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THIS makes me SICK!

I know everyone's heard of the Terry Shiavo thing, and we all know that tomorrow the people are pulling her feeding tube out. If this act goes through, Terry will slowly starve to death.

For those of you who don't know, Terry is a mentally retarded woman who has been in the hospital for years. No, she is in no way a coma. She reacts to people when they enter the room, even though she is unable to move her body parts. As for the whole feeding tube thing, her bastard of a husband is trying to pull her feeding tube out so she can die. And if things weren't bad enough, freakn Judge Greer let him go with it. Now tomorrow they are going to removing her feeding tube and kill. This is an act of murder people, just as abortion is. There are taking someone's life without even letting the person do anything about it.

You don't have to care, but please for the love of God at least send something that says that you want her to live.

To go against this SOB crap, e-mail: (George Bush's brother and governor of Florida, which is where this is all happening)

or (Florida State Legislature)

I honestly can't believe something this inhumane......sickens me to the core

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  • rufo32rufo32 Member Posts: 6

    We put animals out of thier misery when they are near death. Why can't a human have the same right to be put out of misery.

    Let's hook you up to a feeding tube and see how long you feel like living.

  • HelixwolfHelixwolf Member Posts: 345

    The way I see it is that if she has to live in that in that condition for the rest of her life, that's rather torture IMO. I'm not saying that pulling the tube is the best thing to do, but what else can you do? I've seen this a couple times on the news and they said she is brain dead. If so, I see it as just the vessel and the soul has already moved on.

    There's a case in Texas where a mother has her baby on life support that is brain dead. To me that is not right and the body and soul should be able to move on and not continually live on a machine till all else fails.

    As to this being inhumane, welcome to the world...... Inhumane things happen as much as the wind changes.


  • AdrealAdreal Member Posts: 2,087
    I'm not completely informed about this, but isn't this situation sort of like euthanasia except without the approval of the person who is being considered to be put to death? In other terms - uncertain murder. You don't know whether the person wants to die or not so that could be quite a dilemma. Has Terry been able to voice her opinion on the matter at all? or is she too mentally retarded?

    "Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
    "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
    AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain

  • MunkaMunka Member UncommonPosts: 252

    Right, lets leave her hooked up so she can live life hooked up to machines, tubes, and unable to do anything but lay there. Sounds like a wonderful way to live. How the hell is she going to tell someone what she wants if all her communication skills are gone? So because of that, you'd assume you know what's best and choose for her to live in a near catatonic state? Wow, talk about compassion, one of man kinds greatest qualities.

    If I'm laying on the ground with a spear thrust threw my heart, and it's the only thing keeping me alive? Would you pull the spear and spare me the agonizing pain and discomfort? Or would would you tell me I have no choice but to live like that because you think it's the right thing to do?

    Eh, it's not worth it, there will always be people in this world that think they know whats best for others. There's no point in debating a topic of this nature. If you a religious person, this is where one would say, "God will take care of it, it's out of our hands now."

  • HarelinHarelin Member UncommonPosts: 409

    She told her husband that if something like that should ever happen, pull the plug. Everyone has thought about it themselves, it crosses everyone's mind.

    If I told my wife to pull the plug if I were ever to enter this situation, I would expect my wife to uphold my wishes. If another family member objected, I would want my wife to remember my request.

    There's absolutely no reason to villainize the husband... that's horrible. If he's lying, it'll catch up to him in the end. In the now, this is a decision that legally belongs to him - and he's morally obligated to fight for her wishes.

  • VampirVampir Member Posts: 4,239
    not even michael moore is so liberal in his views that he opposes someones right to die in these situations these situations require prior legal notification of the wish to be brought off life support such as in a will. this is not wrong in fact it is legal, and even encourageed in some cases where there is no hope the perosn will ever regain their life or even partial pieces of it. it is encouraged so that the doctors can work on patients that have a possibilty of recovery. because believe it or not their are not enough doctors these days.


    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.

  • DerfelCadarnDerfelCadarn Member Posts: 875

    If I ever had to live that way, life just isnt worth living. I would much rather die, then live as a vegatable. Its a mercy killing, although I would use a lethal injection to make things faster and less painful.

  • HarelinHarelin Member UncommonPosts: 409

    Yeah, that's about the only problem I have with it. Starving her? That is inhumane... and it's like they only do it so they can say she just died of natural causes, the 'murder' not being directly placed on anyone's shoulder.

    Do they induce unconsciousness before pulling the plug?

  • vrtldavevrtldave Member Posts: 558
    moral issues are to hard to make sense of... I am fairly sure you can see both points of view.... why choice one.... I am not a hippy or anything just its impossible to fiarly choose especially when it affects someone else... I think the most humane way would be to flip a coin... at least then no one else is deciding for the person and since they cant for themselves, it makes an impartial decesion that no one could argue with because both ways are right...


