It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!'s Richard Aihoshi recently visited with the folks from Frogster to talk about the most recent updates to their Free to play offering Runes of Magic.
It has only been a short while since the first adventurers from the continent of Candora set foot on a long-forgotten one, Zandorya. They entered the verdant region called Thunderhoof Hills. Surrounded by towering mountains, it revealed many picturesque natural landscapes. In addition, they found the Valley of Glory, where huge statues of ancient heroes stand as timeless reminders of a great war against encroaching demons.
Such an enemy was not easily defeated. However, the legendary King Kalume forged an alliance that included various races. Elves, dwarves, the rhinoceros-like Kalo and others fought valiantly beside the humans. Once they achieved their hard-won victory, he honored their contributions by dividing the land among them all.
Read the Chapter Three Update.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Quote- "'s Richard Aihoshi recently visited with the folks from Frogster to talk about the most recent updates to their Free to play offering Runes of Magic."
It should read-'s Richard Aihoshi recently visited with the folks from Frogster to talk about the most recent updates to their almost Free to play offering Runes of Magic.
You have to pay for end game hundreds of dollars, still a fun F2P game for levels 1-35 about.
I will comment on this when the Russian update, launched only today (good job on ostracizing communities...), has downloaded completely, and now it's at a steady 6.63 kb/s. At this pace, I can only hope to play Chapter III before Chapter IV has launched
Chaptor 3 has been released to early, there are so many bugged quests and even the new elite dungeon has bugs galore.
I have reported these bugs just like others have and still nothing is done about them.
Content in Chaptor 3 is about 1-2 hours worth of playing time.
This game is free to play but you must Pay if you want to compete, you see frogster has closed the Auction House trading of gold for diamonds and vice aversa so no f2p player can equip his stats needed to play.
But i still play this game for there are no new mmo's at the moment, roll on gws2.
Please don't bother playing this game. Seriously.
This is one of those games that is most definitely NOT free to play. You can play free for awhile, but as someone stated above, past 35 you have to spend money in the item shop. So this game has a free trial only.
Well actually, it is still 100% F2P. While yes, up until a couple months ago, as long as you were willing to put some extra gold farming time in, you could purchase diamonds, the in-game item shop currency, that players put up for sale threw the auction house, using in game gold. But recently they took this out of the game due to gold spammers. They've said they will put it back in the game at some point, but no world on when, or if they ever will, yet. However, you can still get players with extra diamonds, willing to throw them around, to buy item shop things for you, you simply have to pay them with in-game gold. Diamond sellers are often shouting in world chat, prices ranging from 10-15k gold per diamond. So really it is still free 2 play, you just gotta know how to make it happen and willing to put in some extra game time to do so. And also, as long as your ok with not having a permanent mount, I wouldn't say you "need" to buy anything from the item shop well until your atleast level 55. Because level 55 is around the time you'll want to work on your high end awesome gears.
Out of all the games RoM is still,by far, the BEST Semi-F2P on the market. I left the game for 2 months only to return because of the seemingly barren availability of any other decent F2P games. You can get to max level without spending anything but what has been said previously is true... to be competitive in end game you have to find a way to "gear up". Whether that be by using the item mall or finding players willing to trade CS items for in game gold its is impossible to do anything end game without having elite gear.
<a href=""><img src="" width="440" height="111" /></a>
Granted you can still buy things in game without item shop purchases, but you did neglect to mention about the endless farming you need to do so. That is beyond a casual gamers resources.
End game though is another matter, only someone with infinite time to play the game could possibly do so.
So I stand by my comment that this game is NOT free to play for anyone not a dedicated gamer.
There are many f2p games out there where you can play for free up and including end game, this is most certainly not one of them.
You only have to pay if your way too into toping the meters and being the best at scripted encounters. If you do it right you won't even pay $15 in a month
Nothing about this game is free. You might be able to play for free but you cannot finish for free.That requires the cash shop or over 6 years worth of dailies tokens. Thye also ban you for anything now. Reporting someone harassing you will even get you banned.Read more here-
If we fail to change the things of today, they will become the lucid nighmares of tommorrow.