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Blizzard has announced the Neural interface today. The interface will allow players to experience World of Warcraft in a way they never have before: through your mind!
Details below:
The first time you use the Neural Interface, it reads and adapts to your unique brainwave signature, forming a permanent and unbreakable bond, ensuring that all your senses are properly mapped to your character's view of the game world. Once this neural link is formed, do not attempt to remove the Neural Interface for any reason. Blizzard Entertainment is not liable for any temporary or permanent loss of brain function as a result of improper use of the Neural Interface.
• Play your World of Warcraft avatar with complete sensory input. Experience the sights, smells, and tastes of Azeroth as never before!
• Simple and easy to use – Press one button on the side of the Neural Interface to generate permanent mental imprint. Setup of the Neural Interface is simple and takes only a few hours.
•Mostly Unobstrusive – Take your Neural Interface wherever you play World of Warcraft and have the satisfaction of knowing that you will only receive a few questioning glances.
•Tough and durable – Lasts for months, and replacement is theoretically possible.
The device is already sold out, but was previously available for the low-low price of $14,999 in pink, gray, or black. Unfortunately, at such low prices the thing sold out in minutes. Sorry guys!
Check out the Neural Interface here.
Happy April Fools day everyone...
i wanna buy this...i can pay 199999.999999 virtual $ i can farm better....faster...nolifer
Sigh...if just there were really such a thing...
If I had this I would be pretty sure I would have died from hunger.
For some reason when I read this, the episode of Futurama where the holosheds broke on Zapp Brannigan's ship. I can see a lot of people being slapped with paternity suits from inside WoW now.
Ugh they could have been more subtle, thats what makes for a good Aprils fool, other than that nice to see them playing along.
I beta'd this and i still have nightmares!
While playing in Wintergrasp i was hacked and the goldselling guy took over control of my body, picked up all my bank cards and forced me to run double time to the nearest bank. After overpowering the inept bank security and 2 full SWAT teams i was finally taken down trying to carry 500pounds of Gold Bullion out of the bank vault.
I should have stuck with my regular neural interface and not switched to the battlenet one
Oh and be warned if using this device please tie you legs to your chair because if you witness the Erp in Goldshire from this new outlook you wil be compelled to try and chew one of your feet off.
I'm glad Blizzard had the common sense to put Sold Out cause how many idiots actually tried buying it.
I like the part where it comes with a mini-pet.
Anyway I have ordered mine, much better paying $15000 for this than paying $15000 in some pay-to-win game and become a deity in that game.
This will work great along with some Razer Venom -
Nah, they went over the top so it was clear it's just a prank. If they chose to go with "WoW - now in 3D thanks to our latest software!" and then showed some screens similar to what nVidia 3D Vision can do... that would've been awesome.
Enjoyed reading this, gave me quite a few laughs
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
See the point of april's fool joke is they are between the limit of credible and not. Sorry but i thought this was too obvious and therefore lame. Sorry but this April fool joke is FAIL!
My guess is that they went with the 'over the top' venue, due to the Pandaran debacle where Fans ended up disapointed because it was just a joke and not real... that said, it's created quite the out cry for a Pandaran Player Character, so perhaps your right. they shoulda gone more subtle heh.
Thank you,
zWolf -out.
same here... I'd totally /fart the person who'd buy it.
Once agian Blizz mkae the game easy for the casuals!!! You don't even need to make awesome keybinding macros and watch da vids to play, you THINK u're AWESOME, therefore you ARE!!!!
I hate them so much I'm going to quit and write about why I'm so butthurt on every single forum I can find kkthanksbye
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
I liked the Epeen thing from MMOchamp... Sadly I can see people actually wanting it....
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
sounds very much like Red Dwarfs "this is life", where everyones dreams came true and although you could leave at any point, no one did... and they just died eventually.
"nothing actually matters, we're just slightly evolved monkeys clinging to a dying piece of rock hurtling through space waiting for our eventual death." - Frankie Boyle, Mock The Week
Noob, get an authenticator :P
It may be a joke but a chilling one coming from blizzard. You know they want absolute mind control.
This was of concern to me and I'm glad I saw this post. It only cemented the idea that Blizzard is clearly run by Illuminati technomages bent on world domination.
Therefore, I will be placing on eBay a very limited run of Transcranial Illuminati Negating Fitted Overlay Insulated Lateral Head Adorned Toboggans, or T.I.N.F.O.I.L.H.A.T.s for the low, low price of $500. Look for user "AlexJonesIsAHack" and watch your back. They're out there.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
I admit it's a lil over the top. On the other hand, the Equipment Potency EquivalencE Number system they're implementing is really cool! Now everyone can see their virtual bar without fighting over it! WoW players won't even have to lose their time grouping with people 2k gs below them! Or even whisper them! Hell, you won't even have to watch em at all!
...then I remember that happens already in WoW, except people don't have an actual "bar" to stroke at people: they prefer to fight over gearscores. Still, nice April's Fools, got a laugh out of it xP
You should post that on alex's site. They might believe you. In fact I wonder if those guys keep an eye on gaming in light of conspiracies. MIght be fun to write a piece and watch feathers fly.
I wouldn't be surprised if the day something like this could ever be possible , a company does it xD.
Mind control via video games =P