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E3 is done now. Based on the stuff we've seen what stood out the most and why? What did you hate....errr, dislike?
For me it was SWTOR and Rift.
I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but I never liked the Kotor games, nor Mass Effect, nor Dragon Age. I prefer my dialogue given fast not longwinded boring scenes of me staring at 2 people conversing. So, I had extreme reservations about SWTOR. Second, I'm a huge fan of WoW and personally don't think any true WoW "clones" have been made, if they had they would be as popular. That being said, after watching these videos for SWTOR, gameplay most importantly, I haven't been this excited about a game in a long time. It seems to be incorporating everything I love about WoW and making it Star Wars and deeper. To the point, that I can gloss over the dialogue aspect ;P
So my highlight was seeing SWTOR in true action and I can't wait. One year is too long! My second highlight is seeing Rift. That game is looking and sounding incredible. I'm just afraid the graphics req. may be too steep based on what I saw. I hate having to keep upgrading or buying a new PC every 2 years just to keep up with these games. /sigh
The Warhammer game looks interesting, I'll be trying it at least and DC universe looks good, I'll be trying that too along with the Agency. But these didn't grab my attention as much as the first 2 I mentioned.
I guess Warhammer 40k was the only tid bit of news that actually stuck out to me. After seeing the trailer I lost more interest in it, all I saw was the same old MMO cookie cutter theme with 40k art. TOR was just another neat trailer that had nothing to do with gameplay but at the same time I have no real interest in that title either. I really didn't hear much about anything else, except that Jumpgate Evolution actually exists which is kind of interesting, at least that game is bringing something new to the genre, hopefully that "new" is actually good though I doubt i'll play it. The MMOs I'm interested in were nowhere near the E3 floor this year.
Player housing and owning my own ship in TOR was good news. The Warzones didn't feel like news to me, I already knew they were going to have something similar, they just put a name with it, so it was anti-climactic for me there.
I was very disappointed with the payment details released by SOE on DCUO. I was expecting a Buy to Play game.. and that was one of the major driving factors in my purchase of that on release.
I liked seeing the combat in TERA, the game is looking good, though shots from the game floor didn't look as great to me as previous videos I've seen -- graphics wise.
Warhammer 40K was a nice announcement but the IP doesn't interest me. I'll be watching it from afar and see what they come up with. This has the ability peak my interest.
SWTOR was the one that stood out for me. I was watching the E3 show mostly for the games that would come out for consoles. I'd totally forgot about TOR until they showed the new trailer for it - and i can tell you now i'm hyped up for it. I've been wanting a Star Wars mmo for years now. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be all show and no substance.
Warhammer 40k - to be a space marine appeals to me.
"Player housing and owning my own ship in TOR" is a nice touch.
BUt guys, we have been there before. Many Games promise a lot before betas, before launch ..and when the product comes to the public much that was expected is not there. SW:TOR is in extreem hype mode (And not all of that is the fault of the game devs).
I was much more reassured by the somewhat mixed reviews of SW:TOR thus far. I only hope that these mixed views continue because I think its the only way we can bring this game back down into reality...into perspective.
IF the MMO players keep this up we are only setting SW:TOR up for failure and ourselves for dissapointment
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Nothing new really, just confirmations on lots of things we already thought we knew.
Though it is good to see:
More SWTOR information
Warhammer 40k gameplay trailer
TERA still moving along nicely
Next year should be pretty good for MMOs, these last few have been somewhat stale with the false-starters and lack of innovation.
TOR & WK 40K.
40K is going to be a long wait .. i am hoping TOR will be here soon. From what i have seen, it is shaping up to be a really good game.
I'm not a fan of Star Wars and have no desire to waste money on another Korean MMO produced by the same individuals as Aion, so Tera is a big no. Of everything I learned of at E3 the only thing that interested me in MMO's was Rift. Many would mistake it as a WoW clone and not look further, but it has several very interesting innovative ideas, though not entirely new. Its dynamic content is extremely interesting and its class system allows for hundreds of different player character builds and diversity.
DoW3...aka Dark Millenium Online.
I really wish somebody would do a Rogue Trader MMORPG...but oh well.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
SWTOR looks like it'll be the first game really close to WoW in quality and feel. If it's as close as it looks to be to WoW it'll be a big hit.
PvP only in battle grounds? That sounds a little lame. But the story lines might make up for it.
Hey, and it's star wars, what's not to like.
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
I'd hope individuals would notice a similarity between SWTOR and WoW as SWTOR utilizes the same generic casual gameplay style originally pioneered by WoW. SWTOR is looking to be a WoW clone with a different skin. Since BioWare was involved hopefully it will be better than its seems. Star Wars believe it or not isn't liked by everyone.
What stood out for me was Warhammer 40k: Dark Millenium Online!!
Yeah not only was it unexpected but in this first showing they didnt have some crap CGI trailer they had actual in game footage and thats pure awesome.
I don't wish to be nasty but I think it was the video reviw of Final Fantasy XIV titled Final Fantasy XIV Videos: E3 Final Fantasy XIV Combat Demo (8:39). You can see by the replies its probably the worst review/ footage of a new massively hypted game a lot of us have seen and it may have turned me off the game and had a negivative impact on the game rather than a positive.
The only thing I saw that was wrong with the footage is they had some random E3 attendee play the character and he didn't know how to play so he needed constant instruction.
Graphics and animations where exceptionally good.
Combat looked a little generic
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
I know, right? we are totally overrun by MMOs with RvR FPS-like combat and vehicles
what the genre needs is more original point-click-keypress games. maybe fantasy PvE, sword and sorcery PvE games are so rare this days...
Nothing truly stood out.
The only surprise was WAR40k as I didn't expect that they were far enough along for a such a massive trailer. Good stuff.
SWTOR revealed nothing new or unexpected. (WoW + lightsabers + BioWare quests <- i don't mean this in a bad way)
RIFT revealed nothing new or unexpected. (EQ2 + dynamic spawns <- i also don't mean this in a bad way)
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
E3 was pure crap!
Game developers seem to be doing a horrible job!
So thats what stood out to me. The lack of good games on display.