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For those of you who have palyed in the last BWE what do you think of mission difficulty? I have heard from some people that soem missions are way to hard, and have waisted entire days never geting past them... While others like myself tent to think that missions are apropriately difficult and that some need to even raise the bar! I have heard many complaints about hte gates of kryta mission being way too hard, thoguh i believe it should be since it is the last check point before lions arch.
Well, i remember when i played my first beta in january, first mission then was realy hard, since you came there on level 1 maybe 2. But it was fun. Now when i came with new char, i was level 7 and mission is to easy. And every mission afther that one.
GW Characters:
Serena Varden - Monk/Mesmer
Faith Varden - Warrior/Elementalist
Sama Varden - Elementalist/Necromancer
Helena Varden - Ranger/Monk
i think they're about right, success in a mission is down to the group you're in. I've struggled in missions even with a decent party where people have run off, and succeeded in missions with an under-strength party that employed decent tactics. Which is how it should be.
PvE in general is pretty lame, if you think long and hard about it. You are spending your time beating a severely gimped AI that would lose to a well trained monkey. Best not to think too long and hard why you are wasting time playing games in general actually...