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Today I tried to login to age of conan, and I am 19 years old real life, I put in my correct birthdate, and guess what...
Age Gate, You are under aged to access, Block is by IP address, and I am unable to even enter the games site which I am a subscriber too, how lame is this, I hope this is only a 1 hour lockout or something, so I can provide a false birthdate to get in even though I am 19 years of age.
This is totally dumb, I tried delete cookies all ie data, tried firefox its an IP Lockout.
[Mod Edit]
Sound slike the problem exisits between keyboard and mouse with a forum thread like this. Try googling the answer eh? could have found out in the time it took you to post this.
OR PM ME FOR A BUDDY KEY (need your email address).
It appears they have it scripted wrong on something on the website...
This file downloads a shared object into your computer flash player to prevent your pc from using it, I already found their file, deleted it, and attempted to get into it using a birthdate of 1950, and it still wouldn't let me into it How stupid can Age OF Conan developers get?
Try renewing the ip on your modem by unplugging it for a minute.
Maby you are to young, it might be that its 20 to play the game.
Im 28 btw
System Specc
Intel I7 4770K 3,5 ghz
16Gb RAM 1600 mhz
Nvidia GTX 780
You seem pretty convinced that it sucks, why are you so upset you can't get in? You should be happy, it's preventing you from what is clearly going to be a bad experience for you. You should send them a "thank you" email saying how much you appreciate them preventing you from experiencing a world of suck.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
...Yet another reason?
What were your first few reasons, mate? Other than you are incapable of entering your proper birthdate into their site?
You seem quite desperate to log into a game which; oh the irony!
Oh that happened to me a few days ago when I went to their web site, and I'm 35. I guess their age verification is broken. Even today it still tells me I don't meet the requirements to enter the site LOL.
You need to delete your cache for Flash applications. To do so, go back to Age of Conan's website, right click on the big mean text denying your access to its content, select parameters, go to the tab that looks like a folder, and move the slider to 0k.
Flash will ask you if you want to delete cache generated for Age of Conan. Click yes. Problem solved!
Or you could visite this page.
It seems the problem is when someone enters their birthday wrong. If you look at the site, it says to enter day first, then month, then year. If you do the standard month, day, year (for the US at least), you'll throw off the system and it will deny you, hehe. Just do what was previously said to fix it and enter it properly.
You mean to say the site actually blocks people who say they are too young to enter it from entering?! What an OUTRAGE!
You guys must be American or Chinese. We dont really block the Internet here in norway. Be it sex or violence.
Originally posted by BishopB:
Are a lot of the trolls just angry kids with old gaming hardware?
So you want to know how to log in?
I'll tell you when you're older.
OP you are aware that the Euro date system is slightly different than ours... so you probably put your birthday in wrong.
If you think AoC fails already why are trying to play it? The funny thing is that you are angry that you can't log into a game you obviously have low expectations for.... as another poster said.. oh the irony!
Actually, my friend who is 35 put in his actual birthdate and it did the same thing. Numerous people are reporting this. Former players get the Godslayer newsletter, go check it out, put in the correct birth date, and can't access it. Does not make a very good impression, especially when a lot of people left due to bug exhaustion (among many other things).
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This happended to me as well when I tried to visit the AoC website and I'm 29.
I think it's a bug in the code... usually age verification pages have M / D / Y as drop down menus... for some reason the Rise of the Godslayer webpage's age verification is text boxes.
I can visit the UK site with no problems, and I can still access my account page, forums, etc. so it's not like this is a huge issue... just mildly annoying.
Never argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
We had some issues (bugs) with the previous system. Now we have adjusted it to a drop down menu.
Glen ''Famine'' Swan
Senior Assistant Community Manager - Funcom
whats the game like thesedays? i left when there was very little player base, tried the pvp servers but got ganked by gank squads and camped till you logged off. The PvE (normal servers) were ok but then you was being told to forget the group quests, forget the instances and any quest that you couldnt do solo and move on. Me, im a quest player so to lose instances and what half the quests was to lose half the gameplay of the half you had (other half was centered around pvp) so what you had was basically 20-25% of the game to play.
Outcome boredom, gave up and quit after 2 mths, never been back. Is it much teh same thesedays or has it improved somewhat?
I'm first returning when x-pack is out, but as far as I know, they merged servers so it's A LOT better.
The keyboard connects to the MB, so does the mouse...
So between them would be the computer itself. This is a user problem. I assume the machine is working properly because they were able to post on here.
This is slightly humerous if you get it right. Getting it this wrong simply makes you look as dense as the OP.
Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found.The Iron Code"