2) Mass Effect 3(doubt it will be out with in a year)
3) Eeverquest Next(not sure this should be listed as it was rumored to be a console game at some point but its still a game im waiting to read up more into)
I dont particularly make list's for games really to be honest.I just use web sites and commercials to see if they peak my interest.If so i buy.
those are the only two i'm looking forward to. i don't have a third pick. i hope diablo III comes out within a year. there's still no set release date for it.
AmazingAveryAge of Conan AdvocateMemberUncommonPosts: 7,188
lol at swtor - it just looks so bad, gameplay and graphics wise. no way this is not going to fail. i predict loads of box sales then massive subscriber decline, like 80% players leaving once they realise how crap it plays. i'm still not convinced its actually bioware making it and not some shoddy company where ea just put bios name on it since they own it.
Same as you
Fallout 3 (Van Buren)
Starcraft: Ghost
Duke Nukem Forever
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
1. Earthrise
2. New Deus Ex.
3. Fable 3
And some other games, but these are my top 3 prioritys and must buy
EvE doors
See the best doors on EvE-on!
1. R.u.s.e.
2. Sw: The old repiblic
3. Guild wars 2
1. Diablo 3
2. Starcraft 2
3. Crysis 2
1) Guild Wars 2
2) Mass Effect 3(doubt it will be out with in a year)
3) Eeverquest Next(not sure this should be listed as it was rumored to be a console game at some point but its still a game im waiting to read up more into)
I dont particularly make list's for games really to be honest.I just use web sites and commercials to see if they peak my interest.If so i buy.
This is in no paticuliar order...
...Fable 3
...Guild Wars 2 (I'm not a fan of PvP games, but the more I read on this title the better it sounds. Hope they can pull off a nice game.)
League of Legends will be amazing soon with new maps.
you guys should play it
Diablo III
Guild Wars 2
The Witcher 2
Starcraft 2
Starcraft 2
Mass Effect 3
Fable 3
The Old Republic
1} Final Fantasy XIV
2} Arcania: Gothic IV
3} Front MIssion Evolved
4} Mafia II
5} Two Worlds II
6} Magica
7} LEGO Harry Potter
8} Fable III
9} Deus Ex: Human Revolution
1) the witcher 2: assassin of kings
2) diablo III
those are the only two i'm looking forward to. i don't have a third pick. i hope diablo III comes out within a year. there's still no set release date for it.
Crysis 2
GW 2
Same for me although I would add Diablo 3 in that mix (but it might be more than a year).
top 3 pc games this year:
1-mafia 2
2-CIV 5
3-fallout new vegas
honorable mention: Dead space 2 but its coming 2011 last I heard if not its the top game for me
They cripple the bird's wing, and then condemn it for not flying as fast as they.Malcolm X
Nothing else that interests me getting released soon.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
1. Shogun Total War 2
2. Mafia 2
3. Guild wars 2
...i see a pattern here...
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
1. starcraft 2
2. witcher 2.
3. diablo 3
lol at swtor - it just looks so bad, gameplay and graphics wise. no way this is not going to fail. i predict loads of box sales then massive subscriber decline, like 80% players leaving once they realise how crap it plays. i'm still not convinced its actually bioware making it and not some shoddy company where ea just put bios name on it since they own it.
Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions
Crackdown 2
of course I would rather just play these games on a console.
All men think they're fascinating. In my case, it's justified
(no particular order, and I can't decide and don't know when these come out so I just put things I am waiting for)
Crysis 2
Deadspace 2
Fable 3
Mass Effect 3
Diablo 3
World of Darkness
Portal 2
Duke Nukem: Forever
--Custom Rig: Pyraxis---
NZXT Phantom 410 Case
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz
Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard
Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0
Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB
1) GW2
2) APB
Had to add Fallout: New Vegas but it's 4th on my list.
Fable 3
Diablo 3 (probably wont be out in a year thou but maybe sometime late next year)
Ultima online 2
everquest 3
asherons call 3
oh wait....this year?
sigh....................................maybe never