I just sent both of you a 14 day tial. Yes unfornatly you will be blocked from alot of service while on the Trial.
You can only send tell (Whisper) someone that is currently in your friend list.
You cannot join any guild until the account is converted.
Cannot send mail, or use Auction house <---- Not 100% sure
If you guyz wish to try EQ2 out and use the Trial I have sent you. Send me a tell on Antonia Bayle we will get EXP bonus when we play together I currently have a 50 Bruiser and a level 10 Coercer so, Can team up with any of you guyz at anytime, Past 5PM on week day and anytime on weekend.
I'm here to help and have writen my Character name in the invite I just send you guyz.
I have sent you an Recruit-A-Friend key, I have noticed you have'nt used it yet ! I'm just reminding that the key have been sent incase your still waiting for it !
I hope you enjoy your trial and hope to see you ingame someday.
I was thinking about trying out this game again, its been so many years. I was hoping to hear from some players that is active now. Should I start out with the trial version?
Would love an invite to give EQ2 a shot. Thanks ahead of time
blatantdog, sent you an invite
Nevermind, was beaten to it! :P
also, I have plenty of invites left. If anyone needs one just pm me and I'll send you one within the hour I promise =P
Could I get an invite please
Could I get one through PM please?
mm not sure what the invite deal is but
there a 14 day trial on their site just follow instruction
Can i get invite or a refer a friend thing dcharley1@frontiernet.net
"Outside the dream world, life can be harsh--even cruel, but it is life"
just go through the trial account at the website, it will do the same thing
Greetings to both DarkRidera & Nubiliusark.
I just sent both of you a 14 day tial. Yes unfornatly you will be blocked from alot of service while on the Trial.
You can only send tell (Whisper) someone that is currently in your friend list.
You cannot join any guild until the account is converted.
Cannot send mail, or use Auction house <---- Not 100% sure
If you guyz wish to try EQ2 out and use the Trial I have sent you. Send me a tell on Antonia Bayle we will get EXP bonus when we play together I currently have a 50 Bruiser and a level 10 Coercer so, Can team up with any of you guyz at anytime, Past 5PM on week day and anytime on weekend.
I'm here to help and have writen my Character name in the invite I just send you guyz.
Thank you and hope you enjoy your trial !!
Anyone else that would like to give EQ2 a try with a 14-Day trial, PM me or reply to this post.
I will be able to track and send the 14-Day trial Key to all of you.
I'm on Antonia Bayle Server.
PM your ingame name so I can add you to friend list (That way we can communicate in private within the game)
Thank you and hope to see you ingame.
Alright thanks yea ill download tonight and message you tommorw thanks
"Outside the dream world, life can be harsh--even cruel, but it is life"
I would like to try:
Greetings Arezon,
I have sent you an Recruit-A-Friend key, I have noticed you have'nt used it yet ! I'm just reminding that the key have been sent incase your still waiting for it !
I hope you enjoy your trial and hope to see you ingame someday.
Nvm, they have a perfectly good trial program where you get the game + 4 expansions for free if you subscribe
If anyone needs an invite, by all means message me. I'll get it to you as quick as possible.
18 Invites left so far. Remember send a message WITH your email in it to get an invite.
I'd lvoe an invite if it works for an old account and not just a new trial.
Alamar Radoki
If someone wants to send me an invite pls do so.
Sent you a trial code. Look in your e-mail for a msg from me.
I would gladly take an invite having gotten my desktop PC back, feel free to PM me. Thanks in advance.
I was thinking about trying out this game again, its been so many years. I was hoping to hear from some players that is active now. Should I start out with the trial version?
Is this region specific?
This game has a 14-day free trial.
You dont even need to download the whole client to start it.
or did someone necro an ancient thread?
I went out and bought the game but the problem I am having is the patcher has errors. I've tried everything, scanning issues suck.
im looking for someone that will actually lvl with me to get the tripple xp, my email is disciplespvp2@yahoo.com
Handing out invites. Send me a private message. Have 16 left, will update this post as they run out.
You need to send me your email int he private message. Sorry for not specifying.