The more I see the less interested I am in the game. It's a darn shame too because I was looking forward to this for a long time. Now with these possible races, it doesn't do much to excite me.
The more I see the less interested I am in the game. It's a darn shame too because I was looking forward to this for a long time. Now with these possible races, it doesn't do much to excite me.
This is not official, this is just someone who is thinking these races (would possibly) be included.
Hang in there, and visit the Bioware site for the real 'official' answers, may take a while to come out though.
I want to see Ithorians make a comeback, they were in SWG...although not all that prevalent in the movies....but there is one in the mos eisley cantina :P
Darth Maul was a Zabrak, I've also read a bit about Iridonians...which could be the Zabrak race from Iridonia.
I'm sure there alot more people that know more about it than me (or atleast think they do)...just trying to help you out.
Monsoon Rhayne
ah thtas what i couldnt remeber...Iridonian, thanks
I think having the Menahuun would be cool.
The more I see the less interested I am in the game. It's a darn shame too because I was looking forward to this for a long time. Now with these possible races, it doesn't do much to excite me.
Momo sucks, I have proof.
This is not official, this is just someone who is thinking these races (would possibly) be included.
Hang in there, and visit the Bioware site for the real 'official' answers, may take a while to come out though.
Monsoon Rhayne
I want to see Ithorians make a comeback, they were in SWG...although not all that prevalent in the movies....but there is one in the mos eisley cantina :P
I want to play an Ewok or a Jawa Short races rule