It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! EVE Survivor Guy tries his hand at surviving in another medium as Adam Tingle makes another move into the world of role-playing, causing a virtual stir in the process.
It had been mere days since Trevorr the mage had entered the World of Warcraft in search of adventure, friendship and quest. Talk and tale at the Inn of Goldshire had resulted in bar fights, aggressive wordplay and one request for a sexual encounter conducted entirely in text. The mage fared no better in the grand city of Stormwind; requests for conversation fell upon horrified ears as details of family regicide emerged and the dreaded Kizzwazz (the invisible goblin) was mentioned. Perhaps the world was not yet ready for Trevorr? Even more likely, the world simply abhorred idiotic creations such as Trevorr; a change in tact was surely needed.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Glad to see you finally found someone who was willing to play along with your goblin.
By your stories you show that you can be a competent roleplayer and have a good sense of imagination. Although I don't think WoW is the best place to attempt such things. As you pointed out, there are too many elitists and immature rejects that like to just ruin the immersion for everyone.
Why the hell can't the whiners comprehend this?
Good story, your spectacular suicide in the canal and the desperate procession made me laugh.
By the way, it's one of the usual blunder when you tamper the first times with role-playing: overdramatic scenes and hysteria or over-the-edge characters. Not anyone can be a half-god or have a horrible background and be on extra secret and important mission to the King himself, or I let you imagine the kind of inns you would get 8-P
Being common but fleshing out one's char with imagination, intrigues and consistency and making good friend is the real long term deal: it's like a second game in the game... and if you succeed another pleasure layer.
I agree with chaosinc .Even on WoW rollplaying servers it would be very difficult to do it successfully . I thought there was ment to be a stricter naming policey on rpg servers but i saw plenty of Death Knights with Death in the name ( honestly why does every death knight have to be Death this or Death that ) or variations on pownu . I think its better to describe WoW as a Massive Multiplayer Online Game ot MOGG (leave the roll playing out because it really only has a very lose lore which has gone from medieval to steampunk in 5 years ) . It was never really ment to be a serious game which was half of its charm because it is so tongue in cheek..
i have often tried to RP... but due to my condition (see signiture) (and its not that i want people to feel sorry for me its more that i feel like a retard when people start pointing out that i wright like a dumb 14 year old... but never mind all that crap)
the point is that i love reading those stories of people that RP'ing they seem to get so much more out of the game... at least imo.
instead of the insane level grind and item grind that mmo's have become. RP'ers seem to really stop and "smell the roses" and just enjoy the game that has been made for them
anyways looking forward to the next chapter !
Sorry for typos... dyslexic and just too damn lazy to proof read every post for 30 min
(yes i am aware of spell check but it does not help that much
Your story makes me smile. I'm glad you were able to inspire participation by those around you - it's always fun when that happens and the game takes on a life of its own.
I roleplayed once:) A long time ago i played together with my friends a dwarf warrior and a warlock, druid and me the night elf hunter. We lived outside gnomeregan, it was so fun every day. Tough one day the lock left for something else, the druid got sick in real life and could not play. I don't know what happened to the warrior and in the end i was alone i just went on with my lvling and eventually quit the game just to return again now... My former account is gone the one with all the high lvls and also it was back in vanilla so its been a long time since i roleplayed. Thought after reading this maybe i should try again, however everybody gets mad at me for some reason. I know it can't be for my endless talking with my minion as a warlock and that everything i do i comment to my minion. However i have seen many interesting things already and i am only the second day into it (i mean i started from the first post of roleplaying from you) i have seen everything from death knights trying to bring pain and despair to people by talking their heads full with evil stuff. I have seen draenei strippers dancing by the poles while stripping off their clothes one by one. I have seen people drinking together. I have seen actually new players jumping straight into roleplaying by asking "Hello good sir, how can i help you" and then i answer with something and they help me to their best extent and they are so helpful to learn roleplaying. I mean when i started the game the first thing that i noticed was that i was within a ring of people having a party in northshire and the fire was right beside me. They asked me if i wanted to join and i said yes so i sat there without lvling and had some fun talking to other players and they really helped me into the mood. However they all said i was crazy since my back story was that i had visited Sargaras in a dream and he promised me nether power in return for me being a... somewhat loyal follower. Ohh and they all challanged me to a duel, one after another and i accepted screaming "In the name of sargaras" then i was killed over and over and just said "Sargaras brought me back from the nether", and they accepted it and yielded. Thats a first:O I can definitely love roleplaying
Nice to see you gave Rping a second try. As for the death knights I often wonder why people put death in their name. I was had a death knight named Kurgan and I could not believe it was at least a month before someone asked me if I was in search of the highlander.
