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I must have played about 10 or so trial accounts over the past year or so. Each time I ventured a different path. Only once have I actually subscribed.
I once trained up my combat skills and PvP fitted a Rifter. I scouted .1 and 0.0 sec for about 4 hours using the directional scanner to go out and blow someone up. I scanned out a bunch of wrecks and went to investigate; I was one shot by a PoS. Meh, whatever.
I once trained up my trading skills and even subscribed to the game. Got myself into a Mammoth and was running trade routes. I took a courier contract (I'm at fault here and am 100% in the wrong) and collateral was something like 36 million in total; I had 37 million in assets. I ended up in 0.0 and the place I was to drop off the cargo was someone's POS. I lost the ship, the cargo, and the 36 million in collateral. Again, I'm aware that it was my fault and it was foolish of me.
I once went exploring for wormholes. After spending about four or five hours to find a place in space that was relatively quiet I scanned one out. I warped in, bookmarked the entrance, and scanned inside. I warp in to a structure and right click to "show info". I wasn't on the fourth word when I was instantly popped.
I once joined in on some fleet pvp or whatever you want to call it. After travelling a couple hours to meet up with some people I found in the Rookie Channel we went scouting for PvP. Couple hours after that, we found some people. The fight lasted under a minute and I was returned 40 or something jumps back to where I started.
Yesterday I restarted a trial account. I logged on at 4 P.M., trained a slew of skills, and got to probe scanning. At midnight I went to bed. In that time I found about 10 wormholes (which I refuse to enter) and zero radar, gravity, ladar, or whatever sites. I didn't make one ISK.
These are just a few times I've played, but is it always 5+ hours of work for < 1 minute of action? I really want to get into this, but if that's the way its going to be then I guess I'll just move on.
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
I am interested in the answers to this since trying EVE myself, wanting to like it, but then unable to really get into it.
I know I really missed having a toon.
EVE certainly can reward the more patient course. That said, if you want to pvp, joint Red v Blue, or enter into Faction Warfare. Lots of targets, no sec status penalties. If you go into fw, get a supply of ships into a hisec system adjacent to the lowsec battleground. There are usually one or more staging systems (eg Kuomi for the Amarr). Move your medical clone there so if you are podded it is a quick trip to reship. Look to join in a corp that specialises in fw.
Trading as a profession does require a little bit of thought, particularly when it comes to finding an item or items that you can buy low in one place, and sell high in another. But practice makes perfect, and regard any initial losses as an investment.
If you want to do something in wormholes, seek to join a wormhole orientated corp. It is nullsec as far as combat is assumed, people will shoot you because you are either a thief (of their whole resources) or a spy.
Decide what you would like to try, and then seek out a corp that is focused on those goals. While you can solo, doing stuff together is always more fun.
In short, each time you played, you made a mistake that cost you something?
What you're missing is this: you're supposed to learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up and do better next time, not just quit. I've been playing for 4 years - you think I never make any mistakes? Duh! I used to do dumb stuff all the damb time. I learned not to. Now I only do dumb stuff once or twice a session, and when I do dumb stuff, I generally know how to fix it so that I dont lose much from my error.
You're also missing the part where you make contacts with other players so you can learn from them and ask their advice. EVE is ALL about player interaction. Find some people in game you like. Do stuff with them. EVE will make a lot more sense to you in short order.
tl;dr: guts and friends
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I'll leave it to someone else to give a proper reply, but I will say that Eve has always been a slow pased game and not one of nonstop action (although I suppose factional warfare and Red vs Blue might be so, but haven't tried).
I consider the slow pace a strenght of Eve, but many will not and get bored.
Its not the fact that it was each time, it was the fact that I would commit to playing for a minimum of 4 hours for it happen. I mean, if I were to look for PvP and it took an hour and the fight last for 5 or so minutes, then it'd be fun. The fact it took me five or so hours for me to find a fight and the fight to last about ten seconds just really did it in for me. Just like exploring. I commited last night to a solid 7 hours of exploring. I scanned out about 20+ systems. All I found were wormholes. Last time I entered a wormhole, it took about four hours to get to a relatively remote area to find one that wasn't already populated. Only to zone in and lose my ship literally in five seconds.
Iunno, I'm just scouting for a new MMO I guess. Been playing the same one for five years or so. I've pretty much done everything in it. I figured since EVE doesn't really have an "end game" I'd try to commit to it. But, eh I guess I'll just keep scouting.
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
Its simple, Eve is not for you. Move on and find a game that you dont feel you need to get into!
I wouldn't say EVE isn't the game for him, he seems to appreciate the concept and enjoy aspects of the gameplay. I think a good corp would solve his problem, if that doesn't work THEN it probably isn't for him. Like exploration for example, if you were in a WH corp your scanning would be used for a more tangible purpose and thus give you a sense of accomplishment, the carrot essential to enjoying any MMO. Instead of just scanning down a bunch of WHs you won't actually enter, you scan them down for others to enter and thus your currently senseless act gives you a feeling of accomplishment and a share of ISK as reward. That you enjoy probes alone gives me enough hope to say you can potentially become addicted to EVE.
One thing that you did wrong on the PVP side was travel 80 jumps out and back total... That amount of jumps take time, and the take time for a reason... so people don't jump 40 jumps each way everywhere. If your consitently jumping more then 5 jumps, maybe 10 if your in an alliance, then you really need to narrow your operational area down. Anything over ten jumps and should be planning on staying there a while.
Now for the rest of the stuff it gets quicker as you get more experienced. For scanning with practice and a few other skills you will cut down the time to scan a site from a 10-15 minutes to 2-3 minutes. With a good group of people you can cover more ground or just clear a system quickly. With a 0.0 alliance you get areas that are literally saturated with sites. With PVP you start learning the hot spots and you start hanging around there, places where there is usually somebody else flying. With Trading you start learning to set up better route paths so you can do more stuff on the same trip. Even when you don't make a mistake you can usually find a better way to do it.
The OP tried most stuff eve has to offer and still cant get it. You should know after a few trials, if you still cant get a game you should just stay away, simple as that. Dont come here crying this and that, claiming you tried everything. And it's a sandbox, it's you who set the goals, you who make it fun or not.
I've have the same tango with Eve for a long time myself and I found the simple answer for me; friends.
If you have friends who are interested or play Eve, link up with them and do whatever it is you have interest in together. The more the better. The only time I solo is when my friends aren't online or are busy, which I usually spend casually mining and making isk.
Don't go it alone, it's a rather lonely existence in space and the more company you bring the more enjoyment you'll have. If you don't have any friends who play, make some in game. At least try to find a corp with like-minded goals and ambitions.