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I had a chance to stop by Tera's E3 booth today and was able to get some first hand experience with the game.
So here's what I noticed right off the bat. The world looks absolutely beautiful. The Unreal 3 Engine truly is a beast! The controls were very responsive and yet smooth. Animations were fluid the enemies interesting to look at. They had both the 360 controller and the mouse and keyboard hooked up to the game. Both performed wonderfully. There was no targeting mechanic set up due to the mode of play. Melee characters swing in real time, hit box detection will check to see if their is a hit. Apparently you can still miss based on stats, but it seems rare. Update: No misses, but damage output and intake can alter depending on stats.
I felt that hack and slash style of play may or may not lower the depth of the game. I liked non targeted real time combat, but if there isnt enough depth to that combat, it will end up being a third person shooter type of hack n slash. Also according to the developer/publisher, there will be no faction vs faction pvp. Instead, all pvp will be done by two groups/guilds or solo encounters. Race doesnt seem to have any impact on which side you fight for, since it doesnt seem there is a side. This might actually hurt the game. I do not think it helped AoC to have this pvp mode either, and in a way both games are similar.
As a gamer I might not find enough depth or reason to fight in this game to make it worth it, however I have no doubt it will certainly appeal to a certain audience. The quality of the game is still impressive, but certain design choices may make or break this game.
UPDATE: I went ahead and compressed two more videos.
Video #2 Tank play:
Video #3 Dual Swords, Mage companion:
"Apparently you can still miss based on stats"
this is incorrect, There are no evasion or dodge stats in the game. If you missed an attack it's because your aim / distance to the mob was bad or the mob moved out of the way.
As far as the rest, I don't really know. You have your opinion which is fine but I can't see how you can come to a conclusion based on 10 minutes of hands on game play from a short cut down demo. Just saying bro.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
How do you know how long I played the game? Also I havent made any definitate claims, only opinions that can end up either way, but based on my previous experience and knowledge. Further, I was told quite a bit about how the game works as well as the modes of play from the project staff on hand. He said stats play a role in dodging, maybe me meant dodging skills.. I have no idea. This is just my inintial impression, no one has to agree with it. I have, however, played the game, for what thats worth.
I'm pretty much inclined to believe the guy who's played it over the guy who hasn't.
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
-And on the 8th day, man created God.-
You've mentioned that there is not enough depth to the combat.
Could it be it is just because you were playing a relatively low leveled character with only a few skills? Or is it something more fundamental to the combat system itself?
Thank you for posting this.
That isn't what he was saying. To put it blunty, unless the game tells him who to kill with a faction based PvP system then he finds no point in it. It's almost like people of there own race don't kill each other. =P
You can kill other peoples of the same race in Tera. Players will choose which federation to be part of and race have nothing to do with it.
That's why he is saying the combat has no depth.
No, you can not.
This information has already been divulged here:
So I don't think En Masse minds that I go whoopsie daisy on the NDA on this issue. I've played the game and no, you can not miss based on stats, hit detection works just like an action game or an FPS.
Case closed.
I like how you try to end everything with a "case closed", which doesnt really make much sense to me outside of the realm of internet egotism.
That said, did you read the entire thread? I had a breif questions and answers with one of their representatives showing off the game He said stats play a role in dodging, maybe me meant dodging skills... I am just reporting what I was told. Also remember the builds at E3 are usually updated from whatever alpha or beta you are playing. For example, the FF14 online build at E3 was their drastically updated Beta build, where as all testers are still playing the older alpha build.
Anyways the rep said they didnt want stats to be obsolete, that stats should still matter in combat, however they still wanted to let a very skilled player have a chance at beating a non skilled but higher level player. Take that as you will.
That's great news. No more just abusing f1 f2 and the one with the better weapon wins.
Hmm... looks like u can space bar jump in this game.
Politics will play into the PvP in the game, so it will have some kind of depth or meaning to it. To what degree, I don't know... Far as i know right now, they haven't got into detail about it yet.
It looked great, very excited about the 360 controls as an option, that would definitely be my input of choice. Thanks for the post!
IWhen talking about non-faction PvP(and this specific topic/thing only), I say: look at Eve online.
Now I'm not talking about Eve in general, I personally don't play that game(anymore) and I don't want to make this an discussion about it. However, I don't think there is a more intriguing, in-depth, badass PvP-system anywhere to be seen. The situation is just as I would want it. Player factions, corps, guilds, clans, whatever you want to call them which basically rules the world. They make their own rules and therefore it makes it a lot more fun to either follow or break them.
The player's choice has impact on the world. I don't want to PvP someone just because he lives on the other side of the lawn. I want a reason to fight someone, be it anything. Now, this reasons are player created and therefore they have a lot more viability, impact on people and realism.
Imagine there was a two-faction system, faction A and B. If I was A and B had a little town or a village somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I probably wouldn't matter much since no one really owns that town/village, it's just under the title of faction B.
Instead, picture this little town/village being owned by a competetive clan/guild. I would want to tear that place apart, either because I'm having a grudge with them for any what reason, revenge or simply just o make them suffer.
Now I'm no expert in this type of "field" at all, and I'm sure my arguments are just what they are. Words and characters. However, this is my personal opinion about this two-faction system vs no-faction system.
Also, I've played the game far, far longer than any 10 minutes and to my understanding you can't miss based on stats.
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While I see where you are coming from, I would have to disagree on the interpretation you have given. Rather to elaborate on certain aspects of your post.
