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hey i herd that this game has headset compatbility and online conversations, man i tried to talk to some on last BWE but i dont guess no one had a headset. so for the next beta you lot out there give out your character names only the one's who have deasets its ok if you got a PS2 heaset that works too and post your names on this topic because it will be fun to work out strategys and stuff.
Didn't tried it.
Yeah, It would be great if you can use a "voice communication" under a mission to speak with your teammates...
Guildwars - WSC guild
-> Ingame: Frigus Fnys
-> Profession: N/Mo
whats this about voice comm? i heard nothing about this in gw nor i have seen an voice chat option tho i do use teamspeak with GW with my guild but ts is a hassle getting people in your coop group to use it or pvp group
Head set communication would be so awesome. I don't have a head set but i could get one.
Sleipners Shop
ts2 and ventrillo basically the same thing but can't join vent servers or vice versa but i know wsc is a big guild and how can you guys stand talking with vent with a guild 40+ members in gw? i could be wrong about your guild but your name sounded like another big guild in gw
Voice communication is not featured in the game client as of yet. One version of the game does come with a headset from Logitech, and a copy of TeamSpeak, I believe.
However to use voice communication you will need to use a VoIP program, like TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, Roger Wilco, etc. You will need to get the connection information of the group you wish to communicate with, in many cases this information is usually meant for guild members of a certain guild.
One other program that is considering VoIP technology is XFire.
XFire supports both Ventrilo and TeamSpeak that I have tested. However XFire itself is also checking randomly with registered members to ask what they would like to see as additions to it. One of which was it's own VoIP capabilities.
You have probably mixed up us with some other guild. We are not so big, but not so small either in Guild Wars
About Ventrilo (voIP "voice communication program"), and that we are 40+ members on ventrilo... you can make different rooms in Ventrilo, and we are just so many ppl in each channel that we are for a mission or a PvP. or if you mean how we can be 40+ on our ventrilo server (cause in new ventrilo servers you can only be 8 as max, or you have to pay for more slots) is that we are using a old ventrilo server with a limit on 200users.
Ventrilo is a GREAT way to use if you are playing guildwars. Like WSC Sleipner said before, it can be quite hard to write to your team while you are attacking a mob or busy with something else. Teamspeak2 is another voIP (voice over IP) program you can use for your guild.
Guildwars - WSC guild
-> Ingame: Frigus Fnys
-> Profession: N/Mo
ah i didn't mean to get off topic i know there isn;t a limit with it i was just asking alot of people on a ts server or vent they gets awkard i know with ts and my total annihilation clan im in with 10 people in a room (ta max players is 10 =/) but usually 2 or 3 people talk the exact some time some else talks and the voices gets blended into something annoying :P yea i know rooms prevent this but still :P i have vent but never use it and had no idea you can make rooms in vent