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Latest Patch on QA is awesome -- polished to no end! Multi-interlock finally possible and fluid!

sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

See topic

Will post notes here as well

Ability and Discipline Changes

Ability use feedback text has been reviewed, edited, and updated.
Ability use animations have been reviewed, updated, and fixed where necessary.
State upgrades and downgrades now display correctly in the status windows.
Hyper-Jump animations have been updated.
Personal Firewall bonuses are now correctly removed when the ability is turned off.
New animations have been added for Open Locks.
Failed Write Code attempts now burn appropriate code bits and fragments.
Repair Items now works correctly.
Recall Team Member now works correctly.
Buffer Overflow Abilities now work correctly.
Find Weakness now downgrades the target's Ranged and Melee Damage Resistance on a successful use.
Incorrectly categorized Ability Codes are now in the correct area of the Write Code window.
Delete Upgrade and Cancel Upgrade now remove Weapons Boost on a successful use.
Mouse-over text for Ability upgrades and downgrades has been reviewed and updated.
The bug causing Abilities to always be interrupted on first use has been fixed.
Adjustments have been made to how Sneaking checks to see if the player has been seen.
Ability prerequisites have been reviewed and updated where necessary.
NPCs can no longer use viral attacks while mezzed.
Buffer costs have been reviewed and updated.
Ability codes are now found on the appropriate Vendors.
Ability damage and downgrades now work correctly during combat.
Disrupt Connection now affects the target's Combat Tactics and Viral Transmission scores.
Bug causing problems leveling up a lower-level Ability when you also have a higher-level version has been fixed.
Precise Blows and Energized Attacks now interact correctly.
Bash now has a re-use timer.
Special attacks requiring a weapon can no longer be used when disarmed.
Incorrect Ability Memory costs have been fixed.
Ability description text has been reviewed, edited, and updated.
Master Knife Thrower has been improved.
Master Assassin has been improved.
The cap on Stealth bonuses has been increased.
PCs and NPCs can no longer move until all mez effects have worn off.
Prerequisites for the Network Hacker Ability have been adjusted.
Resist Infection now increases Viral Deflection instead of Viral Resistance.
Miasma 1.0 now has an Aura effect.
NPCs now use Interlock-only Abilities during Interlock.
Hyper Speed now increases Movement Speed by 1.5% per level.
Concealment now works correctly.
Selective Phage now upgrades the character's Viral Damage, Inner Strength regeneration, and Concentration.
Steady Aim now has a cooldown timer.
Impart Invisibility can no longer be used on PCs in Interlock.
The Impart Invisibility effect is now broken by attacking, entering Interlock, or using Abilities.
Sidekick Combo no longer requires the opponent to be Staggered.
Vanish now works correctly.
Improved Invisibility now increases the duration of the Invisibility effect.
Improved Invisibility no longer has a Buffer cost.
Ghost Strike no longer refreshes the invisibility timer when successful.
Attributes now affect player statistics directly instead of Abilities themselves.
Decompile, Repair, Compile, and Cryptography now have statistics associated with each ability.
Auto-discovery of code structures (recipes) is now governed by either the character's Write Code or appropriate Maker Ability--whichever is highest.
Cryptography now has a use timer.
Impart Invisibility can no longer target the character using the ability.
Escape moves now work against Aikido.

Artificial Intelligence Systems

Agents are now harder to escape from.
Enemies who can't reach a character's location with now either shoot at them or run out of the character's firing distance.
NPC pathing has been improved.
Some NPC clipping issues have been resolved.
NPC dialogue has been reviewed, edited, and updated.
Simulacra pathing has been improved.
Organization guards in Constructs can no longer become aggressive to characters from their Organizations.
Many adjustments have been made to NPC behaviors.
NPCs can no longer de-Stealth a character they con grey to.
Ambush NPCs no longer ignore players

