Im really big into the crafting/economy side of MMO games, and there arent too many good games out there that take advantage of crafting anymore, I really liked Runescape's system, although that game in itself was poop. I despised World of warcraft's because crafters had almost no economical purpose. I also really liked Pirates of the Burning sea because it was almost entirely crafter orientated. But I am looking for some other games out there that are great for crafters, I was thinking maybe Darkfall, or even Everquest 2? Toss any suggestions you have to me!
Thank you guys in advance.
World Of Warcraft
Runescape (eck)
Everquest 2
Rose Online
Soldier Front
Combat Arms
sure im forgetting some xD
EVE Online - if you can handle it .
I actually really liked the 2 week trial I did of eve, I just dont much care for the whole "leveling skills while offline" thing. =|
World Of Warcraft
Runescape (eck)
Everquest 2
Rose Online
Soldier Front
Combat Arms
sure im forgetting some xD
On the flip side, I really love the offline leveling thing.
I can't comment on which is the best crafting MMO... Tales of the Desert?
I am playing EVE and it's alright... level V skills are a bit much.
You all need to learn to spell.
I'd say EQ2, EVE or Fallen Earth have great crafting. SWG if i remember did too but not sure what they did after NGE, and maybe vanguard. I didn't play past beta so not sure what that turn out into.
But EQ2, EVE and Fallen Earth have great crafting.
Vanguard imo
Try Isteria, great crafting, looks a little dated though.
I always thought Lotro's crafting system was pretty awesome.
I'd say that if you want pure crafting, you can't beat A Tale in the Desert. It's a small independent online game. It's MMO in style, but there are only a few hundred people playing.
The level of crafting detail is far more than anything else out there right now. It even blows EVE away in that respect. Your goal is to use technologies to make life easier and advance to higher technologies.
For example, you start out picking grass by hand, and that grass is used for things like making straw for feeding camels (which produce various materials for your use) or as a component in the production of bricks. It can be very tedious at the start. Later, you move on to using a hand-made stone blade tied to a carved stick by leather as a scythe combined with a basked weaved from dried papyrus to speed up the process of gathering grass. All of the items combined to make these tools are grown, harvested and processed with tools or machines, then combined. Later you develop glass blades, and finally metal blades cap off that technology. Much later, the ability to build a greenhouse to "mass produce" grass for straw takes almost all of the labor out of it.
The projects get more and more complex, and lead to the ability to build better tools and machines to make some new things possible some old things easier. Alongside this, there are tests that your character can pass, and some of these tests aren't possible without certain technologies being discovered.
For example, there is a test where the goal is to learn several dozen acrobatic moves starting you off with one at random. You must teach yours to others and learn theirs from them in return until they're all complete. There is a test for making a garden, for raising the most interesting beetle, for building the largest obelisk, and so on. There are 7 different disciplines from art to architecture to theology to complete test in.
Some of my favorite crafting jobs are the complicated gem cutting, glass blowing and blacksmithing where you have an interface that lets you shape a raw gem, blob of glass or a metal bar as close as you can to an ideal shape to determine the quality or rarity class of the end product.
It's worth checking out. I enjoyed it quite a bit for a while, but eventually it does get boring.
Hmm well i just recently found out about DawnTide i believe it is. I heard theres a open beta monday.(not completly sure). Looks like something you might want to try out. Although it is a open sandbox game.. im not sure how the crafting is but looks like its supposed to have a community created economy.
Everquest 2 got real nice crafting. I suggest you try it.
This has been my experience as well. If you are into playing the market, you cannot beat EVE's market system.
Nothing beats Fallen earth hands down and I ahve played every MMo to date that is P2P.
Close. 2nd asheron call 1
But FE is awesome and the game has a free trial... its fairly new to came out last yr in sept.
SWG had the best crafting by far.
eq2 has terrible crafting. it requires no skill whatsoever and you're just making the same stuff over and over for skill-ups so that you can eventually make higher level garbage that is completely useless to the game unless it's consummable.
FE crafting was pretty cool, like a simplified version of SWG crafting.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
Well, if you're referring to a traditional crafting system, at least when it comes to western MMO's, nothing comes close to Vanguard: SOH.
Using the term a little more loosely one could definitely say EVE Online has most systems beat. But, i dont neccesarily considering it a crafting system moreso a manufacturing system. If you look at it in through the glasses of a crafting system then it is PAINFULLY simple. Basically its a matter of 1. Do i have the necessary skills? check. 2. Do i have the necessary mats? check. 3. Press manufacture button, /GoDoSomethingElse for a few hours.
IMO a true crafting system involves skilling up via the method of actual crafting. EVE does not do this. Eve's crafting skills are learned just like any other skill in the game. Buy a book, click start training button, /drinkbeer.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
A Tale in the desert. It's a crafting based mmo as far as i know.
Wurm online. You need to craft everything there, and I mean everything.
Ryzom. Deep crafting system.
Vanguard had the best to me, I enjoyed all of the aspects of it. Fallen earths crafting was great too, but not as good as vanguards.
Vanguard beats SWG by a little bit and it beats all other mmorpg for crafting.
Furious Fighters
Even though SWG's crafting was seriously watered down and the pharmaceuatical crafting branch removed due to the disastrous NGE, it still is offers the best crafting in any mmo game.
Here are my choices in order. I have not included my reasons to keep it brief:
1. Ultima Online
2. Vanguard
3. Star Wars Galaxies
SWG pre CU pre NGE
Vanguard has an awesome crafting system, check out the trial.