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So I have been doing some reserch on Kinect for the Xbox 360 and I am blown away by what this intails for gamers. I believe its the future of gameing as we know it today. Anybody feel (like me) that it would be fun to put your personal skills to the test in an MMO? Further more wouldnt it be fun to slice and dice or cast a spell with it being more then just pushing a button? I truley feel that if microsoft put out an MMO for Kinect it would boom and they would definitely make thier money back.
If you think about it twice, you will be exhausted after 40 minutes of casting spells. Running a dungeon couldn't last more than 30 - 40 mins. Select the target, use your hand to cast the spell. Or... select the target, move your fictionary sword to attack the enemy, use your shield to make more agro... It sounds fun, but tiring.
In my personal opinion I play to relax. But I know some kind of games that are fun doing stupid stuff, say... eye toy for ps2 or ps3, but we are not talking about mmos, although... they sure are mutiplayer.
But like everything in about games, you dont know until you try.
yea I see your point and its a good argument indeed. Yet I still have high hopes for an MMO thats more then just pushing buttons and who knows maybe one day playing mmo's will be a great way to stay in shape. =P
Not everyone wants to jump on their chair and swing swords, especially PC players don't want to do that.
Kinetic is in the same category as "3D" stereo gaming. They have tried this a million times before in the past and only a small subset of the player base accepts it.
I beg to differ. I have heard a million times "if this were real skill I would of kicked your ass" . well with this they can do it in HD.
I get it though most gamers just wanna game rather then jump around and run in place for hours I just think it would be cool to have the option.
swing your arm a million times -> level up
swing your arm 2 million times -> level up
swing your arm 5 million times -> level up
break your arm
in other words....lets keep kinetic for genres that arent purely based on grind, mmmkay?
Imo kinect is going in the wrong direction. I want to be able to do MORE ingame by doing LESS in real life. I'm waiting for the in-brain microchip that lets you pew-pew with just a thought.
I think Yahtzee's E3 2010 video sums up the latest motion control gaming fad better than I ever could. People play games to relax... Not to jump around all over their living rooms. Especially PC gamers. If I wanted to get all sweaty playing a game I would go outside and play a real sport! LOL
Konnect + MMOs = greater probability for insurance claims and calls to the emergency services (heartattacks, electrocutions, etc)
Can you imagine whats going to happen when the Star Wars enthusiasts get the opportunity to use their fake lightsabers in a Konnect game?
Top 10 Most Misused Words in MMO's
Brenalel (sp?) beat me to it. I'm not interested in kinect mainly because I'm not a console gamer, but the way Yahtzee puts it, it seems obvious that motion controllers are a flash in the pan, or maybe have some limited use.
I play games when I want to relax, sitting at my desk with a bowl of cheetos and a beer. I'm not going to be hopping around my living room to play a game.
I can also roleplay the tower in a chess game and shout "is that a peasant at the horizon I see? I will smash it I will! Oh damn I broke one of my merlons!". -- maji
I'm mainly a PC gamer even though I have a 360, and I think it would be totally awesome to control my MMO character with my RL movements.
It still wouldn't be anything like swinging a real sword or something though, but it would be a step closer. Maybe they could simulate the weight of the sword somehow in the game.
I doubt any MMO will be made for kinnect though, sadly.
Considering how many hours people play, the fact that you must stand up while playing, lack of any way to perform many spells or do the numerous amount of browsing through the UI without any buttons, the amount of effort that would have to be put into making this, and many other things taken into consideration i simply don't see even a single player RPG to be released with kinect yet a MMO.
One of the worst ideas I could possibly imagine for the MMO genre... I mean seriously people complain about console controllers not having enough inputs and dumb the MMO experience down and you think a camera that monitors body movements would make for a fun in-depth experience?? Just stupid....
Interesting thought, but I think we are still years and years away from an MMO of the caliber. Kinect looks fun for a lot of the mini game type games that we saw at E3. But I seriously doubt it's usefullness in more mainstream games. Only time will tell. I applaud MS for taking it to the next level, but I don't think Kinect is that big of a step from the Wii. I question it's precision on movements as well.
Yes, I too applaud MS for desperately playing catchup with the Wii... lol
what is a real sport....and who told you this is the acceptable way of playing...erh doing your sport.
now do agree tho that video games is for what you cant do in however love the IDEA of the immersion part of OPs post, would have to be some really really awesome game tho, to get this and afew mio other lazy arses playing it ;
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.
~Albert Einstein
The Wii has been doing this for years. Look to the wii to see how a motion conyroll system could be applied to a MMO. then reduce the accuracy and remove the buttons to see how it applies to the Kinect system.
Dont get me wrong tho its great to see the big consoles finally seeing $ence and copying the Wii's 'Gimmaky' controller that they said would never catch on
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
There is this mythical and wonderous place called 'Outside' where you can do stuff that is so realistic it's almost scary. You can play Football, Baseball, Soccer and many other 'sports' without any need for a controller, mouse or keyboard! Your body movements are wonderously transferred into actual game commands without any hardware what-so-ever!!! You really should try it sometime as it really is quite enjoyable although you may need to make some actual friends to make it work properly. Hey, if your any good it can also lead to actual human mating practices if you impress the right female.
Lucky you, perhaps you live in a place where Outside doesn't hit 95 degrees before noon (sun AoE, got to go back inside now before I suffer a heatstroke crit), where the air quality is good (damn smog DoTs), and where frolicking about in the park won't get you mugged or killed (real life pvp, hooray!). Not everyone has access to your kind of Outside. And even those who do might prefer to get their exercise inside, at least sometimes. Are you saying there's something wrong with that?
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.
~Albert Einstein
....What? That is one of the most asinine things I have ever read in my life.
Well by all means, go Outside, then. I do encourage you to play in traffic while you're there.
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.
~Albert Einstein
So in conclusion some people would try it and most people wouldnt, But I believe that if the game actually came out most of you guys would at least give it a try =D. thanx for the feed back...except for that guy who kept on saying stupid.
I can't believe some of the counter arguments are "its too tiring"
You freaking lazy ass. get off your butt and have fun. Plus, that puts a distinction into a better player. A more fit person would be able to grind more, kill more, and be a bettter player. It would really make you a unique character. For you lazy butts, i'm sure they'll allow your character to be even more badass than you actually are, so you'll have a superhero rush thing going.
I think a KINECT mmo would be AMAZING and I wish someone makes it soon!