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A little more than a week from now, the servers will merge. Not counting the existing player base. Will you come back or be a first time player ?
In my opinion :
People seem to like the game for the most part. Many have tried to return knowing about the low population, Thinking they can break the barrier and make friends anyway, but eventually find it to be a lost cause. BUT now is our best chance.
July 7th server merge day is probably our only chance for a reunite of returning players. Putting it another way, it's a date set for everyone to return at once.
SOE being the bad guy will never again offer an opportunity to pick a date again, so now is the time !
Existing players of all servers + new players + returning players = possible large population.
Given the negativity of this site MMORPG, I would not expect the poll to be accurate, people seem to get a sweet felling of revenge to say " no, screw that ". But I would like to run a poll anyway.
I had originally looked at Vanguard back when it was released back in 2007 but never got around to actually buying or playing it. I'm currently in between mmos, both looking for something new and waiting for some upcoming titles, so I'll probably end up taking a look at Vanguard in the coming week leading up to the server merger
I just started a trial and I am really enjoying the game. Looks like I will be playing Vangard till Final Fantasy XIV comes out.
Not me
I finished the trial and decided to sub just to see what the rest of the game is like. So far, I have two toons at level 20 and a couple more at various levels up to 10. I am really liking it so far but the lack of players and overall difficulty of the game is definitely having a dampening effect on my original enthusiasm.
I really want to come back but SoE gives off the impression that they don't really support this game and that keeps me away. I know the argument, but if no one resubs they don't have a reason to.. but from my perspective why put money into a game that isn't promoted, updated, constantly being expanded? Just seems like the game is stuck in a catch 22.. if only SoE would put a little bit into it VG could still be a good game. It would also do a lot to bring back people that are afraid VG is on life support... but as long as EQ is VGs main competitor... you know the answer. It is a shame because I loved VG when I used to play. It is one of the better mmo worlds out there.
Edit: Decided to get back on with the trial.. it's a lot more stable at least for me. First night back and of course there was an in game conversation about 'how long will this game last?' So just like I said.. if only SoE would give people something to show they are still behind this game people might be willing to spend money and give it another shot.
Already here so not returning but not leaving either
SOE doesn't invest much into VG, true, but its massive already so other than bug bashes it doesn't need dev time or it'll start droppping subs because of why they did in EQ1... too big too quick to keep up. What Sigil should have done is release just Thestra or Qualia, then the other as an expansion a full year later, then Kojan the following year. Advertise it as new zones, new races, pretty sure no area has a lock on a class though. Anyway, VG is huge, VG isn't polished and that approach would have made launching polished easier while getting around the whole no updates boo hoo thing.
My two cents. FYI EQ2 is also long overdue for server merge which I think they are running around doing to free up hardware for DCUO and Agency, SW:CWA that launch this fall.
People seem to forget one of the primary reasons the game was so bad at launch, the game was designed from the get go for what the designers thought computers would be capable of by the time the game was finished. Computers are just now catching up to what this game was designed for. Sure there is no denying that the game had problems and was launched to early but it has come a long way from it's launch state. And you still need a fairly decent machine to run this game at the higher settings.
But if you have recently upgraded your computer you may want to give it another go and turn on the higher settings to see the game as it was intended to be seen and played. What would it hurt for you to try it? It's got a free trial so other than the time it takes to download the game you have spent nothing and you may just find the game you have been looking for but overlooked because of others negative comments of which many have not played the game since launch.
To be honest I have been playing on and off presently back on again since launch. What keeps me coming back is the game reminds me of the original EQ. If you can see it you can go there. If you like to explore and see whats in that cave you can do it. You don't want to die because there is a penalty which makes you stay more on top of your game unlike other games where people die on purpose as an easy way to teleport back. You can't solo everything on your own so it brings back the need for grouping which brings back the social aspect that has been lost in the more recent MMORPG's. It has a good crafting system and Diplomacy is a game within the game and actually fun.
These are just opinions but again what do you have to lose by downloading and playing the free trial but a little bit of your time. And this is a good weekend for it since it's a holiday weekend here in the States so most of you will have an extra day off.
