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Warlocks are the masters of fire and shadow magic, they are a very versatile class with many spells available. This makes them a more involved class to play, and will require a bit more learning than some of the other classes, yet when mastered the Warlock can be quite a force to reckon with.
As stated above the Warlock has a variety of sinister spells at his disposal. One very important line of spells are the summon spells which call forth a magical creature to fight for you. These summons all vary in strenghts and purpose, so you have to decide what pet to use depending on the situation you are in. The correct decision on the use of a pet in a certain situation can change the outcome of a battle. Some examples of the Warlock his summons are the Imp, the Succubus and the Voidwalker. The Warlock also has a variety of (de)buffs and damage dealing spells, such as direct damage and damage over time spells. They can even drain health from their target and also convert their own health into mana. This makes it possible for the Warlock to refill his mana pool very quickly. But in order to cast some spells, such as most of the summons, the Warlock will not only need mana but also magical shards known as 'Soul Shards'. These soul shards can be attained by casting the spell 'Drain Soul' when the monster is low on health. If the monster dies while being drained, the Warlock will gain a soul shard. This spell will need some great timing and you will only recieve a soul shard if you gain experience from the target. These soul shards will not only be used for spells though, they are a necessary component to create more powerful stones. One example is the Bloodstone which can be used to instantly restore an amount of health, another important stone is the Soulstone which can be used after death to revive yourself. These stones will make Warlocks very wanted in groups. But, they will also be very populair in groups because of crowd control spells such as Banish and even fear in some cases. Their use of pets combined with damaging spells and debuffs makes the Warlock a great solo class with little downtime. Add to all these spells and abilities a lot more unique and cool abilities that aren't mentioned, and it makes the Warlock a unique and complete class with very powerful abilities. A great choice and very nice developed class!
The only thig that i dont like about warlocks is that thy can only where cloth
yeah the warlock does seam like a pretty good and versatile class but you're right about the cloth armor. He can carry a sword unlike any other casters but instead of giving him better armor also, they stick with the cloth. but I gues that if the warlock could ware armor like chain he would be a little overpowered. who wouldn't want a caster who can deal some dmg with extremly powerfull spells, can deal out some meelee dmg (sword) , and would be able to take plenty of dmg ( chain armor) .
Yeah i guess you are right .a warlock would then be to powerfull
still i think its a shame
Id like my rogue to have innate ability to heal full health, insta cast and recycle timer of 1 second. Then id surely own everyone!
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Warlocks sure can be fun... or at least that is what i heard. I never spent much time in beta on a warlock and only got to arround lvl 5-6. Starting levels may be dull, but once you get your Imp, things start to shape up. I compare a Warlock to a Necromancer in Diablo 2 LoD, the principle is the same i guess and both are fun if you get into them, a Warlock may also provide some of the best fun for a veteran RPer who knows what he is doing
yeah same goes for my mage. and I should be able to kill everyone, not just the people tagged for pvp. but I gues it'll take all the fun out of the game
I love Warlocks
I play a mage in every RPG but in WoW there are several kinds of mage, the true mage, priests and warlocks. And because I am Undead - Warlock is a good thing to chose.
would priests still be classified as a mage? I never use that class so i don't really know what skills they got but i never thought it to be under the mage cathegory
no a priest isn't a mage. It's a caster but a mage is a character of it's own in wow. the main abilities of a priest are of course healing and buffs. they have a small amount of offensive spells at their disposal too, but their primary skill is healing.