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What about the Races in CoS?

I noticed that the dev website mentioned that they will be releasing more information about the Races soon.  What do we know already?  Do they mean the races we can play?   I saw a list of them in the Q & A section of the web site:

1) Humans

2) Verduren

3) Gargoyles

4) Waerians

5) Tyven

6) Jenemos

The Lore talks about them some on the dev web site.   The Waerians sound like a water people of some kind.  Does that mean there will be underwater cities?  Adventures?  Quests?  I wonder when they will release info on the first race and which one?  Anyone heard a rumor?  Or will Jatar give us a hint (if I ask nicely)?


  • TanqueTanque Member UncommonPosts: 46

    If you read the lore you can find everything about them(well maybe not everything),they're prety much all sub races of humans(it has been said that you start human and you can then change).

    They've all got their own crazyness,I think it was the Tyven who didn't understand the meaning of possessing something but don't take my word on that.

  • JatarJatar Member UncommonPosts: 348
    Originally posted by Sandbagger

    ... I wonder when they will release info on the first race and which one?  Anyone heard a rumor?  Or will Jatar give us a hint (if I ask nicely)?


    Well, since you asked nicely     (And we were just about to release information on the first race anyway), you can find information on the Verduren race on the web site.   Look for the Races tab at the top of the About CoS  page.   We will continue to release information on each of the six playable races in Citadel of Sorcery over the next few months.  If you have any questions about the Verduren after reading, let us know and we'll see if I can answer them for you.

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    I read about the Verdurens on the web site.  So, a matriarchal society, I like it!  From the last paragraph I assume this means that players will be one of the Verduren Sumar?  Warriors without a clan.   I like the camouflage skin of the Verdurens.   What is that like?  Does it change somehow to make them blend in?  I mean, will we see it change in the game?  How does one become a Verduren?  So many questions... 

  • IsaneIsane Member UncommonPosts: 2,630
    Originally posted by Sandbagger

    I read about the Verdurens on the web site.  So, a matriarchal society, I like it!  From the last paragraph I assume this means that players will be one of the Verduren Sumar?  Warriors without a clan.   I like the camouflage skin of the Verdurens.   What is that like?  Does it change somehow to make them blend in?  I mean, will we see it change in the game?  How does one become a Verduren?  So many questions... 


    Thought the article inferred that tribes had their own capabilities and these could be learned/earnedin some way. So there could be some nice variations on the camoflage and nature type abilities to be gained from gaining favor with tribes of Verdurens...

    I guess... can't wait for this to come out..


    Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel 

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37


    I like that... if I'm a Verduren and I do a favor for another tribe then I learn their form of camouflage.     On a different note, they talk about aromas and smells being something special with Verdurens.  I wonder how this will be represented in the game?  Certainly not 'smellaround'., you know, those smell machines, or some guy standing behind you squirting aromas, or scratch and sniff :)  

    I do like it when games make better use of sound, more than just music or sound effects.  Like when you can hear footsteps sneaking up on you from the right in the dark.  Or you hear something grunting on the other side of a door and that tells you that there are some kind of monster you recognize from the sound and he's waiting to attack.   I hope CoS makes use of sound... and smell, if that is possible.


  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    The 'November' update mentioned the release of details on another race next week.  I wonder which one?  Does anyone have a preference on which they'd like to read about?   I'm curious about the Waerians and the Jenemos, but I suppose information on all of them will eventually be released.

    Oh, and happy Turkey Day.

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    I've been haunting the Citadel of Sorcery web site (I admit it, I'm stalking the game).  After all, the devs said they were releasing information on another race this week.   It's a Gargoyle!   He's pretty mean looking. The gargoyle armor looks pretty cool too. There is also a lot of information about how they revere honor above all else (reminds me of samurai).  Well accept for the cheese thing.   Limburger must be like whiskey, lol.  I can imagine lots of quest driven stories about the Gargoyles going on impossible quests because they are honor bound to do so. 

    Seems that the web site has also upgraded the picture of the Verduren girl.  Now I want to player one even more!   Love the leaves for hair.


