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I've started on a rp server (argent dawn) and so far of all players I encounter 50% of them are paladins. Now I understand why anyone would choose a paladin as starting class: powerfull meelee class and has good healing and buff spells. but am I the only one who thinks that all this makes the palading a bit overpowered. All meelee classes are more powerfull than casters but normally the casters make up for this with high dmg and healing spells but now they've made a meelee class who can cast extremly good spells as well.
I just want the know what everyone thinks of the paladin. Overpowered, or am I simply paranoid?
i think you are not paranoid but just telling the truth . Most players are paladins but why
is it because they dont know any better.
or it could be that its an atractive class .
if theres a paladin reading this would you mind telling us why you became a paladin.
I'm curious to know if they still have decent offense post nerf. I've been thinking about firing one up to see things from the alliance side.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
You won't give up, will you? Paladins are not overpowered.
And the reason why 50% of your server chose paladin is beacause it's RP server where every nerd wants to roleplay Brave Sir Robin or something similar.
And again, paladins deal poor damage and most of their spells are highly defensive. They just don't die, but also can't kill shit in a reasonable time.
Paladin's aren't overpowered. They're great at surviving and being secondary healers/off tanks. They're balanced because of their limited mana pools and limited damage output.
I think Blizzard is getting them into the nerfing line. It seems like everywhere I go, there is someone complaining that paladins are unstoppable.
If you have an armor debuff and now how to use kick, you should be alright. I still say less of their main skills should be such short casts to actually give us rogues some time to use a well time kicked to stop them casting. If I can decrease a pally's armor with 5 combo points working toward the Rogue armor debuff, I can usually work from their with well timed kicks and maybe a vanish to cheap shot.
allright, it seems that everyone thinks that paladins are not overpowered. I must say I'm beginning to doubt myself. but there's only one way to be sure: I'm starting a paladin character myself and then I'll see if I was wrong or right. but if I was wrong then I won't be too stubborn to admit it. I'll reply something on saterday so I'll have plenty of time to test my pally.
Hmmm....Where to begin......
Well let me start by saying that I play a Paladin and at lvl 55 I can safely say that we are far from being "overpowered". A lot of the rumors start when we are around lvl 10(lasting til about mid 20's) or so and all melee classes rely mostly on pure DPS rather than skills or special moves to fight. And more so most of the critics are alliance who duel paladins in hopes of debunking the rumors of their own realm-mates! (Whine about your own teammates and call for the nerf-stick.......go figure.)
What many players fail to realize is, that at that lvl the only "edge" we have is the ability to heal or shield and in the case of the overzealous realm-mates who only think dueling is having a paladin use NONE of their healing abilities, superior defense is our only option. With all said and done we tend to peak at around lvl 25-37 when the ultimate paladin only weapon: Verigan's Fist is being used. This monster also creates the illusion of us being overpowered. But when we hit the 40's things start to swing the other way. Most classes have seen their fair share of PvP and PvE(And are getting most of their rank 1 high-end skills) to know that two things are lacking in the paladin's bag-of-tricks: Range ability and crowd control. Sure you could solve the range thing if we are willing to spec a full 31 pts into the holy line for Holy Shock. That in itself is calling for a player to be forced to play one way only. Or we can take up engineering, fine if you thought of that before hand or are willing to again play by someone else's tune.
So what we do have we work with dilligently (or at least I do):
Seal of Justice- Has the chance to stun a target for 3 secs(Purely random)
Seal of the Crusader- Raises attack speed by 40% and also lowers attack damage. (This was currently bugged and was fixed in a recent patch, making it true to it's actual description)
Seal of Command- Has a chance to do holy damage equal to the paladin's normal damge(Again purely random and the most used ability for Retribution paladins that use 2-handed, since it procs more with slower weapons)
And last but not least our wild card abilities:
Lay hands- 1-hour(40 mins if spec) ability to instantly heal ourselves or others.