Game Balancing and Performance

Server and client stability have been improved.
Players no longer jack back in to a Construct if the /jackout command was used to exit from the Construct.
Players can no longer team with hostile players in the Constructs.
Dual weapons now have a higher average damage than their single-weapon counterparts.
Regeneration rates have been adjusted for Free Fire attacks.
Rifle Mastery and SMG Specialization now provide weapon-specific damage bonuses.
Program Launchers now occupy the Glasses slot and have male and female versions.
Utility Master now includes Melee and Ranged Damage bonuses.
The Ability-level cap of primary Attributes has been rased.
Bedlam's Dual Pistols now have correct requirements
Recall Mission Team now has a cooldown timer.
Hyper-Strength now has a Memory Cost of 1.
Mission Team and Crew invite feeback has been improved.
Players must have an Organization reputation of 16 or better to form Crews.
Voiceover dialogue has been reviewed and cleaned up.
Dialogue text has been reviewed, edited, and updated.

General Game Changes

The default mouselook setting is now the left mouse button.
Holding the right mouse button during autorun now controls the camera, otherwise the pointer is free to use.
Character models have been reviewed and cleaned up.
Some texture issues have been resolved.
Some NPC character sheet issues have been fixed.
Neighborhood contact location icons now show their correct positions on the map.
NPC names have been reviewed and updated.
NPC dialogue has been reviewed, edited, and updated.
Names have been split into first and last names for dialogue use.
Cursor speed can now be adjusted.
Less stringent check for reserved words in character/group names

Combat System

Feedback message timing has been adjusted.
Characters now remain in an aggro stance after leaving Interlock combat.
The loot effect now appears in the correct location.
Combat animations have been optimized.
Combat result timing has been adjusted.
Combatant orientation now updates correctly.

Inventory Systems

Item and code structure description text has been reviewed, edited, and updated.
Item icons have been reviewed and updated.
The Code Compiler now accurately tracks the number of remaining uses.
GO - implement info and xp proxy objects
Repair Tools are now available on Item Vendors and as loot drops.
Animations have been added for using Holy Water.
Issues with some unequippable items have been resolved.
Item names have been reviewed, edited, and updated.
Weapon animations have been reviewed and updated.
Item textures have been reviewed and updated.
Bug allowing characters to move through walls after using Consumables has been fixed.
Vendor Information costs for items have been reviewed and updated.
Item mouseover text has been reviewed, edited, and updated.
Vendor inventory tables have been reviewed and updated.
Mk II Armored Male Shoes now add to damage resistance.
Status window now correctly shows bonuses due to enhanced clothing.
Players can no longer trade Information to a player who has the maximum Information allowed.
Exile hideout bosses now drop loot appropriate to their levels.
Noise levels for Silenced and normal weapons have been adjusted.
Item prerequisites have been reviewed and updated.
Locate Data Nodes Ability code complexity has been lowered.

Map System

The Point-of-Interest filter now persists between game sessions.
Accessing a new hardline now updates the map more quickly.

Mission System and Tutorial

Missions have been reviewed and updated.
Mission Team invite feedback has been reviewed and updated.
Many Mission-specific bugs have been resolved.
Mission text has been reviewed, edited, and updated.
NPC chat no longer bleeds over into nearby mission areas.
Placing of mission waypoints has been optimized.
Unlocking a door no longer disarms the trap if one is present.
NPC hostility levels and timing have been adjusted.
Missions have been adjusted to use separate first and last names.
Mission objectives now update dynamically on all team-members' screens.
Some new mission floorplans have been added.
Rewards now scale to team level correctly.
Neighborhood contacts now distinguish between being out of missions and having none for the character's level.
Several mission-related client crash bugs have been fixed.
Major rewards for final neighborhood missions have been updated.
Mission experience rewards now dynamically change for addition or loss of team members and for members who've finished the mission before.
Voiceovers have been reviewed and polished.
Tutorial text has been reviewed and updated.
Using hotkeys during the tutorial works the same as using the mouse.
Tutorial mission objectives now update correctly.