  • MaelkorMaelkor Member UncommonPosts: 459

    One way of handling smell as an in game concept would be to represent it in a graphical way. IE vapor trails of smells, clouds(opacity of the cloud might indicate strenght of smell) the more opaque the newer the smell the less opaque the older the smell or perhaps a smell that barely registers to your senses. You could then bring tracking into the game with races/players with good sight might notice tracks while those with a good nose might notice vapor trails. This would open up spells and abilities which might cause stink clouds that completely messes up a characters ability to "smell" and see smells.

    That of course brings the ideas of having different races with truly different perceptions. Creating such a game where some races see only in the infrared, others by smell etc would of course surely be beyond the scope of this game but would be interesting indeed. I think the graphical capabilities that exist today could handle this to some degree. Imagine a race that sees by sonar or sound vibrations :) .

  • JatarJatar Member UncommonPosts: 348
    Originally posted by Maelkor

    One way of handling smell as an in game concept would be to represent it in a graphical way. IE vapor trails of smells, clouds(opacity of the cloud might indicate strenght of smell) the more opaque the newer the smell the less opaque the older the smell or perhaps a smell that barely registers to your senses. You could then bring tracking into the game with races/players with good sight might notice tracks while those with a good nose might notice vapor trails. This would open up spells and abilities which might cause stink clouds that completely messes up a characters ability to "smell" and see smells.
    That of course brings the ideas of having different races with truly different perceptions. Creating such a game where some races see only in the infrared, others by smell etc would of course surely be beyond the scope of this game but would be interesting indeed. I think the graphical capabilities that exist today could handle this to some degree. Imagine a race that sees by sonar or sound vibrations :) .


    Yes, Maelkor, we are already planning on 'visual' scent in Citadel of Sorcery.  This does include tracking and PC Abilities.  And our races have different perceptions.  So this is not beyond the scope of CoS, it is, in fact, already part of the game design.  :)

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    So, you're saying that different races will 'see', 'smell' and 'hear' differently?   That's neat.  I looked at the picture of the male gargoyle on the citadel of sorcery web site and can't imagine what the female of that race would look like.  Since I'm of that persuasion, can you show me one?  Pretty please?  (that last bit was to Jatar).

  • TanqueTanque Member UncommonPosts: 46

    You can actualy see all the races already,just see that is for there is only info for two races rigth now.

    If you go to the races page under Citadel Of Sorcery are ten faces:

    1º Human

    2º Verduren

    3º Tyven (lore describes them as a combination between a fox and a human)

    4º Waerian (99% sure,they are what I would mostly associate with a race that can live underwater)

    5º ???(might be a Jenemo)

    6º Tyven

    7º ???(i'd bet on Jenemo for this one)

    8º Gargoyle (as seen in the gargoyle indepth race description)

    9º Waerian

    10º Human

    For number 5 and 7,it's possible that they are both Jenemos,after all they didn't have specific descriptions on the lore other than their hands having big fingers(is that what that elongated means?)

    Keep in mind that the big fingers where also a characteristic of the "builders",the Jenemos just seem to be "builders" who had bad traits to have in a society and went through the Morphael's alterations to be made into the "mechanical" race.(so they could sabotage Morphael's machines if you haven't read the lore)

    It's quite possible for them to look quite different from each other face wise.


  • BookkeeperBookkeeper Member Posts: 60

    I'm interested in how the races will work in the game.  Will some of these elements from the lore on how they were created impact the game play?  Is it only role playing or are the actual differences that set them apart from a practical standpoint.  Does one race make a better warrior due to these differences or some special racial ability?  (Yes, I read that you don't have classes, but since people can make their own... and if they were making a warrior or wizard type class, would one race suite that better than another?) 

  • IsaneIsane Member UncommonPosts: 2,630
    Originally posted by Bookkeeper

    I'm interested in how the races will work in the game.  Will some of these elements from the lore on how they were created impact the game play?  Is it only role playing or are the actual differences that set them apart from a practical standpoint.  Does one race make a better warrior due to these differences or some special racial ability?  (Yes, I read that you don't have classes, but since people can make their own... and if they were making a warrior or wizard type class, would one race suite that better than another?) 

    The official site has quite a bit of info, which is worth reading.

    Based on the Lore and content available certain races have specific abilities which fit your stereotype classes, so you have pretty much answered your own question. Have a read up on the Library and learning again this may help you understand more.