  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

    I agree with most of these posters in, if I was in the situation i would want some one to pull the plug as soon as they find out i wont recover. same goes for a family member. I am pretty sure most of my family would want the same thing to happen to them.
    Sure, leave them on for however long it takes if you don't know if she will recover. They probably should have let her go a long time ago... it is sad, no one wants to let a fello human die, but some times you just gotta let go.

  • AldaronAldaron Member Posts: 1,048

    If I was the husband i'd do the same thing.(Although his motives are less then moral seemingly enough.)

    Just seeing your wife being in a torturous non-existant prison of a state for most likely the rest of her life?

    She isn't alive. She's hooked upto tubes to be in a artificial existence. If I was in the same state I'd hope anyone would be merciful enough to just let me die in peace instead of interfering with things and using science to keep me alive. I wouldn't want to be in a prison that is my own body, it's horrid.

    "Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."

  • metalfoxusmetalfoxus Member Posts: 805
    I am all for this, she should die rather than live on with the motor skills of a cell phone. Also, I approve of abortions, it's a womans right to choose what happens to THEIR baby, not yours.
  • AldaronAldaron Member Posts: 1,048

    Originally posted by metalfoxus
    I am all for this, she should die rather than live on with the motor skills of a cell phone. Also, I approve of abortions, it's a womans right to choose what happens to THEIR baby, not yours.

    I see no reason why you're even bringing abortion into this, babies aren't brain-dead nor have a voice. And this has nothing to do with abortions. It's like you just are egging to start something.

    "Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."

  • LILLIPPA328LILLIPPA328 Member Posts: 331

    Well....if she did give the OK to put her to her ever lasting rest....why not a better way?Starve her....?Wtf....i can see other methods...but starving her..

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  • AldaronAldaron Member Posts: 1,048

    Originally posted by LILLIPPA328

    Well....if she did give the OK to put her to her ever lasting rest....why not a better way?Starve her....?Wtf....i can see other methods...but starving her..

    What would you suggest? I mean I know some consider it inhumane. But the cheapest, most efficient, and pain free way would just be a bullet to the head. But that'd never happen.

    So then what'd you really suggest?

    "Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."

  • OrccOrcc Member Posts: 3,043

    I saw this case on tv a couple months ago. I agree with her husband, that she would rather have the plug pulled if she was ever a vegetable. Her brain damage is so extensive anyways, that she doesnt even know shes really alive and makes no signs that she understands what is happening to her or her surroundings.

  • 92165449216544 Member Posts: 1,904

    What I find is so funny is that liberals say that it is ok for you to be able to kill someone like this, but then the complain about if a lobster feels pain when it is put into a pot. They care so much about the animals but then they think we can just starve a women, or slaughter babies.

    I dont know enought about her condition, maybe it is really the only thing they can do. But for her husband to make the choice like this because he is tired of taking care of her, is ridiculous. There has to be better ways then to starve her to death, if she is retarded she can still feel pain...

  • HarelinHarelin Member UncommonPosts: 409

    From the Drudge Report:

    **Exclusive Fri Mar 18 2005 00:50:07 ET** The Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Committee, Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) has requested Terri Schiavo to testify before his congressional committee, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. In so doing it triggers legal or statutory protections for the witness, among those protections is that nothing can be done to cause harm or death to this individual.

    Members of Congress went to the U.S. Attorney in DC to ask for a temporary restraining order to be issued by a judge, which protects Terri Schiavo from having her life support, including her feeding and hydration tubes, removed... Developing...

  • XzaroXzaro Member UncommonPosts: 1,719

    Whoever doesn't want to die if they're in a situation like that is out of their mind.

    I'd rather be some living organism than sit their for my entire life doing nothing.


  • dsorrentdsorrent Member CommonPosts: 1,627

    Originally posted by Aldaron
    Originally posted by LILLIPPA328
    Well....if she did give the OK to put her to her ever lasting rest....why not a better way?Starve her....?Wtf....i can see other methods...but starving her..
    What would you suggest? I mean I know some consider it inhumane. But the cheapest, most efficient, and pain free way would just be a bullet to the head. But that'd never happen.
    So then what'd you really suggest?

    I agree.. Starving, drowning and suffocation have to be the 3 worst ways to die IMO... If anything, they should do lethal injection...

    This is precisely the reason people need to have a Living Will created. It's an official statement which can clearly dictate your wishes should you ever be in the situation she is in and it lifts the pressure of a "pull the plug" decision to be made by your family members.