If lore didnt exist, if a background story or the world settings didnt exist, then you would have a point. But thats the thing, they do exst and they should exist. Immersion is created through a believable world (not as in reality) but one fleshed out with its own system, way of life, that the player experiences through the world and of which creates that small emotional response required for complete immersion.
Faction combat is important because right off the bat you have a choice and consequence. It means that the moment you pick a side, the emotional response is triggered, the act of the player making that choice reinforces their interest in the game as well as character. They become part of it.
Imagine if the World Cup didnt have nations competing with one another and it was just players changing teams every other game. It wouldnt have the same effect on a crowd, they would be more interested in a player than a team, teams are unity and unity is pride when it comes to nation, group..ect This is reality, and if you can mirror just a bit of that in a fictional world, you go a long way in creating the reasoning for the play.
Also you bring up 2 faction systems...but why does it have to be 2 factions for your example? Its never as simple as red vs blue. There is a behavioral science type of reasoning behind the faction play, where even when in guilds, you have both a micro and macro goal and allegence. Thats what is key. With no faction system in place, you lose the macro, the world play, and only the micro (guild goals) are there. It holds less depth, believe it or not.
We also know that a few players if given the power to do so, can ruin an entire game's experience. With faction, lore based design and play setting, you can take that power out of their hands while still promoting those who positively impact the whole of a community.
I guess its safe to say that faction play has proved to be the most successful design in mmorpgs due to WoW, but I am sure others would love to argue that. It really isnt about WoW though, but the science behind the design, modes of play, and human behavior.
Also to address your last comment. I did have a chance to talk with another rep, this one I believe was actually one of the developers this time around and he did confirm you cannot miss. The previous rep gave misinformation. However he did say that stats will obviously effect the damage, so even hitting a higher stat person (say with defense) might not have any real impact if the gap is wide enough.
I stopped by to play it as well. The noobie zone looked great with subtle bloom and depth of field going on. I agree the textures and crispness were really impressive. The work that went into that area really impressed me on all counts.
The mobs were also pretty wild, from giant rhino looking bug things -- like something out of Avatar -- to smaller colorful mobs. I did find many things reminded me of my play experience in Aion as well. Combat was pretty frantic and I admit half the time I wasn't sure if it was my attacks or the guys beside me hitting the mob, it felt very video-game like with flashing mobs when they're hit and tons of particals.
One thing I did try was to take a flying horsie to the capitol city. Flying through the wormhole was kinda sad but it did shorten the ride, it was basicly an in-game load screen. Took me out of the "world" but there is a degree of that in eastern games.
Once I got to the city things felt very differant. I wasn't as impressed in the city with it's low poly walls and flat looking textures, not as much as the wilderness. But the PR guy had me go back to the starting area cuz there were very few spawned NPC's in the city.
So I only got to play for about 20 min in the noobie zone but it was very impressive. But also very much like AION. I also enjoyed the RIFT demo, but was sad they didn't have stations set up.
Arioc Murkwood
Environment Artist
Sad but true.
The reason a person picks a side in a faction game is because you are forced to choose one in the character selection screen. Sure you may pick one because of the back ground story or they look really cool and have better skills or armor, but human emotion has no part in it.
Many people like the concept of faction games and thats cool because they do have a place in the community, but for me I prefer to have free will in deciding who my friends and enemies are. And those tend to be more emotional, And having a guild or clan on your faction that you just can't stand and are unable to do anything about it except to reroll sucks.
I respect your opinions and views on faction games so please try to respect mine. We just see different sides of a coin, that's all.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Forgive me but I wasnt aware your name was Lorgarn.
I am not sure you understood the context of my post. Whether you choose faction at creation or after the first stages of a game, it doesnt change the act of choice and consequence. While you may call it a matter of opinion, I call it a matter of design facts, it also depends on if those design facts are targeting a specific genre and a specific audience. It is a misconception that you cannot choose your enemies and your friends, but keep in mind, the world shouldnt revolve around the character, but the character should revolve around the game world. This is critical for successful mmorpg design.
I loved the Rift demo as well. I have a feeling the game is going to do very very well. I am really surprised at how well the game is coming along.
Oh I understand quite well I just happen to disagree with you.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I too am looking forward to this game. The fact that they are going pve first has me excited. I dislike the 2 faction based games that do not give you any kind of option of swapping sides.
The graphics and Action based combat have me pumped about this game as well as the fact that it is being totally westernized. Hopefully they can live up to their promises and give us a great game.
As a long time Everquest inthusiast I can say that they really need a great pve game out there. Has anyone heard anything about Everquest Next?
On another topic what is with g4tv giving Tera no coverage, its like they were bought and paid for by lucas arts?
"Its better to look ugly and win than pretty and lose"
It doesn't matter if your able to kill your own races or not, if you have faction standings with meaningful punishment for killing your own race/alliance then it will have meaning. If it does not, then it will fail. Darkfall BARELY has a penalty for going red, if you live in a player city then there is NO reason to avoid killing your own race/alliance, it needs it badly.
Rabenwolf has been known in the past to lie about experiencing games in person, I'm suprised everyone beleives his movies and immages to be his own.
Well, I don't know anything about him but I wouldn't care much either way. We're just having a good discussion going on.
His own videos and images or not, doesn't really matter since we didn't really discuss any information that was unique or substantial to those videos/images anyways.
Now, Rabenwolf, I see what you are saying and I totally respect your opinions. However, as been noted already my personal preference in this case is in fact a non-faction system. Needless to say, I enjoy both type of games and if they would decide to change this in Tera they would still have my support.
It's a fun game and I hope it stays that way, hopefully giving me at least a few months worth of entertaintment when it goes live sometime next year.
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