User Interface

Consumables are now listed under Tools in the Actions panel.
Tooltips UI was reviewed and updated.
Sentinel browser window now automatically closes if the player is attacked.
Success feedback information has been reviewed and updated.
Useable items list on Vendors now dynamically updates.
Subway map UI has been reviewed and updated.
Tells now show as tell [playername]>> in the Chat window.
Central Storage now has sorting options.
Elevator UI was reviewed and polished.
NPC portraits have been reviewed and polished.
Open UI elements remain open after teleporting via hardline.
Abilities panel UI has been reviewed and polished.
Advanced Team Find panel has been added.
Chat UI activation is now more consistent.
All UI elements were reviewed, updated, and polished.
The Chat UI now appears if ENTER is pressed while it's minimized.
Experience and damage text has been polished.
Mission panel has been reviewed and polished.
Pin buttons on panels now work correctly.
Mission Team captains now get a confirmation window before releasing a member from the team.
Mouseover tool tips have been added to most UI elements.
Combat UI has been reviewed, updated, and polished.
Loading Area graphics have been reviewed and updated.
Tutorial Vignette interface has been improved.
Faction panel UI has been reviewed and updated.
All the Ls are belong to new font.
Players can now toggle the UI on or off using CTRL + U.
Mousing over an Aura effect now shows details on the Aura's effect.
GM chat now shows an icon beside the text and the text is red.
Double clicking an item in the Marketplace now asks if the player wishes to buy the item.

Art and Animation Changes

Some new non-combat animations have been added.
Animations have been reviewed and updated.
Some animation and clipping issues have been resolved.
Two-person emote requests are now blocked by the /ignore command.
Visual effects have been reviewed and polished.
Textures were reviewed, updated, and polished.
Point-of-interest markers were reviewed, corrected, and updated.
Club signs have been reviewed, edited, and updated.
The Ability tree layout and icons was reviewed, edited, and updated.
PC and NPC models were reviewed, updated, and fixed where necessary.
PCs no longer stand back up if killed while jumping.
World object models have been reviewed, updated, and fixed where necessary.
The Repair Item tool has been added.
World object textures have been reviewed and updated.

Music and Sound Changes

Environmental sound effects have been reviewed and polished.
New effects have been added.
Some adjustments to club music have been made.
Audio elements have been reviewed and polished.

World Changes

More invisible wall issues have been fixed.
Pigeons now make noise.
Bluepills now have Details panels.
Object models have been reviewed, updated, and polished.
More missing textures have been replaced with the correct textures.
Hardline functions now work at a more restricted distance.
International District access nodes now work correctly.
More invisible wall issues have been fixed.
Blupill (Richworld) pathing has been reviewed and updated.
Movement sound effects have been reviewed and updated.
Many clipping issues have been resolved.
Object models have been reviewed and polished.

For those who aren't in beta. If you've read a few MXO previews before, youll notice in speakin about the combat system that most previewers feel the devs designed the interlock system to be completely 1v1 because multi-interlock was underwhelming and too slow.

This new patch chagnes that completely. Previously in interlock there were a variety of moves whether a tactic or a special ability that when used, if they knocked your opponent down he would stay down for a bit, kind of like IRL, winded trying to recover himself. This sucked in 1v1 because, you just stood there while that happened, you couldnt beat on him while hes down. This is still the case BUT if youre interlocked with two or more people. And you happen to have this happen to one of your targets, you can use this opportunity to focus on another while the other one is down. Kind of like a real fight -- its really awesome. Since all it takes to switch targets is a simple single click. It's very fluid and intuitive, and im so happy to see the changes!

On a sidenote, hyperjumping got polished too, you can do acrobatic stuff while hyperjumping. Kind of like neo's twirling and flips while flying. Cool stuff!

So for those who have left beta or those who haven't, might want to give it a gander again, or for the first time. IT's changed a whole LOT!

Grab your beta key (giving out now) -- doesnt require a FP paid account! (But does require CC for beta!)

EDIT: Sorry im a bit over-enthusiastic, I just discovered the multi-interlock thing and got quite excited so I felt like posting here :P



  • darquenbladedarquenblade Member Posts: 1,015

    Crap...that's an assload of changes/fixes =)

    You've got to give it to Monolith--they're definitely on the ball with this one.

