It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! has been given 1000 closed beta access keys to hand out to our community for CosmicBreak - a new 3D MMO shooter in anime style. Get yours while supplies last!
NOTE: The closed beta test does not begin until June 10th!
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Admin It's gonna go into open beta not closed and the keys are for an ingame gift not closed beta key :P
Just checked hehe.
Oh my. I was going to click and get a key until I saw that banner. No thanks.
I agree one look at that banner and I was like no thanks. More of the kiddie crud, what is up with this having to drawl female toons in a silly looking way. I guess its more anime for the kids.
after watching the vid, thanks but i'll pass on this one
Stay away from this ! it looks awful :P lol
Good enough for me, I'm waiting for a Gundam-like MMO shooter but I'll try this.
Screw the negative comments above me, although I can agree about the banner being a little silly. I don't care about anything else but how fun it is, unless it's some H-game.
I'm here to try potentially fun games, not comment on and run away from banners that advertise one.
Is this crap going to be cluttering up the game list as well?
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
-And on the 8th day, man created God.-
The more available mech games around the better to me personally.
I checked their fan forum and there's a lot of customizations to make your mech like very different from other people's one which is something I like.
Too bad it's lobby based hope it will have a stable server.
ingame material was bad... just bad
I am glad I missed the beta key ^^
Iits an mmo people. you can't just exclude from the list when this page is all about mmo's
Is it free?