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Question: I know that the player stats are focused on the player himself and that cars can be upgraded, but is it possible to buy a new car in addition to upgrading old ones (Not necessarily an additional car, just a different car base)? Or is the car the same one the player uses throughout the game?
I noticed the race pages have what looks like different models of cars (2 wheeled, sports car, jeep style). Are these class based or does the player's class determine player skills independent of car stats?
nope, ion. check over at the official page and look for the old interviews, they've got a lot of this info. But yeah, single characters will be able to own multiple vehicles, and each of them can be maintained independently.
What i think woudl be very cool, is cars where more than one player can bu in it. Say, a rig with a trailer. One person drives, have a shotgun rider, or even hitch up a trailer and have players in it blasting out of gun ports.
Tanks could have a driver, artilery officer and top mount gun contoller. This would be usefull for larger vehicles and some missions. Also requires a level of co-operation I have not seen in other games.
Keep moving.
Battlefield 1942 uses it & several other first person shooters. But AA isnt a "twitch" game, numbers/stats are used to determine if you hit or miss. So far it looks like its 1 person per car. Hopefully "tail gunner" & such vehicles will make it into a expansion or patch.
i don't like it then
WoW 4ever
i hope during the release of the open beta we will see how these issues are worked out. But i am getting sick of this lvl crap like in wow. there needs to be more skill. this should be like mech warrior in the concept of its player skill. how you pilot, how you aim, your loadout, and your play style. and there has not been a mmorpg like that since PlanetSide. why should you spend hours and hours lvl when you dont like too. yes lvling will help you but it should not be the deciding factor if you kill or be killed. i know i sound like a cry baby but when will these game companys worry about the gameplay like the old days?
The combat system is going to be a hybrid of player skill and character skill. Your chance to hit will be based on your class skills and your enemy's armor, but there is a firing arc in which you must keep your enemy in order to have the opportunity to attack.
Of course I'm not an expert on the subject, but I can see both sides of the player skill issue. I'm a huge shooter fan, so I can appreciate the desire to have actual player skill involved. My girlfriend on the other hand, she plays RPGs because she simply doesn't have the years (and years and years) of gaming expierence of some of us and relys on the dice rolling system to hit things. I believe AA will appeal to both of us if they can impliment the system they've mentioned. It should be interesting.
The problem isn't levels, the problem is people expecting PvP bolted on top of levels. RPGs have always been about levelling in some regard going back to the original D&D designed by G. Gygax. Todays MMORPGs are an extension of that lineage. On takes a character into situations, the stats and actions combined determine success/failure and from that the character progresses. It is a fun system of people who enjoy it. It is a lousy system to bolt PvP onto, however.
Not just another pretty color.
Since leveling in AA means you have points to apply to your stats and skills, then it does matter to a point. I"m sure someone of a lower level but a better build can do bette than someone with a higher level and a terrible build. I like this idea myself. It can add a lot of variety as far as players. I'm sure there will be guides popping up showing what stats and skills are more useful in PvP and PvE and crafter based characters. It will pay to have a good idea what you want to be and do in the game from the start.