Problem is the good parts of the game are not rechable solo and the solo stuff is overly mind numbing. There are countless cool dungeons and epic quest lines that you cannot compelete solo and these are what make Vanguard awesome. Unless the population somehow doubles along with the merger, any immediate success won't last. You can't barely even do HL quests anymore unless you stand around spamming chat all day and get fairly lucky.
I've been planning on winning the lottery and funding this game .. but the odds are not good :{
One big problem I see is the Isle itself. While it might have generated some initial interest, those that sub don't seem to last long because the game is nothing like the island. You can't go do crafting quests or diplo quests because there are what? 40 of them in the entire game .. so you go solo is veskals for a while .. die a bunch in the spider cave as you are getting used to the mechanics and run into 2 other ppl your level that are online for more than 5 minutes .. then you get to spend the next 30 hours trying to find the few quests you can solo when most of the 20+ level stuff is geared more towards grouping, and the stuff you do find is pretty boring.
I love this game to death .. but the real Vanguard died a while ago now. All that's left is mind-numbing grinding to endgame.
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already
wait! what? there is a server merge?
See this is one thing which also lets SOE down. Every MMO i've bought I get emails telling me about whats going on, free re-activations, offers, new updates...
but from SOE I get nothing!
guys, just want to take a moment here
do you think because of the server merg is it the right time now? for a new player to try and join the VG bandwagon here?
i mean, i read so much about VG and all the plus and minus ( notably the launch )
and yes i have not been playing any MMO since WOTLK dissapoint me so much ( was gonna play EvE, but doesnt suit me at all, it has a good touch and all, but space is just not my thing )
VG have been always in my radar, the only reason stopping me is because i feel that the game have been out for 3 years, and that the population is decreasing
and because of this server merge, now VG is currently on my top list to play ( at least until GW2 which is also supposedly to be my finale MMO )
or even if i find VG so good i might just stick with VG for longer time
i need a suggestion!
because i have $30 sitting idle on Steam, and i guess ill just spend it on VG if this game is still fun to play
So What Now?
I'm not so sure mate.
Yes, population being the main problem and might be better after the merge.
But ive just gone and spent about an hour catching up on posts on the forum, and to be honest. Its more than just population, its not even the game!
Its just the fact that the devs and SOE attitude is one of apathy, they clearly dont care anymore there is still lots of work that needs to be done.
They appear to have just piled up on near infinate amounts of grinding, to artificially fatten the game.
I dont think I want to spend anymore time on Vanguard now until SOE makes a significant effort with the product. After this merger I feel it will shortly Die.
I have fond memories of VG, Rest in peace.
is it really that bad?
as far as i know, Vanguard offers little more to Adventuring, Crafting, and Diplomacy rather than a grinding gameplay ( or maybe i am hugely mistaken with this information )
in which i have no idea how that diplomacy thing works
also the word "diplomacy" concerns me a little here, as a new player to join a game that have a diplomacy for more than 3 years running, im not sure if it'll be easy enough for the learning curve of the whole history of the diplomacy that is currently in the game?
some part of me really want to try out VG, as i have always adored the Non Instancing world as well as the open world player housing
but on the other hand, i fear for the learning curve that i missed behind for a good 3 years, and if the game happen to suck so bad, oh well, a $20 isnt that much of a loss too
but i dont know...
, i need more insight of this game from the vets here
So What Now?
It is still a grind, there isn't any added touch to adventuring or crafting that other games haven't done and done better. Travel times are long and annoying, the game is just generally all around not fun.
The "diplomacy" is just a card game that you play with NPCs. If enough NPCs are swayed in one direction in an area then everyone in that area gets a buff. There is no learning curve and unless they improved things it is a piece of cake to beat the NPCs at the card game every single time. Also unless they changed things, it is easily possible for just one person to move enough NPCs in a town to get everyone a buff. I used to sit there and do that because it was more interesting then everything else in game, which should tell you something because it meant beating the same NPCs at the same card game over and over and over and over.