Nice. If I had seen that, I'd find it hard not to make someone named McCloud just to mess with you!
Nice article, though truly it could have used an editor for spell and grammar checking.
One of the simplest kinds of RP in WoW is gathering a group of folks and going on a journey that is also an adventure. Stormwind to Ironforge via the tram, Ironforge overland to Menethil Harbor, Stormwind Harbor to Auberdine or Northrend by boat - all are great situational settings to launch some fun RP when the backstory dramas wear thin.
I hope you continue to find much enjoyment in RP.
In case you want to try something else RP-wise, roll an Hobbit on LotRO's Laurelin RP server and then:
for stories, music and riddles. Take your Hobbit (or Dwarf) to
Green Dragon Friday, every friday from 20.00 (ish) UK time to whenever (ish).
Otherwise, head to the Prancing Pony.
GREAT article! I’ve never been one for RP but, after reading your two articles, I really want to.
Loved the suicide. I'm looking forward to more of Trevorr's adventures lol
I have tried to RP on many occasions. Each ending the same. Though, for a time, One had been allot of fun. I would greet others with something like " Greetings, Have you any news of late? " or " Come Stranger, sit and tell us of your adventures". I would also bid them farewell with a line such as " Good luck friend, may you find what you seek ". We would all meet up from time to time. Playing as though it had been months. We would tell our tales to one another over a good drink in the Inn. Or perhaps set up camp camp for the night in order to band together to undertake a grand quest the following morning (game time). We would discuss battle tactics or just tell jokes and life, as many would had such a task been real, as any one of us could fall to the evil we were to face the next day. Long story short, sooner or later some buzz kill of a player would chime into our convo. Just to say things " shut up " you sound like noobs" .... all sorts of things to kill our immersion into the roles we had chosen.
It would still be just fine had those " other players " gone to other realms. Rather than ruin the RP experience on ROLE PLAYING realms. How about an EULA for RP realms? I know its a bit much to ask and will most likely never happen.... But it would be nice to RP without the mood killers putting there noses in.
Glad you're sticking with it. I know quite a few RPers but haven't tried yet. One RPer I know said view it as acting and it's easier to get into the role. And as its your story it can be whatever you want.
Love the suicide rebirth - good idea - lol!!
Really makes me want to jump in.
Proud member of Hammerfist Clan Gaming Community.
Currently playing: RIFT, EQ2, WoW, LoTRO
Retired: Warhammer, AoC, EQ
Waiting: SWToR & GW2
Lovely article, made me smile ^^
I initially moved to a roleplaying server on WoW (The Sha'tar) just to get away from a lot of the crap in general/trade channels on a normal server. I had no idea what to expect from roleplaying and found that I loved it. That initial shyness and fear of saying something "wrong" was quite inhibiting at first, but eventually I realised I didn't need to be a "lore" expert in order to roleplay convincingly (keep it simple was my motto). In fact, I remember a friend pointing out to me that just as in real life no one person is an expert in world history, same thing for roleplay, so your backstory can mainly relate to just your own character's experience of the gameworld so far. In some ways, it's not so different to games I used to play as a child where we relied mainly on our imagination. In fact, they were more demanding as there was no lore to provide a context, but at that age, it felt effortless to get lost in our imaginary world.
I began to enjoy being on a roleplay server and went on to lead a roleplaying guild where guild chat was out of character (ooc) but there were guild events which were roleplay. I sweated and fretted as I planned these events, and was terrified of disappointing people and not getting the roleplay "right". What actually happened (again, by keeping it simple) was that we had great fun throwing ourselves into whatever context the event loosely created (sometimes a simple tour around a major city like Ironforge, commenting on different aspects, reflecting on its history, and so on).
Reading your article, Adam, brought all that fun back to me, as well as the "new girl at school" feeling I had during my first few tentative ventures into the magical world of roleplay.
Would have been fun if someone did. Maybe some dueling in Dalaran or old school in Stormwind.
I have never played World of Warcraft, but these stories are giving me an urge to try out the beast!