  • Desert_StormDesert_Storm Member Posts: 8

    This is a very serious issue. If they we're to pull the plug, would they be taking this poor womens life or saving it?

    Everyone say's "If i'm ever on life support, just let me die.", but the question is, would they still want to die if they were in that position. I mean, in a few more years, we could have a scientific break through and they're illness could be cured.

    I believe, if she told her husband to let her die, to let her die, but do it in the least painful way known to man. I believe a injection of air into the vains would be the least painful, and fairly inexpensive.


    First post, over and out.

  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    Originally posted by LILLIPPA328

    I know everyone's heard of the Terry Shiavo thing, and we all know that tomorrow the people are pulling her feeding tube out. If this act goes through, Terry will slowly starve to death.
    For those of you who don't know, Terry is a mentally retarded woman who has been in the hospital for years. No, she is in no way a coma. She reacts to people when they enter the room, even though she is unable to move her body parts. As for the whole feeding tube thing, her bastard of a husband is trying to pull her feeding tube out so she can die. And if things weren't bad enough, freakn Judge Greer let him go with it. Now tomorrow they are going to removing her feeding tube and kill. This is an act of murder people, just as abortion is. There are taking someone's life without even letting the person do anything about it.
    You don't have to care, but please for the love of God at least send something that says that you want her to live.
    To go against this SOB crap, e-mail: (George Bush's brother and governor of Florida, which is where this is all happening)
    or (Florida State Legislature)
    I honestly can't believe something this inhumane......sickens me to the core

    I agree whole heartedly, and I live in Florida so I've already sent him an email.

    I know it's murder, but I also know this thread is going to turn into a flame war.

    I've been following it for a long time, and I can't believe the judge ruled in that guys favor; however, instead of a matter of a life or death case, it has now turned intoa  political heated argument.

    weird the way things work

  • ShrubberShrubber Member Posts: 219

    How the hell is it murder? She would have dead naturally, if it wasnt for the machine. She is never going to recover, and she is but a shell. I think if we believe in afterlife, it has to be better than just sitting there. Straving her is inhumane, but using the leathal injection or something like that would make it faster and less painful. It is my opinion that Terri's family do not have her best interests at heart; I believe that at best, they are unwilling to accept the reality that their daughter is a vegetable, and are thus unwilling to let her die naturally.

    Would you like to live like this:

    Terri Schiavo suffered a heart attack due to an undiagnosed potassium deficiency. As a result, she suffered irreversable brain damage due to lack of oxygen, leaving her unable to perform even the most basic motor functions like swallowing. Because of this, she cannot feed herself, nor be fed in a normal fashion--she must be fed through a feeding tube inserted directly into her stomache. The diagnosis of Terri Schaivo has not changed in over 10 years, nor has she responded to any kind of therapy--she exists in a persistent vegitative state, and will not recover--the majority of doctors investigating the case concur with this diagnosis, though the doctors appointed by Terri's family do not--though they can provide no sound medical evidence to contradict the consensus.

  • FarulosonothFarulosonoth Member UncommonPosts: 107

    Maybe if we stop trying to fix all the faulty humans and letting them pass on their faulty genetic seed, we can get back to our regularly scheduled evolution.

  • lyonman24lyonman24 Member Posts: 855

    Lilli said it was like abortion. abortion isnt murder in the terms of pregnancy. you can say it is all you want and i can find credible info to say it isnt. its a mute point. no woman wants to have a abortion its painful messes a woman up mentally and physicly for a long while. its choices perople have to make sometimes. i personally dont want to see anymore unwanted children in this world. if a woman gets raped she should be able to have a abortion plain and simple without greef from aholes who think its wrong. its a long burdon the tax payers to pay for all the unwanted kids that are born everyday. i myself want to adopt and open a foster homes to help those types of kids. dont want my own cause the world is to screwed up as it is dont want my own flesh and blood in this messed up world.

    now onto her why on gods green earth does anyone want to keep her hooked up like that for so damn long. now if the family is that damn rich to keep paying the bills let them keep her hooked up. 10 years on full life support NOW THATS A BIG ASS BILL. if there not paying it and its in the states payment im sorry but yeah they would have pulled the plug sooner or later. the burdon of the decision isnt easy the husband isnt wrong for doing so. and maybe its not inhumane reasons why are if the doctors hes dealing with he asked them whats the one way to die natrally so her kids dont read on the death cert LEATHAL INJECTION. that maybe one reason.

    there are never anygood reason we as outsiders could think of but for one person one family this desicion has to make leave the poor family alone you think this is a easy decision??????? if you think it is you are sadly mistaken. go back into your holes and find sonething else to stab at. ::::20::::::28::

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