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    Rofl. Yeah.


  • jackman1118jackman1118 Member Posts: 288

    i still hate this patch, i can barely play for a whole hour anymore without giving up on it. image

    i dunno, its a great game but somehow the patch turned me off.. WAY off. maybe im just wierd

  • metalfoxusmetalfoxus Member Posts: 805

    I like whats been done in the new patch (I can jump straight up now! ::::01:: ) and I can't wait for the game be shipped out. God, im going to do nothing but play MxO during my 3 day headstart ::::06::

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    Whats wrong jackman? :P


  • iamthenovusiamthenovus Member Posts: 8

    The game is still awful. There are players going about pvp and not joining in on our partys.


    Do not mess with us RFZ will destory you.

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    Novus is that you? :P


  • jackman1118jackman1118 Member Posts: 288

    I dunno... i liked it when it was easy :D... im still going to get it when it comes out, dont get me wrong. I just cant get over the fact that why waste time playing the game when it comes out in a month and everything goes away.

    BTW how does the preorder thing work? do you get a full copy when you spend 10 bucks and you can start playing the real version three days in advance or are you given a code thing that would say upgrade a closed beta to a preorder beta?

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    You mean easy as in you still haven't gotten over the CT buffs? Many of us have been here since October and we never had CT buffs. If its just going to be easy theres no challenge bro.

    You have to pay in full with the preorder. The 10$ is just the minimum to get you the preorder box containing the preorder key that lets you in 3 days early. You'll get to play those 3 days with a 10$ preorder, but youd have to pay the rest off to get the full game and log in afterwards.


  • thefatbonethefatbone Member Posts: 15

    Theres a discussion in MXO general about the coding of the game.

    Very worrying..


    if Mxo wer able to be breakin down into c++ this is an example of what the first few lines of code SHOULD look like,and how the programmers actually wrote it

    <windows.h><goto est.x><mxo><blah blah wahtever unique thingy here>

    THe way they did it-
    <windows.h><o.dll.mxo><blah linker address blah>

    the diffrence is sum few essential commands that make thinsg run a whole lot smoother.for instance the <goto ext.x> command is a sub-common routine used to stabalize sumthing so its Vmemory output matches the systems amount of phys mem.makes for a wholelot bettor and stable game session.

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949



  • thefatbonethefatbone Member Posts: 15

    What I'm saying is. There taking shortcuts to get to the live date on time.

    This game will be in no way set for go on launch date. It's beta and will be for more than half a year in my eyes.

  • sygmassygmas Member Posts: 949

    Well if SWG survived for as long as it did with as little as it had, I have quite an amount of faith in MXO. Which is leaps and bounds over what SWG has /now/. For all its flaws it brings a lot to the table. More than enough to survive on, and things will obviously change for the better as time goes on.


  • MxOTboneMxOTbone Member Posts: 3

    ## Incoming Transmission...

    Follow the angel

    ## End Transmission...

  • thefatbonethefatbone Member Posts: 15
    So sygmas you're saying they're going to double over the code once the game goes live and make the alterations necessary?
  • Rock21Rock21 Member Posts: 54

    Methinks thefatbone ought to try rewriting The Matrix Online in BASIC. This would be so much better on my old Commodore 64.

    The QA patch is nice except for the gaudy numbers over the characters in combat. This is supposed to be the steramlining and polishing phase not the "how ugly can we make it and how much can we obscure our beautiful combat" phase.

  • LtldoggLtldogg Member UncommonPosts: 282

    Please do not listen to thefatbone.  I have read the thread thefatbone is referring to on the MxO boards and the person who posted this nonsense has no credibility.  In addition, the code in question is made up and if you would read the entire thread you would come to the same conclussion.  The MxO Devs (like all major MMO Devs) are professionals and would not jeopardize the integrity of the game by take coding shortcuts which would cause problems.

    The poster thefatbone has zero credibility to me now that I have had a chance to read more then a few of his threads on these forums.


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