps me from acting like a nerd.. but at heart I fucking hate my social life :] if it was up to me id play games all day X-X. to people outside of my computer world I'm a grateful dead loving stoner o-o. It came to my suprise that one of my biggest stoner freinds play this game lol, hes the reason why i'm buying it.
I scored 34, but my husband scored 82... I guess I am just a nerd groupie.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
27%, but I didnt understand some questions or answers simply because they are in english!
This define more the chemistry/math nerd then the other types, hehe.
They didnt ask if you speak Klingon or French however, remove me many points!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
wow out of my IRL "friends" im one of the leaset nerdy O.o
6% scored higher (more nerdy), and
94% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
Supreme Nerd. Apply for a professorship at MIT now!!!.
I score a 37 ...
So that puts me at really not smart enough to be a nerd.. yet enough nerdiness not to be hip.
man .. I feel so much better about myself .. does this test come with a razorblade?
SWG - droid engineer (retired)
CoH - Electric Lama - Lvl 26 Blaster(retired)
WoW - Kame - Lvl 60 NE Hunter
Server: Zul'jin
Guild: Crash Test Bunnies
99% - and I didn't even lie!
Toughest rater in the world
Try to impress me, please, i dare u
I got a 17. Now for all the people who got <10, who actually answered honestly?
It was those element questions that broke me. I took advanced science in my eight grade year (ninth grade now) so I knew all of them because, well I had to last year.
I can live with a 17.. 83% more people being nerdier than me is cool
Plus I found out I am going to die at the hearty ol' age of 86. Nifty...
And if I really took these quizzes seriously, I would want someone to kill me at the hearty ol' age of 15....(current age)
I got 46% nerd.
71% O.o
but that is probably because I like chemistry and find it rather easy. Anyway... odd.
Warhammer Guild
Im only 2% I dont play WoW but maybe I could try it
well 2 percent for me but some people think im 3% or 1%. 3% 1%
depends what you call a "nerd"