    The number of so called abilities that apparently can be learnt  probably mean that you can be what you want without impacting yourself. Theres a story scenario at the official site that may give you an idea of  ability combos.

    Game is still pretty much Alpha if that so best bet is getting a response from Jatar, if you can pique his interest.



    Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel 

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    Yes, I've scoured the web site for tidbits of information.  It must get getting near time for the release of the next race information.  I suppose it will be at the end of this month, but I can hope can't I?  Four races left... let's see, I have a 25 percent chance of guessing right... I'll guess... Waerians!

  • DeadagainBobDeadagainBob Member Posts: 13

    OK, so I went to the web site, where are the races posted? 

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37
    Originally posted by DeadagainBob

    OK, so I went to the web site, where are the races posted? 


    Top menus, off the Home page, (not the menu on the left).   Blue word, 'Races'   :)

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    In the Holiday 2009 MMO team screenshots on their web site I can see all the races (I think).  The Tyven and Jenemos look like they must be up front, no doubt someone said, "Tall guys in front, short guys in back!".  If the last picture is a shot of the MMO Magic team then I count about twenty-six.  And it's about time for info on the next race... hint hint devs.

  • BookkeeperBookkeeper Member Posts: 60

    I count 24 in that picture.  Which one is Jatar?   (lol)

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    The new race detail is up on their web site, the Waerians!   I was curious about them, so that's cool.  I like the look of the Waerian female (though I'm still partial to the Verduren girl).   So, with an entire playable race of underwater dwelling people, I suppose this means that there will be underwater adventures?  Will humans (and other races) be able to go underwater?  I imagine that spell they mentioned, created by the Enchantress, that allows you to breath underwater will be the answer to that.  I can't wait to see these weird buildings and swim around inside them.  Neat stuff.

    So... will there be underwater mounts?  Dolphins?  What about underwater enemies?  The Kraken?  (not sure how you spell that). 

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    Speaking of Verdurans, I'm going to steal a picture of the verduren girl from the cos web site and use it for my picture here, hope they don't mind :)

  • TanqueTanque Member UncommonPosts: 46

    All the races just have to have something I don't like,but so far Waerians are winning.

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    So... have you read about the Jenemos race on the website?  I did, and boy is this a strange race.  BAD LUCK!  It seems that this is their primary trait.  At first I was appaled by the idea, that's the LAST thing I want to have so why would I ever play a race that has bad luck?  Or why include one in my group?

    But, then I started thinking about the possibilities.  It says that their bad luck strikes their opponents more than themselves or their friends.  Hmm, that could be useful.  I mean, you are facing the big bad evil Liche (if they have those) and he casts a death ray at the party, which backfires and kills him (or all his minions). 

    Or a squad of bad guys is charging you when the roof caves in on them and wipes out the entire lot.

    Or dust gets in all the archers eyes and they can't shoot you. 

    If bad luck strikes your opponents more than your group, this could be really good.

    Then there is the amusement factor.  It says that the bad luck tend to strike in the funniest way possible.  That sounds interesting.  Every fantasy game needs some comedy, and watching your opponent cast a lightning bolt spell that fries all his minions by accident until they are black in face with their hair all stuck out would be funny indeed. 

    OK, so I might stick a Jenemos in my group, just to see what happens.  What do the rest of you think?

  • BookkeeperBookkeeper Member Posts: 60

    Stick one in my group?  Hell no!  I'm going to play one! image I just love the idea that funny shit is going to happen when I'm around.  I'm typically a loner in games anyway, though I'm willing to group up with the right people, I often like adventuring a lot of time on my own... this Jenemos race sounds custom made for me, they are nomads and loners, perfect!   As for the bad luck striking my character, fine, as long as it's funny when it does, that's just good entertainment.   (See, I'm already thinking like a Jenemos). 

    I wonder if the game will actually let us attend these all night wild Jenemos parties that take place four times a year.  It's going to get the game a 'Mature' rating though...  Fine by me.  image

  • BookkeeperBookkeeper Member Posts: 60

    Renata, here is that other thread about races.  I bumped it up so you can find it. image

  • SandbaggerSandbagger Member Posts: 37

    Originally posted by Bookkeeper

    Renata, here is that other thread about races.  I bumped it up so you can find it. image

    yeah, this is one of the longer ones, it was started before they released any info on races at their web site.

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