Spend $0 on a free two week trial of Asheron's Call instead. That will allow you to try out a game that is focused on fun. You can travel around the massive world very quickly due to portals (they just revamped the portal system to make it more direct and less confusing). You get to hop in and just watch your guy keep leveling left and right as there are 275 levels and the first 50 go through quick. The next 50 go through almost as quick. It is a blast to watch a brand new character start getting stronger, faster, better looking armor, and the XP just flowing in. But that is just my personal opinion, I'd rather play a game that the devs take an active role in and are putting a lot of effort into improving, then one that had tons of issues from the start and always got ignored.
lol i thought the diplomacy of being like a "guild diplomacy kinda thing"
oh well here's the main point i would like to know before i further make my decision
- is the group content still alive for most of the low level part / for beginners? or it will be like a FFXI where finding a single group could take about half to an hour
- how is the economy? does new player stand a chance to play in the market?
- which server have the better known community and population? (excluding Sartok)
that's all for now
So What Now?
Dont get me wrong, your money would be well spent! You will love it and with more players about there is no doubt you will come away thinking it is the best RPG MMO thats could have ever existed.
But then the depression will sink in as your hit by the cold reality that it will never be anymore than what it currently is.
Your ideas, your thoughts, suggestions, complaints, experiences... will not be read, acknowledged or acted upon, at all.
ok ill take the chances, because there isn't any game out there currently interest me more than VG that i have lurk since 2008, and i just need a MMO to kill my time until GW2
i know, probably im way too late to jump into the game to enjoy the golden years of this game ( is there even one? lol =P )
but yeah, $20 wouldnt hurt if it turns out to be bad, and with the server merge, all i can is hope that the population can bring the community back alive ( because a good community is what i heard about this game, so it's a plus for me )
one can only hope
and my question still stands
- is the group content still alive for most of the low level part / for beginners? or it will be like a FFXI where finding a single group could take about half to an hour
- how is the economy? does new player stand a chance to play in the market?
- which server have the better known community and population? (excluding Sartok)
that's all for now
So What Now?
Not sure about the first questions but don't worry about the server since it will all merge into one big server this week.
I just came back so can't say much on the economy or grouping maybe someone else can.
The game is caught in a loop. If more people subbed, Sony would probably relook at this game, but then if Sony would put more commitment into it more people would resub. It is a fun game if you want something to keep you occupied for a while. The community is also one of the best. I'm enjoying it while I can because for me everything else out there is the same.
Welcome to VG and good hunting.
I wouldn't dirty my hard drive ever again with this game...
see, everyone hates soe!
Yes, everyone hates SOE.
Do you know why ?.....Most can't put their finger on it......Most don't know......... WELL, I KNOW WHY :
SOE uses a different business tactic to make profit than any other MMO.
1) Box sales of expansions, with the least amount of advertisement cost.
2) They let expansions do their advertisement.
3)They make all their expansions seem as if their games are new.
4) They don't care about retention of players. They save on server cost. ( who cares if they stay, just sell the box, and digital download.
What does this have to do with Vanguard ?
EVERYTHING, Vanguard is already a full game. They can't justify their expansion trick, with such a large game that most have never experienced .........So what do they do ?.....Nothing let it sit, and continue playing there trick's with EverQuest 2. and even EverQuest 1.
Want Proof......Count how many expansions they made for both EQ 1, and 2, and think how they re advertised both.
The would have to offer me a free 90 days worth of play to come back to this game now and even then I still think it would be a total waste of time.
I feel like it would only be a waste because the game is going down eventually. They never advertise, they don't update it ever. Waste of time if the characters are just going to be gone forever when it goes down soon.
I tried this game twice...don't think I have it in me for a third go.
heh, i can see that everyone have a bitter sweet memory of VG, oh well
regardless of that all, i pulled the trigger and purchased VG, maybe the best way is for me to try it on my own to judge
all in all, i think the server merge would at least bounce back the life in VG and i hope that'll occupy me until GW2 next year
still, their persistent non instanced world and open world housing is what interest me the most, i hope i still get to own a house before i even quit the game, ahahahah
So What Now?