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I have a char that i played for awhile. I used him mostly as a miner so his skills are trained that way. I was wondering if it would be useless to play that char as a pvp char?
Also with me being so far behind everyone and how eves skill system is set up i won't be able to catch up with everyone. How much trouble will i have competing with people who have much better items and higher skills then me?
All characters can train all skills, so having mining skills will not affect you negatively. Keep the char.
Regarding skill points you may be behind, but since all skills have a max level of 5 you can easily become as good as experienced players in any single field and with time many fields. Actual experience and ISK are more important. I have a lot of skill points but most of them I dont use and that is the case with any player that have a lot of skill points.
Definatly continue with your character.
First, its almost like a badge of honor, when another player is scoping you out the first thing they do is check your characters birth date... the older it is the more respect they seem to have for you. Or rather, the more chance that you know what your doing
Second, Since you last played CCP have added the option to 're-spec' your attributes.. so if you chose to go combat this time around, re-spec and put max into perception and will power... wont take long to train offensive skills or ship command skills.
Third, there is a new expansion coming, so its an exiting time to re-sub, but its out May 18, roughly a month from now.. There is going to be 'planetary interaction' which is a kind of industrial aspect, so you may yet want to continue with industry, who knows.
There are some PI parts on the test server now, but its in a very early stage, so I tend to re-sub about 2 weeks before expansion hits, gives me a good heads up on what to by the time it goes live, and of course its always worth building up a bit of cash
Something to consider, each skill only has 5 "levels", no one (except GM's) can go beyond that, so yes, if you focus your training to a specific ship type that you find fun, you CAN catch up pretty quickly. Players expand laterally in their abilites in eve, as in they can fly more kinds of ships well, they do not expand linearly (except for the 5 levels) in that a 5 year old vet will always beat the 1 year old character, it always depends on the ships, the setups, the experience in game and the mental outlook of the pilots.
F2P/P2P excellent thread.
you wont be behind 'everyone' anyway.. new players are signing up to Eve everyday.
Depending on your situation its even possible there are more active players that are below you than vets
Thanks for the responses.
I will be reactivating my account. Hope to get into some pvp eventually. The videos of the big battles is what made me think of returning.
Then you'll possibly want to do some research on Faction Warfare. Ideal for getting into reasonably sized fleet battles with players of similar levels of skill and knowledge.
Everyone is always worried about "being behind". It's true, the player with the most skill points has the advantage on paper, and you never really can "catch" that player as far as training goes. No matter what, they'll always be ahead of you.
That being said, the time-based training system that EVE employs is really quite ingenius when it comes to leveling the playing field. Its unique design does allow younger characters to compete with older characters. If you disagree, look at some of the more traditional MMOs, especially WoW and its emphasis on gear. Sure, you can eventually match the level and the gear of the vets, but you can't come right out of the box and compete with them. A level 20 has no chance against a level 80, no matter what. EVE's training system changes that. It's entirely possible for a 2 month player to defeat a 5 year player in combat. It may not always be likely, but the possibiliy does exist.
At first, it seems like there's no possible way to catch up, but you'll soon begin to see that the gap isn't nearly as wide as you thought it was. No one player can bring all of their SP to bare against you at any one time, so yes, they have much much more, but how many of them are they actually able to apply in any single engagement?
The largest advantage that veteran players have as far as skillpoints are concerned is versatility. A vet will fly a frigate one day, a hac the next, a recon the next, and maybe a command ship the next time you see them. Whereas a newer player is bound by the area he's chosen to focus his limited SP in. So while you may be stuck in a frigate for the time being, you can easily become very, very proficient at frigate combat in a relatively short amount of time. You can become downright lethal in 6-8 weeks, possibly less. And while it's true that the veteran can fly many ships, they can't fly them all at the same time. They have to choose one and do what they can with it. This is how the field gets leveled when it's new vs old.
Also, a huge chunk of those extra SP the vets have are in training skills to level 5, whereas most younger players stop at level 4. While it does make a difference, the size of the difference is in reality pretty small, normally between 2 and 5%.
The main reason older players win in combat against newer ones is simple ... experience. They are simply more familiar with the interface and combat. And since we're talking actual player skill, and not some arbritrary amount of skillpoints, we can see that your goals of becoming a proficient pilot aren't as lofty as you once thought.
Now I don't want to diminish the achievements of the older players. The SP does matter, but if you step back and look at the big picture, it's their time behind the stick that makes the largest difference.
The whole point of this is, don't let the age of other players intimidate you. The amount of SP they own is a little less significant than most people think it is. Case in point ... I've created alts, trained them up to a million or 2 skill points, then took them out and gave "vets" a very very hard time. A couple of friends and myself used to do it on off days when we were bored, we'd make a 3 man incursus fleet and raise all kinds of hell. So just because you're young doesn't mean you're in a perpetual disadvantage. Get a frig, start traiing sp, go get some combat experience. You'll find out, when it comes to combat, the notches in your belt are infinitely more valuable than the SP in your character tab.
Also, no matter how old a player is... its just no indication of his levels of knowledge and understanding.
I've seen people posting who claim to have been playing Eve for years ands years offering completly false advice!
On the flip side I've met players who havnt played for nearly as long as me, telling ME things which I never knew! to be fair thats not difficult,I dont understand a lot about certain races and certain ships, lol.. and one day you might be the one who kills me or you might be the one commanding a fleet im in.