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Hey im thinkin about buying EQ 2 but i was wondering would i enjoy it? see i played city of heros and i had a great time with that i really enjoyed that game and do you think that i would enjoy EQ 2 also???? thanx
there isnt a single person here who can viably answer that question for you. the only what to find out if you will like it or not is to try it yourself.
Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
I'm a CoH vet...what was it you liked about CoH? Maybe comparing that to whats available in EQ2 will help...personally, I like the SLIGHTLY slower battles in EQ2 and the added depth of strategy that Heroic Opportunities allow. Also, EQ2 has a really nice crafting system...CoH has none. Grouping in CoH is...good and doable...but not entirely necessary. In EQ2, grouping and soloing are equally viable, IMO.
Well i mean i am open to new experiences but is the gameplay sorta similar to CoH like i mean the core game u go do missions (quests) you level up is the battle system the same? how do the graphics compare and are the zones about the same size. that sorta stuff i mean i will probably buy it but just for comfort sake did you enjoy EQ 2?
The combat system is identical as far as core mechanics is concerned. Zones...they vary, but the main outdoor zones in EQ2 are MASSIVE. I'm definitely a fan of EQ2...only reason I quit CoH was too much of the same thing over and over. As far as questing, in CoH, you usually had no more than 10 ongoing missions at a EQ2, I dont think I've dropped below 20 since I hit level 10. Not to mention the rewards for questing in EQ2 are both monetary (cash and items) and some interesting little plot points. Very immersive quests for the most part, IMO.
It's been a few months since I've played CoH, so I don't know what all they've done to change things, everything I know about the game could be out dated.
Quests/"missions" are much more varied and offer a much better experience than in CoH. When I played CoH it was basically just the same mission over and over again, spare a few. While there are still boring quests in EQ2 (kill # rats for # copper) there are tons of quests that involve a lot more than killing a large number of mobs. Content wise EQ2 blows CoH out of the water.
EQ2 doesn't have the same combat system as CoH, but they're similar enough. EQ2 also has "heroic opportunities" which make things interesting. Plus there's a lot more to kill in EQ2.
The graphics are better than any other MMO out there. Zones are probably about the same size but they feel bigger because you can't cross them as quickly, also there's more to do in each zone and they look different from one another.
And yes I love this game.
I say CoH. Of course it all depends on your playing style. Of you like the endless grinding and SOE screwing up the classes every time you turn around than eq2 is for you. Now maybe it has changed since I quit playing in january. The following is a list of my version of the pros and cons of each game.
Larger zones
More quest
more raids
a slower group focus game
you have to pay for addons
no PVP
Solo or group friendly
not a lot of high lvl raids that I can tell
repetitive quests
More of a storyline
FREE addons
no PVP yet but coming
Maybe im full of crap and completely wrong about both games. But all I can say is that I dont miss eq2 and have no interest in reinstalling it. I spent even less time playing W....lag..o....lag....W. CoH is a game that im enjoying and having fun in. /rant off
Sorry for all the grammar and spelling errors.Im getting tired.
I love both games.
If I had to choose, I'd pick Coh. It just seems more fun to me overall.
/my 2 pennies.
I have never played CoH and the whole superhero thing never looked appealing to you so I really can't give you answer on that. Why don't you just try the EQ II trial?
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
thats like compairing an fighter jet to a battleship. they are completely different games.
but one thing about both games is the same. the grind. let no one tell u differently. it takes just as long to lvl in CoH as it does in EQ2.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
ALRIGHT i just EQ 2 and i am about to install it so im quite excited.
If you make a character on Blackburrow or Lucan D'Lere, look me up. Lokai and Tefis respectively.
Hope you enjoy Bowncer!
In CoH, at level 50 you will solo better then ever.
In EQ2, at level 1 you will solo better then ever.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren