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Rofl, I laugh everytime I see this video.. For those who havent seen it. Supposably been on MTV, CNN, and other News shows..
haha this is great. this definantly made my night and possibly my week. I like when it starts to get good (louder) and initially starts to dance. What song is that anyways? Heard it alot recently...
edit -- nevermind, found it. Its by "O-Zone." I'm in love with this song now...
party pooper.
well then...what was your initial reaction to this then?
Im still laughing from it, and the funny thing is, this kid in one of my classes looks exactly like him, just not as fat.. We tried to pay him to do it, lol
The fat kid is really singing:
Martha got
pwned in jail
now send her
ass back there!
I heard that he was glad she was out of jail lol..
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Haha, he was doing it for his friends, and then you see what happened
What lanuage is that? Dutch?
adds this to the dannicing rodent, all your base, starwars kid and so forth list
If your down in the dumps or just having a bad day, I think this video can make your day.
i love that kid.
thought the song was called Numa Numa... i guess thats my bad!
I Thought the song was called numa numa also... Oh well
yea this video was HUGE when it first came out...
I would hear people both at school and on xbl singing numa numa, haha
You're both right. Look
Haha, then click look at "Other versions."
Edit - Wow, I never knew there was that much publicity when this thing came out. I looked at a recorded Today Show and alot of the show was regarding him. haha...
Yeah, I guess we were all right I thought he was on TV, wasnt sure though.. I was right bout that also I guess Well, Ive got to get going, later