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I wanted to know what pre req's do you need to complete to start flying in space and fighting ect? Realistically if iwant to be an imperial pilot how long should it take me to do that from scratch? Also how much money willl i need to save to get my first basic tie fighter? Any info about space in JLS would be appreciated.
Ya I would really like to know more about the whole space environment as well, I really want to join SWG again, but I would really like to spend as much time as possible in space. So here are my questions about it if someone would be so kind to share their knowledge:
1. Can you be a pilot as soon as you start a charachter?
2. Is is possible to make enough money in space to not have to hunt on the ground?
3. What exactly is dieing like in space? Do you lose your ship totally? Or will it just need to be repaired?
4. Do you make enough money from space combat to support buying things on the groud? (speeders, houses, ect.) Or is your money making potential limited in space?
Thanks in advance.
---War Kills---
---Peace Lives---
Join the Imperial Navy!
Once a player begins Jump to Lightspeed, we want players to be able to get into the fun quick and easy and also to feel like they are being drawn into the Star Wars experience. The first thing that will happen to you is you will receive three email messages. As the various factions try to gain your favor, they will contact you within the first few moments of the game by sending you a message. Each recruitment message is tailored to their presence in the galaxy and will give you a chance to scope out who's who.
just found this....... it seems you can start right away.
but im still not clear on how you get imperial ships? do you earn them and are given for free at first?
1. If you have Jump To Lightspeed yes.
2. Yes.
3. If you die in space your character takes wounds just like as if s/he died on the ground, your ship is returned to the nearest station and will be in need of repairs which you can have the station do for a nominal charge.
4. Yes you can make enough money to buy stuff on the ground from space combat. Stuff you loot in space can be sold to chassis dealers (NPCs) for decent money, occasionally you can find shipwrights (player characters who make ships) that will buy the stuff you loot for better money than the chassis dealer will.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
1. Can you be a pilot as soon as you start a charachter?
---> Yes. And you have a decent jump capable starter ship + 75 k money. Ship is good enough to kill easy enemies and collect loot which gives you more and better ship parts and lots of money from selling to NPC.
2. Is is possible to make enough money in space to not have to hunt on the ground?
--> Space loot selling has replaced solo groups as the number one cash earning method. And you dont have to get buffed to do it (not needing to find a doctor, not needing to find a player that buys your stuff - just sell it to the NPC chassis dealer). And with the increased inventory you can collect even more loot in one tour of duty in space (between start and landing). You can even repair in space at a station if you want.
3. What exactly is dieing like in space? Do you lose your ship totally? Or will it just need to be repaired?
--> You always keep your ship chassis. Components get damaged .. repair them in space for a fee or on the ground with repair kits. You get wounds ... become a Tera Kasi and you can easily meditate these wounds away on your own. Or novice medic.
4. Do you make enough money from space combat to support buying things on the groud? (speeders, houses, ect.) Or is your money making potential limited in space?
--> You can easily earn a lot of money in space for everything you will ever need. But dont sell ALL loot. Check the stats of the components and keep the good stuff. Bring it to a shipwright , together with other similiar stuff, and he can reverse engineer some pretty HOT items for you out of the components you bring him (Best stats of each component COMBINED plus a 1-10 % increase over these 10 stats ... so start dreaming about that Level 10 engine made out of 10 Level 10 engines .. with the best stats of all these 10 engines combined into one engine .. and THEN made better by + 10 % ... /drool )
Have fun
What i also wanted to know was if your walking around in your ship, or if you cant walk, does your ship make any sounds/alerts when enemy crafts are in the vacinity. If your in a larger vessel with some friends and your all talking then all the sudden a squad of fighters start closing in on you, will your ship send out a warning of danger ect... or the same senario with asteriod fields ect. Is there a degree of ship intelligence, or driod intel (rebel).
No proximity alarms. You dont need one .. just park at a remote location and its 99 % probable that no one will disturb you. And in the well travelled regions your alarm would be chiming all the time anyway.
But you will know when the missiles and blasters start to hit your ship :-)
And the plasma leak alarm is something you cant easily ignore. The plasma fire burning your skin might also give you a hint :-)
Have fun