I would interested in trying this game out, I'm most interested to see what sort of space flight they have and how well it runs. Could you please email a Buddy key to me at DairRAF@gmail.com
Originally posted by Zheritel I've played EVE for about 4 days now and i gotta say... I LOVE it!! I might be a n00b but even so EVE still rocks, there is just so much to do... I'm kinda confused but it's a good confusion
This is of topic for this thread, but, since it is here...
Welcome to EVE. If you have questions, are feeling too lost or just want to chat, my character is Malik Delagore, EVE mail me in game or open a chat.
Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana
This game may ail my MMO sickness!
sicarim@gmail.com , if you please.
E-mail(s) were successfully sent, see results below.
sicarim@gmail.com O.K.
Thank you for participating in the EVE Buddy Program
Of all the reasons to get a credit card, Red vs. Blue is one of the best.
I also wanted to give Eve a try. Can I get a buddy invite to BrianL9898@hotmail.com
Thank you.
E-mail(s) were successfully sent, see results below.
BrianL9898@hotmail.com O.K.
Thank you for participating in the EVE Buddy Program
can i get a buddy key plz thx
Ignorance is Bliss
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unknown_punk_dude@rock.com O.K.
Thank you for participating in the EVE Buddy Program
Of all the reasons to get a credit card, Red vs. Blue is one of the best.
I've played EVE for about 4 days now and i gotta say... I LOVE it!!
I might be a n00b but even so EVE still rocks, there is just so much to do... I'm kinda confused but it's a good confusion
http://www.usersigs.com/site/data/thumbnails/6/Stargate SG1 Fan.jpg
E-mail(s) were successfully sent, see results below.
DairRAF@gmail.com O.K.
Thank you for participating in the EVE Buddy Program
This is of topic for this thread, but, since it is here...
Welcome to EVE. If you have questions, are feeling too lost or just want to chat, my character is Malik Delagore, EVE mail me in game or open a chat.
E-mail(s) were successfully sent, see results below.
timowhit@hotmail.com O.K.
Thank you for participating in the EVE Buddy Program
Free 14Days EVE-Online "Trials & Guides" EVE-O Skills Sheet
I would like a buddy key please.
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dgo@pcfastnet.com O.K.
Thank you for participating in the EVE Buddy Program
Of all the reasons to get a credit card, Red vs. Blue is one of the best.
I'd like a Key as well going to give
Eve a shot
Qoute: "I neva *ucked anybody over in my life, who didn't have it comin' to 'im, you got that? All I have in this world is my balls, and my word, and I don't break 'em for no one, jou understand?" Tony Montana
Been wanting to try EVE for a long time.
Is there a requirement to qualify for this buddy program?
I am intrested in a key please
EVE rocks!!
I know IT ROCKS! ... just need to get a free trial for a friend of mine which would like to play.
and...i need cd key too, thx !
made in romania
Key please...:)
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djeminence@gmail.com O.K.
gallant59@military.com O.K.
magiklore@yahoo.com O.K.
abstracted3d@yahoo.com O.K.
jonathan@deviantcomp.net O.K.
Thank you for participating in the EVE Buddy Program
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da5ruler@ufl.edu O.K.
Thank you for participating in the EVE Buddy Program
Of all the reasons to get a credit card, Red vs. Blue is one of the best.