Divine Shield- invulnerable to physical and magical attacks for 12 secs also allows paladin to attack at a 50% reduction in attack speed. (5min cooldown)
Blessing of Protection- invulnerable to physical attacks only for 12 secs that can be used on other party members as well. No offensive action can be taken by the person recieving the blessing although defensive/healing is allowed. (5min cooldown) As a side note only one blessing can be placed on any one person at a time, so when we use it say goodbye to that blessing of kings, wisdom or might you may have had on before using layman's terms a drop in DPS.
This effectively turns high lvl paladins to ravenous turtles for the most part, because if you get out of our range of attack(max for us is 10 yards) then bye-bye honor pts......
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Well for a class only avaliable to 2 races in one faction there are sure a lot of them thats for sure.And not just on the RP server on my pvp server too and guessing many other servers.
Are they overpowered?Probably but who cares
Well true that many plays a pally in Alliance, tho i see majority of hunters on Bloodhoof, there's also many warriors.
Hmm.. Overpowered? Then rogues r overpower too cause they can kill paladins? and Priests r overpower cause they can kill mages.. and mages r overpowered cause they can kill druids etc... not nessecarely in that order, but my point is all classes have weakness to each other... and with some skill and abit of luck, the one class can beat another
Well .. I play a paladin ... its the perfect soloist class, but I doubt its overpowered.
Statistics confirm my guess ... I have the Cosmos interface installed and was running Census a few times. Its clear that paladin is NOT as common as people think ... and anyone can verify that for himself by running it on his/her own server.
Which means it cant be as attractive a profession as people believe, especially at the high level 50-60 end of the spectrum.
Have fun
Paladins are a great and powerful class - at the early levels. 1-35 or so, they have good armor, good dps and good healing. However, eventually this edge disappears, mainly because there is no way to keep the dps up. I played a pally until level 44, but by that point it was taking FOREVER to kill mobs. Yeah, I would rarely get killed, but grouping becomes very important when a single battle is lasting over 5 minutes because your damage is slow.
Other hardships which are mentioned above are the inability to have a ranged attack, therefore the inability to pull mobs on your own. This is huge! If you want to get the attention of the guard just outside the camp, you have to get close enough to the guard to pull aggro with yourself, and hope that nobody in the camp noticed you. The other huge one is that once you are in battle, you are basically in battle until you can defeat your opponents or run away. You've got 1 safety net, but no polymorphs, fears, psychic screams, stuns, vanishes or any of the like to get enemies away from you or get you away from enemies.
I would really recommend pally for anyone as a starting character. Use it to learn the game mechanics, as it will teach you all of the important skills - fighting, buffing, healing and casting. However, once you get a good feel for the game, pick another class, as pally is VERY slow. I've started both a warlock and a priest and am now having a great time with both, where I was really getting bored with my pally.
Naturally, these are my own personal opinions, and your experiences my vary.
I have chosen Engineer and Mining for my Paladin (as they interested me) but it has proven to be THE best choice for any soloing paladin.
You can pull with bombs, you can distract multiple mobs with decoys, you can have mechanical creatures fight for you , you can dive unterwater forever ... all with a strong humourous touch. BUT its all one offs. Huge recharge times between uses. Hours even.
As Dremvek says ... its the perfect class to learn it all ... and cant compete with the more specialiced classes at higher levels. And the "Census" statistics show that this is true ... many low level paladins, comparatively few high level paladins (as compared to their respective other classes at that level).
Have fun
I play a pally on Blackhand and as I am getting him up in levels (47) I have noticed that the number of has died off. On my server I have noticed that most chars in the levle 55-60 ranges are 1 of 3 classes, Hunter, Warrior, or Priest.
As for being overpowered. I would say no. Pallies can do a lot solo at lower levels but need help up higher.
They decrease in ability over time.
"A day without denial is a day you've got to face."
having read all your posts, and paying close attention on this thing in the game itself and playing as a paladin myself ( 5 hours), I'm convinced that I was wrong about the pally being overpowered. I would like to apoligize to everyone and officialy admit that I was mistaken. also thx for all the posts that opened my eyes.
Let me guess, you also won't play pally anymore since it's the most boring class to play. Just judge one seal, activate another and sneeze for 30 sec. When fighting undead(only mobs, not players) you have a chance to actually interact with the oponent with that anti-undead nuke.
Pallies are fine, but need rework so playing them doesn't fell so dull.